White peg position
"...having recently used an affiliate site, upon asking as to parking to the missing peg, the chap showing my my pitch burst out laughing and said…
‘You’re here to enjoy yourself, pitch anyway you like’..."
Come off it, Harry - that never actually happened, did it?
(But I don't blame you for using a bit of poetic licence to back up your argument!
But I'm a bit confused by your criticism of the club's 6m rule - are you saying folk should be allowed to pitch closer than that? I thought the general concensus was that more space between units was desirable, not less. I keep reading complaints about the club squeezing every inch of soil to provide as many pitches as possible ("packed in like sardines" if I remember correctly!)
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Apart from rather in-appropriate reference at this time of year Harry, that is really irrelevant. Other sites and their insurers can decide what the risk is and what is their way of reducing that risk.
The club has chosen to follow various guidelines from authorities such as the Fire Services and decided that the 6/3 m rule is the one the the club will follow. That is really the end of it. I can't see the club opting to ignore 'official' advice, and it hasn't on the new builds recently.
If one chooses to use a club site, and it is voluntary remember, then one abides by the current system. And yes sadly there have been fires on club sites.
But if you or anyone feels that they don't like the system, want to be closer together on pitches then find a site to suit your tastes?
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Makes me wonder if he has ever stayed on a CAMC or an Affiliated site M. I’m unsure why anyone would advocate a spacing of less than 6 metres, that’s plenty close enough. As you mention it is more normal on CT for the CC to be accused of cramming too many vans in. Perhaps it’s just that Harry wants to pitch any which way round and even have adjoining awnings.
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Wind ups and joking aside and I don't want to be completely negative but I have unfortunately witnessed a caravan fire, a scary experience that's I'll say and one I never want to witness again.
I also have photo evidence of an early hours motorhome fire (brand new caused by an electrical fault) at one of our sites. The couple escaped in just their nightwear and lost everything, van burnt to chassis in 5 minutes. Even with 6 meter spacing the radiated heat damaged the adjoining outfits. Again, scary. On all our sites our risk assessment dictates 6 meter spacing between facing walls of outfits, if it was my own personal site it would be double at least.
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And yet, Germany with its extremely high fire safety standards has no such ‘6m rule’ on its 9,000 campsites with many millions of campers. Neither does most of the developed world.
can you show me any evidence Continental campsites are more dangerous and fireswept?
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A similar thing happened at Stewart Longtons dealership at Bolton le Sands in 2008.
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Still no sign of a 6m spacing at that dealership…. A chap might assume it’s not actually of any relevance to that fire.
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Vans pitched and in use with human beings on board and gas/electricity in use and you compare them with empty vans stored in a dealer's yard.
You must be really bored tonight.😟
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Why oh why can’t folk just accept that the peg and it’s position is just a guide to get pitching ‘right’. Right of course means for safety, for comfort and for some degree of that feeling of personal space many of us desire. Get it wrong or apply a free for all results in issues, disappointment and disgruntlement. Am I alone in witnessing several members of our society, particularly at the present moment, who, for a whole host of reasons, need rules and guidance to help not only themselves but also the rest of us. Like the site maps we are handed out at arrival illustrates, pitch as described or ask for guidance if another configuration you wish is possible. What is the problem with asking unless of course some just don’t like to do or ‘hear’ what they don’t want to hear.
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And yet, on a recent peg free zone site week, lots of people randomly parked, left side, right side, nose in, nose out, across the pitch and…
No was was put out, no one was inconvenienced, everyone was happy. Even people proudly displaying their caravan club sticker happily joined in the random pitching free for all, freed from the tyranny of the peg.
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I am at loss to know what you want in all these postings Harry? First I thought it was something to do with fire spacing and now you sound like a 'freedom fighter'
If you feel that you personally are under the tyranny of the peg then the answer is very simple don't use club sites?
No was was put out, no one was inconvenienced, everyone was happy.
So are you saying that club sites users are any less/more put out, any less/more inconvenienced or not as happy? Would they be happier without the tyranny of the peg?
Are you campaigning for those poor unfortunate souls who (voluntarily remember) go to club sites and live under the tyranny of the peg? I wonder why they put themselves through such tyranny in such large numbers and even pay for the privilege?
Is your slogan - LV users of the club revolt, you have nothing to lose but your pegs!
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You’ve never known tyranny if having to park to a peg is your idea of tyranny🤣🤣. The graveyards are full of folk who thought Health & Safety was for idiots but not for them☹️
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We use club sites, but not exclusively. The fact that we have to park to one side of a peg doesn't get me worked up in the slightest; why should it? I'm on holiday, and there to enjoy myself, not let something as insignificant as that get in the way. It's how it works on club sites, no member (or non-member for that matter) is obliged to stay on club sites, so if that arrangement doesn't suit, the answer is very obvious. I can't understand why it seems to be such an issue.
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Please let me know where this free for all site is and then I and others can give it a wide berth. That utopia you describe calls for that wonderful attribute consideration and I’m afraid some sadly lack this. I’ve witnessed those who tip up on sites and choose to pitch however they like with their paraphernalia placed all over the place with windbreaks and barriers staking claim to land ownership all achieved with a total disregard for safety and personal comfort of neighbours. These folk, the inconsiderate although few in number, really do exist and do pitch amongst us! Do you not realise that if you ask the site staff they will help where they can with alternative pitching if it is possible. After all, it’s the staff who will have to sort it all out when it ends in tears. Not a pleasant task and very stressful I’d bet.
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If that’s the case you and echo have wasted a lot of time and effort in attempted dialogue with him in this thread. I think he’s just misunderstood 😎
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You seem rather fearful of being in any proximity to other people.
It’s mean to be be going on holiday, not an exercise in precision formation caravan parking.
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They are very easily distressed. Place an upturned bucket over the sacred peg and watch the resultant curtain twitching and sly walk byes to see if the pegs been KIA or removed.
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Not in the slightest, the vast majority are brilliant but this old saying resonates.
“Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools but trouble ensues when fools consider themselves wise men and wise men act as fools!”
Now which category does Harry fit in! I think I know!🤪
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And yet…..
some years ago on a CC Site, I asked the warden if I could park off the peg for ease of access and a better view. I was on a single pitch in a quite corner, on its own, the site about half full. He said no problem, so I was peg, space, caravan, car.
Within an hour two busybodies took it upon themselves to go to the Warden and report my ‘rule breaking’.Now they clearly weren't driven by fear of a fiery apocalypse, the nearest pitches were across the road, and they were empty, so why do you think these two self appointed peg monitors felt the need to go complain to the warden?