The Most Useless Organisation
CAMH is beyond a joke. Friday, I organised Mayday Breakdown Cover for the new motorhome and added the car. It quoted a premium of £132 in the headline, so I clicked on 'Accept' and it then prompted a change of price to £157 because there is a £25 charge added to the bottom of the quote for the 2nd vehicle which I asked CAMH to cover as part of the quote. This is simply dishonest conduct.
Today, I tried to make a booking at Yellowcraigs but had a query on whether my 'First Night Free' Voucher would still be valid. Phoned the site, ansaphone 'we're not taking booking calls, use the website'. Problem with the website booking because it still lists the Caravan, despite my changing my profile to motorhome. Removed the Caravan and tried to add the Motorhome. Got as far as Burstner, and was unable to get beyond that because all the pre populated fields do not contain my model and there is no free text entry. Selecting 'Other' then causes a error and loses the motorhome dimensions and data.
Tried to complain by email to CAMH and there is no world beyond Microsoft Outlook. Why not give an email address so that Members who choose other email service Providers can correspond with a 'Club' that claims to offer Membership Benefits?
Cannot contact the Contact Centre because it's a Monday to Friday only operation. What an utter joke of dishonesty and incompetence in its operations.
I hope you see this Rowena and do something about it. Only9 months to wait until my membership expires and I can cancel.
Moderator Comment - As this discussion has turned into a demand that the OP returns to his thread to account for himself I think its time to draw a line under it.
I won't pretend the club is perfect as we all know it isn't.
I've had no trouble mailing the club using various email providers. I also resolved issues such as updating my outfit details via FAQ and Live Chat.
Have you given up on ringing the site? I would have persisted.
Your best course of action might be to ring head office in the morning as weekends are never the best time to try to do things. All told, there are ways around most things.👍
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I share some of your frustration Steve. What are quite simple operations with other organisations do occasionally seem difficult with Club. In this day and age, it really did ought to be a seven days a week easy contact with HQ. It’s systematic of such an organisation really, the “shop window” visitors welcome element is 24/7/365, but the office based element is in the main Mon-Fri, BHs not included.
Why Yellowcraig aren’t picking up the phone needs sorting. Not everything can go via the website. Appreciate Site offices aren’t staffed constantly, I would try again mid afternoon.
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You may have some legitimate grievances but there are some parts that I don't understand?
...because there is a £25 charge added to the bottom of the quote for the 2nd vehicle which I asked CAMH to cover as part of the quote. This is simply dishonest conduct.
So was the extra £25 clearly shown? before you paid it? If so I would say it is hardly dishonest? You asked for a price to cover the MH and car and got it?
...had a query on whether my 'First Night Free' Voucher would still be valid. Phoned the site, ansaphone 'we're not taking booking calls, use the website'
So there was an answerphone message? Did it say anything else if wanting to talk to a warden?
there is no world beyond Microsoft Outlook. Why not give an email address so that Members who choose other email service Providers
This is the most perplexing? An email address is just that and nothing to do with what email software you use, or at at least this is the case in my experience?
The trying to get your MH details on the system sounds annoying but it is, in my view, hardly critical? You can still use club sites.
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Steve March, I was puzzled by your third paragraph about being unable to e mail the Club. You can easily send a message to - although you won't get a personal reply until Monday.
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I realise it can get frustrating when you want information and can't get through immediately but if needed look at the useful links section at the bottom of the page. The "contact us" section is there with all the contact details for various CAMC depts, office hours are 9-5 weekdays. I think regarding site offices normally you just have to be persistent until someone is actually in the office or listening to messages but during Covid things have been running differently so more patience needed.
Just witnessed some poor guy outside a local supermarket cleaning trolleys and supervising customers going in. Big notice up saying "one shopper" at a time, customer being loudly abusive about wanting to go in with his wife.
Just an example of how exasperation can overtake any of us.
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When you buy Mayday don't get this direct from Green Flag. When ever I have had to renew or make amendments I have always rang direct?
