Difference between CMC and CCC Covit rules

youngalan Forum Participant Posts: 53
edited June 2021 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

We have just returned from a trip involving staying at two CMC sites and one CCC SITE.

At both CMC sites the service points were cleaned and sanitized at least twice a day and sanitizer dispensers at the service points. Numbers were restricted using the toilet facilities via the band system and receptions at  both, open.

At the CCC site  no cleaning or sanitization of service points no sanitizer dispensers at service points. No limit to the number using the facilities and reception closed.

Have  members experienced this at CCC sites ?


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited June 2021 #2

    As we mostly use our own facilities, which we were encouraged to do, it is  difficult to comment fully but I think you are right that there was no limit on those using facilities but there certainly was sanitizer available at the CDP. On the larger sites, some of the facilities are closed, I guess to limit the onerous task of cleaning everything. Reception was closed but their check in procedure is more streamlined than that of the C&MC and a visit to reception is not necessary unless in an emergency. The on site shop, associated with reception, was closed.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited June 2021 #3

    At the two C&CC sites we stopped at in Scotland, most of the facilities were open, although we mainly used our own. There was plenty of gel everywhere, water points, bins etc. Cleaning seemed similar to the CAMC, service points were certainly clean enough. The C&CC site we used in England also had most facilities open but no gel dispensers at service points. Again cleaning seemed the same as CAMC. I thought the contactless check in worked very well at all 3 sites. I considered the CDP better than the CAMC. The design was easier to use and a sink and soap was provided in the same area for hand washing.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited June 2021 #4

    We’ve just returned from stays at 2 CAMC sites, Hawes and Meathop.

    The check in system was different at each site.

    Arriving at Hawes, a warden met us outside the office, checked his list to confirm we had a booking, then asked us to find a pitch, set up then return to the office to pay. We checked in scanning the QR code.

    At Meathop, on arrival we queued outside the office, payed and were asked to fill in a paper track and trace form. When I casually mentioned that we’d used the QR code at Hawes, the warden was quite shocked and said they are not following the correct procedures there😱.

    Either way, it didn’t matter to us, and we enjoyed the trip and change of scenery. 🙂

  • DAVID100
    DAVID100 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited June 2021 #5

    Just returned from Cirencester club site. The wrist bands for the toilet Gents. Do not seem to be working as some people are not waiting for some one to come out if they are all gone and I also heard one bloke saying to another that they were only for the showers so you could go in if you only wanted the toilet. 

  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited June 2021 #6

    The question should be ,what is the difference between the CCMC and other sites,and that is simple the CCMC goes OTT compered to most others ,and use a band system that does not work in practice 


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited June 2021 #7

    At the CCC site no cleaning or sanitization of service points no sanitizer dispensers at service points.

    Just on this narrow point I would question was there a need beyond the daily cleaning regime? On the last CMC site we were on our pitch was almost opposite a service point. It was cleaned, at least daily, but I wasn't aware of multiple visits by the cleaning team. I appreciate it could have happened when we were off site. I think most of the evidence points to the virus being passed on by human contact not by surface. If you use the chemical toilet emptying point surely you are not going to rely on how clean it was or whether a quick splash of antiseptic gel as the only means of cleaning yourself after doing that job? There is always the option to use disposable gloves. I imagine both clubs have done a lot to minimise risk but we, as individuals, also have a responsibility to look after our own hygiene and perhaps shouldn't rely on others to do it for us?


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2021 #8

    I think the C&CC have made checking in very easy, all paid for on line, so just a check on the list as you arrive, QR check and handed any site details etc and off to a pitch. Facilities have been varied, plenty of hand sanitizers. 

    CAMC, have to enter reception to pay, fiddle around with QR codes and paper forms return with form and collect keys etc. Muddled up band systems seen in action but not used personally.

    Haven't seen huge numbers using facilities on any of the sites but have seen poor ventilation with doors and windows closed. Children playing in facilities on last CAMC site, Covid regs don't seem to apply to some families.

    Bring on some normal usage for all concerned!

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,580
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    edited June 2021 #9

    The C&CC sites we have used recently have been spotless as normal.  The facilities got their normal daily clean plus extras four times per day.  The commercial sites have all been just as good.  In all cases the system of asking the customer to behave sensibly and with consideration for others worked.  The only fault I found was a couple newbies who had no idea how to empty a cassette without covering the walls, floor and themselves, leaving the mess for the staff or other to clean up.   

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,755
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    edited June 2021 #10

    We stayed on a C&CC site recently in England; no sanitiser at service points, only outside ladies and gents.  No band system, but a notice saying "Only 6 people allowed in at any time".  All WC and shower cubicles open, but 2 sinks out of 4 in the communal area closed, as were 2 out of the 4 washing-up sinks.  

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited June 2021 #11


    Just my opinion but does it really matter what protocols each of the clubs make to ensure they are covid secure? We, the CAMC have had to meet a big list of criteria to be covid secure, it's been a job of work for sites and has overall been well received. Some may perceive it OTT but what price safety? There are selfish folk in all walks of life, including those who holiday in leisure vehicles who think certain measures don't apply or are over the top. Whether the systems work or not is down to the user. 

    No experience of the C&CC club sites or other commercials, I have no interest.



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2021 #12

    So far this year we have stayed on 5 C&CC sites and 3 CAMC sites.

    All but 1 C&CC have restricted use of san facs, some showers, toilets and sinks closed off a note on the door saying how many could be in at any given time. They also asked you to wear a mask in the facilities where possible.

    The 3 CAMC sites all worked the band system and all had some of the toilets, showers and hand sinks closed off. Masks were also to be worn.

    All sites had hand sanitisers at the facilities.

    We've also been on 5 CLs who have all provided hand gel at the relevant points.

    They all felt safe to me but it all depends on the other site users at the time. Some folk are very observant of the rules while some are more 'relaxed' 

    We've been on 1 private site facilities were closed.

  • AnnB
    AnnB Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited June 2021 #13

    Would be interesting to know how many (if any) cases of a member having to self isolate because of contact with someone who tested positive while/after staying on a site.

    I suspect that it would be very few.