C&CC closing sites
It was a bit tongue in cheek, but lots of organisations are now setting up contingency plans to get them through difficult staffing periods. Certainly worth exploring having a regional team in each area to help out.
A good recruitment and training section could look at the logistics, training required, working conditions, remuneration, set a budget. Put in certain requirements such as being able to commit to a couple of days per month (paid) to keep skills up to date and relevant. Even if it means such a SWAT team going in at short notice, maybe having to shut down certain parts of Site (eg close loo blocks all except Disabled, or only run one set of facilities on a big Site) anything surely is preferable to closing down a whole Site, and not delivering on promises to Members. Too many disappointments, and customers vote with their wheels.
The Club can afford to pay premium work rates for such short term commitment. It’s a choice between paying a bit more out, or losing a lot more long term. Such conditions might suit a few existing Site staff, happy to move around, take on a challenge. My BIL did something similar for Fire Service, they needed his skills, he got a lot more pay. Worked out very well for his final year.🤷♀️
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That is where it seems one of the big problems arises, ,there is what is called "site support" who are a team of experianced site staff ,who are, when there is enough of them ?,to go into sites a short notice. to cover ,
By conversations I have had, the club are having to ask the staff who cover time of relief on one couple sites to assist with site support staffing
,I would not want to be in HR at this time trying to arrange staff cover for sites
I know several and ,when we were out for lunch with a couple ,they were saying there was hardly a day went by that the round Robin request for staff to cover sites ,was not received on a text , and it could have been from the far corners of the network, and distance to travel was a problem even if the journey took several days
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I don't think TDA suggested it was at all. But there are considerable advantages in seeing and understanding how the job is actually done on site even if only for a short time rather from sitting far away planning things that might not work or be as effective.
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Sometimes it becomes a matter of prioritising. Should staff move out of HQ to keep a couple of sites ticking over to generate income to pay those same HQ staff, or should they sit in the office dealing with customer complaints about closed sites until no more customers exist?
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We were told some years ago that insurance and holidays were the big profit areas for the club and sites were there to generate the business from members
That was from an area manager as then, when we all met one lunch time when out with some warden friends who were off duty
We were all in the Black Bear in Moreton in Marsh
Club expenses came to the fore
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Who knows? Perhaps that’s the way to go🤷🏻♂️
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But more profit could mean more sites being bought and more refurbishments or more wardens?
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as Oddball would say, always with the negative waves
If it was to be done why travel far away? There must be few sites within distance of HQ?
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I was speaking to a site owner during the summer who was really quite stressed that he was finding it so much more difficult to get site staff during the summer months. I guess one of the problems is that, during the peak period, some employment is seasonal. Anyone who is after a job is more likely to want a full time/ all year round job, if they can get it...
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The idea was 'work experience' as suggested by TDA.
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That is not how the thread has developed
But then they already do "work experiance? "at Alderstead Heath site ,with accommodation supplied ,,if there are enough real site staff staff to keep it going
closes soon because of shortage of staff until Jan?
Short distance from EGH
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Crikey, how did so many miss that this suggestion was tongue in cheek! And I actually said it was in my follow up post that outlined a different scenario. 🤷♀️😂
It’s feasible at certain times, to get a good all round feel for another part of the business, but not during an emergency situation. Folks have to be given the proper role training around what’s required at the least.
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It is if you head off abroad every year. Some wouldn’t care a fig if UK Sites closed.
I ask myself which is the more unique provision, nice Sites, much loved by UK holidaymakers, or holiday insurance, which dozens of firms provide🤷♀️
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Good points 👍🏻
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That’s a very polarised view, in reality most of us enjoy both - why would folks pay membership fees and ignore the UK offer? The Club will make up its own mind about business priorities.
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You are on my wavelength Tinny. What comes first, the chicken (Club Sites) or the Egg (flogging insurance). 😂
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I was responding to some of the polarised views SB😉
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Whether we like it or not, be it holidays, buying on credit, buying white goods or whatever, flogging related insurance makes the world go round. For many businesses it’s a huge potential revenue stream, in many cases more profitable than their core business. Ignore it at your peril.
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Unlike some, I very much see the chicken (sites) as the core business. The eggs (Insurance etc) may help balance the books but the club/business would cease to exist if it didn’t provide pitches. It’s surely CAMC's raison d’etre.
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Well you’d be wrong because about 35% of revenue in 2020 is financial and travel services and Club sites account for 43% - not much in it. The Club would cease to exist if either dried up.
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But I did. It’s the only insurance cover I know where you have to pay £54 to get access. I don’t doubt that for some it’s a good product, but it’s an add on service, hopefully bulking up the company profits to pay for extras at the Sites. Such as emergency staff cover....😁
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It’s a darn sight more % than the Brexit vote😂
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I beg to differ but it is a clash of opinions, that’s all, not fact and not a matter of right or wrong in this is hypothetical situation.
However, without its core business, there would be nothing to attract people to the club and the 300k x £54 would vanish as a membership fee would be inappropriate. Conversely, without its insurance and travel service, people would still use camp sites. The 300k x £54 might well reduce but there would still be a strong membership….in my view.