Peg position

Why can't the peg be in the corner of a pitch? Therefore it's caravan, awning your own car! I'd rather have my car by my awning than next doors car!
Also as a motorhome user, I could park and have plenty of room for my awning instead of wasting 2 or more metres of space where a caravan user would put there car ?????
Ah.... the annual peg positioning debate........ Lots of new Members joined this last year, should be an interesting topic.
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It all depends, will debate be confined to the actual peg positioning on Club Sites, or will we require international comparisons, differing opinions from van owners v MH owners, reminiscences of how it used to be, technical input from those who travel with a tape measure, and not forgetting input fromthe health and safety specialists😁
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Oh to be on a continental campsite. You get your pitch and you can park how you like. My preference is where possible to park across the pitch. I have been on several C&MC sites where on some pitches this would be possible but there is no flexibility.
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QED TDA within a few minutes
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I'm a little confused? the OP opens with where he would prefer to have a caravan, car and awning but then says he has a MH?
Perhaps I'm not reading it right? Dave - do you want MH, awning then your car?
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You forget about units with their door on the offside and the fact that we are allowed to pitch either nose in or rear in. Both these cases would leave no room for any awning or car on the peg side.
Is that it, can we go now?😀
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You are reading it right which might explain why the OP hasn’t considered living with his car up against his awning window. I think they have a PVC.
Anyway, I hope the OP enjoys the hobby.
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The club rules and guidance do suggest that if we wish to pitch differently to the diagram that we ask the staff what is possible. Clearly fire breaks are the determining factor. If we pitch to the peg then no problem regardless of the configuration of our units. Just don’t guess without asking mind as you just may get it wrong and be spending holiday time taking down and setting up again, this time correctly.
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I can’t help thinking it would be great if the Club had a “no peg at all week”. Things would probably go ok on a Site with hardstandings, but oh the fun on an all grass pitch site. It would be winding handles at Dawn🤣
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Don’t think even hard standing pitches would go okay. Don’t forget those 6 and 3 metres which some don’t understand and, on some hard standings some of the gravel constitutes the fire break as the grass fingers are nonexistent or very narrow. That’s when the peg guides us correctly!
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I'm guilty of getting the ache on this one. Wouldn't it just be grand if we had the 6m fire break between hard standings then we could pitch how we like as long as everything was on that bit of gravel. No thought process needed, no arguments, great.
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In one way yes perfect, but then that would significantly decrease the number of pitches on a site, so less income, even more threads about not getting a pitch, so perhaps not so grand after all?
Would you then start to use club sites within this spacing?
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Tell me about it🤷♀️ We were on tarmac apron at Warwick Racecourse one time, correct corner up to correct peg. Over a 1 metre wide hedge, was another outfit, bang up to their correct peg with their correct corner. We could have passed things to each other over the hedge out of the window. I think the hedge was magic though, somehow fire retardant. Needless to say, we parked another couple of metres out from hedge! At least in a small outfit we had the option.
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Hope the heat isn't getting to you too much and you're probably suffering TdF withdrawl symptons.
I think that it might be time to get out and mingle a bit more don't you?😂
Maybe visit a lovely Garden or two? Meet up with some friends?
Good luck😂
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11 years ago when we were in training the then wardens of the site we worked had a pitch how you like attitude on an all grass site! Quite often there were caravans with towing hitches inches apart and motorhomes parked Spain styley, across the back of the pitch with inches between them.
Many will state how they've camped over there for years like that with no issue, I too have done that on sites in Spain on the odd occasion but I like my space.
I have personally witnessed 3 outfit fires here and more scarily one in Spain where 4 outfits burned in very quick succession being parked close together. Not trying to scaremonger at all but our pitch to a marker guidance is there for a good reason.
As has been said above, if you'd like to pitch differently on a club site just have a chat with us, if it's possible we'll accommodate.
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I do think the club need to consider how they classify pitches. We are currently on a HS service pitch with awning. The peg position is such that it would be impossible to get even a smart car to the left side of our MH. We have plenty of room on the right for our wind out awning. However, it would be totally insufficient for a full awning and a car.
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I don’t doubt for one moment the Club takes fire safety very seriously, so it’s a case of you join, you abide by the designated pitching rules. Part of the issue is some of the Sites being very old, and of course, operating with its business hat on, the Club wants as many outfits on site as possible.
We love our space, so for us, it’s a different type of Site in the Summer, but happy to be on quiet Club Sites in Winter. (If the price suits😉)
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TdeF withdrawal indeed😁Someone phoned just as Cav crossed the line last night😂 We might mingle later in the week, but I doubt parking to the peg will be mentioned🤣
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there is/was a fire retardant hedge at Morton in Marsh too. A few years back we were pitched on one of their grass pitches and if we'd actually pitched exactly to the peg we would have been all but opposite the end of a unit on the other side of the hedge. It the end of a row so pitching further from the peg didn't put us closer to another unit. A warden in training even mentioned the proximity to the other unit, but the 'proper' warden just shrugged his shoulders.
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We noticed that on the CCC sites you park to the back left corner if reversing in a with british van or you go in front ways but to the right rear corner.
This allows you to put up your awning/canopy still on the gravel, cars go on the grass or across the front of the pitch.
It seems to work fine on most sites we've been on.
I must say that we have had the magic hedge on a few pitches, however not in this country usually France. We tend to park in the middle of the pitch now over there as they do like to pitch right next to a hedge.
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Sorry.... But you forgot the waffle merchants & that very special breed of club member 🤔 that insists that no club rules or regulations should ever include themselves.🙈🙉🙊🤭😋
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Only stopped on a few CCC sites so far, HS with an awning. We were told we could put it on the pitch any which way we liked, but everything must stay on the gravel, nothing on the grass. That was in a MH. As the weather wasn’t suitable for the wind out canopy we just put it towards the middle. A small camper van next to us put it crossways as they had a long drive away awning.
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Not witnessed a full blown fire but have seen photographic evidence, scary. Had a close call mind. Smelled burning just before turning in for the night. After very quickly isolating the supply I found a burnt out RCD in the Sargent distribution unit. My dealership told me that although not that common it is not unheard of and they put it down to road movements working loose the grub screws. They said I was lucky, I needed a whole new distribution unit as a result and that smell lingered for months. I have a friend who lost a caravan to fire whilst on site too I guess the odds do go up the more nights we spend per year in our units. By my reckoning JK has possibly spent over 4000 nights during those years quoted on sites, a lot more than most of us!
Lets not forget that the rules are there to prevent the worst happening. My guess is that they will!0