Fuel Cut Off Switch - Ducato

On a recent trip in the MH we hit a really pothole with a loud bang! I assumed a tyre had blown and stopped straight away. Then noticed the hazard warning lights had come on the dashboard was telling me that the fuel had cut off, engine had been stopped and wouldn't restart...... There was also a wee bit of diesel on the road under the engine, but the tyres were fine.
We were now blocking a remote single track road and after a while vehicles were stopped behind and in front of us - sufficient numbers to push us back into a passing place!
Luckily had the Fiat manual with us - apparantly the vehicle has an inertia switch which shuts off the fuel pump after a jolt, the manual shiowed how to push the button on the top to reset it - however the diagram of where it was showed a LHD and isn't very clear - so after half an hour in the front footwell with a torch - we eventually found it - in the back of the passenger footwell mostly hidden behind the trim - you could just see the edge of the top of the switch. Once pressed and key taken out of ignition and replaced the engine restarted - the pump must have dumped a wee bit of diesel when it switched off. Engine management light took about 50 miles to reset itself.
So to other Ducato owners out there - it is worth finding out where this switch is to avoid having to call out help which might not be needed!
A driver with the common sense to check the handbook! We're becoming a rare breed😀.
What age is your Ducato, LL, as they have changed a fair bit over the years?
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I cannot imagine why they would need to be controlled by the crank sensor, other than to inhibit the electric fuel unless the engine is running? Mine does likewise - pump runs when the ignition is turned on, but only runs for a few seconds - then times out/off if engine is not started.
The inertia switch, is there to cut the fuel pump off (and switch hazards on), if the switch detects a sudden impact (a crash).