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Oh for the perfect world some expect
and even more problems in these "strange times"
So did you contact Green Flag/Mayday call centre to query the price?
When phoning Yellowcraige did you listen to the message and then leave your number for them to contact you? When they were available , as all sites now do add cleaning/sanitising of all surfaces that members may contact
As for emailing the club never had a problem with any systems I have used
How does it go? It pays to talk
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Re email “mail to” links opening the wrong (unwanted) email programme.
There is advice out there - Search online for “how to change browser’s default programme” or similar wording. It used to annoy me that clicking on a link opened the latest standalone Outlook, rather than one I used.
Easy to do.
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I do think that any leisure based industry should be open at weekends and for a time in the evenings when potential customers who work during the day and week can contact them. The fact that the CAMC continue to ignore their customers in this regard is shameful.
As regards the other problems encountered then other posters have pointed out remedies for these
However if you really want to talk about "Useless Organisation" then try having a problem when you join Scottish Power energy company. I dealt with Insurance companies during my working life and solicitors and claims adjusters and general industry to try to get problems put right and none of them came close to the ineptitude of S.P. They are definitely the worst I have ever come across. They make the CAMC look positively customer friendly.
Count your blessings as every time I have actually got through to CAMC staff they have been helpful and generally friendly.
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Btw the answer to one of the OP's questions might be here:
Can I still use my Site Night Vouchers when the lockdown eases?
We have now extended the lifespan of the Site Night Vouchers issued to 31 December 2020 for a further 6 months to now expire on 30 June 2021.0 -
One is £105 per year, the other is £67.
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Steve March,
I think the title your post and some of your comments are unfair, especially about Mayday. In my opinion it is wrong to refer to it as "simply dishonest conduct".
If you had scrolled down the initial page you would have seen exactly what is covered for £132. It clearly states that you can add an extra vehicle for £25.
This is before you press the button to ask for a quote, let alone press accept. Of course you had to read the whole page to see what is provided.
How can this be considered dishonest conduct?
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As JVB has mentioned the difference is the enhancements that you get as a caravan/motorhome owner which are not available in normal Green Flag cover.
In terms of cost I paid £130 for my car and motorhome including Home Start with Mayday last November.
Whilst I can appreciate that the OP is getting the impression everything is conspiring against him I am not sure he is being entirely fair. However I do agree this business about changing outfit details should be fixed. What the Club don't seem to realise is that there are so many makes and models of motorhome out there that it is an almost impossible task to try and list them. It's a bit like painting the Forth Bridge by the time you think you have finished the list another dozen appear from no where! Far better to allow members to add their own details?
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Yes indeed. Mayday is a product developed years ago for Club members travelling with car and caravan and needing breakdown/ recovery for those two vehicles.
But many nowadays travel with a single motorhome and only need breakdown/ recovery insurance for that one vehicle - so people in that group may easily find suitable cover from other sources.
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They may but most 'ordinary' policies exclude vehicles over 3500kg and over a specified length so I very much doubt they will "easily" find it.
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The matching service is also a problem at times as not every model of the same car in the same year is shown,
When looking at pvc websites from manufacturers it is the same,
The lists are endless as now several "Makes" are under the same banner just different model numbers
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The issue with entering one's outfit details has been outstanding since at least last August when I had similar problems adding my current MoHo. As for communications, having eventually received a reply to my Email about the Sites Directory, it failed to answer the three questions raised. A follow up Email is, to date unanswered. I have today sent a chaser.
I fully sympathise with SM.
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Why do some seem to have problems with club communications?,I have only once had to send second email as a nudge before getting an adequate reply
Any phone calls are either sorted there and then or a promised answer return phone call has been received
And as posted, it seems with as many companies, remote working is not as successful as the head honchos would hope
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I have just done a pretend quote on MayDay for a motorhome and additional car. I can possibly see where the confusion comes from but dishonest, never. You are fully aware of the cost before you even put your personal details in let alone pay. Put in perspective your problems are tiny compared with the families of 140,000+ Covid victims.
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I doubt it. He seems to post for a while then vanish.