Covid..... What Covid 19, just Covid 19 idiots

compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
edited May 2021 in Club Membership #1

Just back from one of our local sites for a 3 day test to see that everything works as it should, ready for a 14 nighter to a lovely Cl North Norfolk in June.

We are both totally outraged by many of our fellow members that disregarded daily the site regulations regarding the covid 19 safety protections laid down at the Carsington site by the excellent wardens that go to great lengths to ensure the site is safe for every single one of its membership .

It wasn't just the one but the many. 

We  were on a pitch opposite the facilities block & the number of people entering & using the toilet areas with total disregard for wearing a mask inside, never mind stopping to use the hand gel sanitisation & wrist band control to show that a maximum of 6 people inside at anyone time.

Thank goodness we use our own caravan  end washroom, if this is how so called responsible people act when asked to perform simple instructions even a child of 5 could follow, the entire network should be shut down with immediate effect, because if it's happening on one site there will be others too. 



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #2
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  • ErnieJH
    ErnieJH Forum Participant Posts: 114
    edited May 2021 #4

    This is exactly what was happening when I was at Burford last September, the problem is that there is no real answer to the problem. Some people just think the rules don't apply to them, but you do meet them everywhere unfortunately.

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited May 2021 #5

    I can't help feeling that some members really don't give a flying fig for any safety precautions whatsoever. 

    I can only be glad that all our forthcoming bookings are at several cls, Cs & one C&CC site.

    CMC sites are definitely far too dangerous in the current climate . 


  • Unknown
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  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited May 2021 #7

    Sorry the club's future profit forecast/expectations  doesn't make some of this club's membership stupid & selfish individuals.... they are all self made. 

  • Dawn F
    Dawn F Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited May 2021 #8

    We went to Clumber Park for our first post lockdown trip and like you got a lovely pitch opposite the facilities block (ladies end) we like you were horrified to see people going in without face masks not using the sanitizer and not using the easy to follow band system!  Most it has to be said were younger people often with children in tow.  I think far too many people are thinking "I'm young enough not to be too bad if I get it"  Unfortunately they have no regard whatsoever for the older generation or those of us who have series concerns that if we were to catch it the outcome could be fatal.

    We have tried a CL for the first time and were so impressed that we are away again tomorrow to try another one.  I think for us this will be our future, avoiding the bigger sites and avoiding the facilities blocks as much as possible 

    Fingers crossed for a brighter future but I fear more lockdowns if people don't act responsibly 

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
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    edited May 2021 #9

    We are currently on large private site with a mix of most types of camping units from small modest tents to motor gin palaces and all age groups.  The facility blocks, sans showers, are open, as are the dish and clothes washing areas, also a large and well stocked shop.  So far everyone I have seen and met has almost regiously stuck to the guidance especially the younger ones when around the not so young.  I'm very impressed.  😷

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,499
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    edited May 2021 #10

    I agree with Mikey, income before safety. Was it really necessary to open the facility blocks, would it have really made that much difference to occupancy? The C&CC didn't and haven't yet opened their facilities, saving their site managers work and hassle and they don't seemed to have suffered that much as a result. Folk were still using their sites along with toilet tents if that was necessary.


  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited May 2021 #11

    Totally agree with you and one of many reasons I wouldn't go near a CAMC site at the moment, nor a pub or restaurant or indeed anywhere there's crowds. People do not give a monkeys anymore about others. The "I'm alright Jack" brigade moved into Club sites some years back (They can't even be bothered to reduce their speeds on sites either) and as long as they get their own way, everything is fine in their world. Following guidelines however, that's a different story! Selfish. Pure selfishness. The Indian strain will probably put us back in another lockdown anyway.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #12

    It is not just that site both sites we have and are now useing it is the same ,hooks outside empty ,but persons inside without masks(mens)not sure about ladies as not in view and OH is using c/van facilities, as not good walking any where without me, 

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
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    edited May 2021 #13

    Boris has decreed - No more lockdowns 👍🤭. Have faith 😂.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,862
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    edited May 2021 #14

    We've made the decision to use our own facilities at present, and so we haven't noticed the possible problems in the toilet blocks.  As far as I am concerned, everyone seemed very sensible 'outside' when we went to Grafham Water CAMC site the other week.  When we went to Conkers C&CC site over the MayDay BH, the toilet blocks were closed anyway, but there was at least one 'awning gathering' which appeared to me to be controvening advice.


  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited May 2021 #15

    I think that there is a wee bit of over egging of puddings going on in this thread.We have stayed at three CMC sites and one CCC site in the last ten days.I cannot say that I have seen members acting in the ways described.That is not to say that some have not done so.We have chosen not to use the facilities blocks ourselves but members on all three CMC sites did observe social distancing, as did the members on the CCC site, when out and about on the sites.

    Two sites were in England and two were in Wales.When we were out and about in the local towns we observed a marked difference in the way that the public behaved between England and Wales.Mask wearing and social distancing on the  streets is much more prevalent in Wales than in England.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,391
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    edited May 2021 #16

    The site where our static van is also takes tourers, lots of them, it hasn't opened its facility blocks yet and the site has been full of touring vans since it was able to open. Why the CAMC felt the need to open its toilet blocks yet is beyond me. I think it says a lot about the Clubs attitude 're safety and its profits though.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #17

    The variant from India , is it seems now taking off in Bedford and Aylesbury, with i understand ,the schools in those areas now having reversed the no masks required

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #18
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  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,766
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    edited May 2021 #19

    We are at present on a very nice CL and the owner couldn't be more diligent in laying on hand sanitisers at every point where members will use a common area including the gate to exit or enter the site.

    The owner saw Mrs WN opening the gate and use the sanitiser before touching it and after closing it and told her it was the first time he had seen anyone using them since he re-opened. It's an adult only site that is full and all members are in the retired category.

    Is it because they feel safe now that they've probably had their second jabs? I don't know but I do know we are the youngest on site.

    So demographics at this end point to only Retirees and the aged being negligent in the use of hand sanitisers at least.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,367
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    edited May 2021 #20

    Well it certainly made a difference at Culloden which is currently non facility due to problems with the block. Much reduced occupancy compared to other sites we have used with facilities open.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,618
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    edited May 2021 #21

    If the club had not opened it's toilets then no doubt there would be a host of threads also complaining about that.

    As always one is not forced to come to any place where one thinks there is a danger from anything. We are all grown up and as such we can individually make up our own minds as to coming to a club site in these times. Also one has the choice of using the toilet block or not.

    It is nothing to do with income before safety it is giving each of us the right to choose.

    Personally I'd like to think that club members have more social responsibility than others but sadly this isn't the case and you get people who think the rules do not apply to them in all areas of life.

    However as always if there is anything that you have concerns about on a club sitego and talk to the wardens, sorry site managers.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,716
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    edited May 2021 #22

    We have booked a 5 week tour starting mid June using several CAMC sites, booked a few months back.  We have been trying to book nearby CLs instead, but most are fully booked, out of 10 CAMC  sites we have only managed to substitute 3 CLs/ small sites.

    2 CAMC sites are no facilities, so that still leaves us 5 to possibly take a risk on!

    We will however be using our own excellent on board facilities as far as possible, so should be fine.   Just looking forward to a holiday, not been away since October 2019.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,716
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    edited May 2021 #23

    We also have a 3 week Scottish tour booked for August/September, for this we will us one CAMC site, one CL, and 3 CCC sites.   That is far enough in the future that everywhere is not booked up, unlike June/July.

    Depending on when our builders can come and do our bathroom project, we may also try for a week or two away in October

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,862
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    edited May 2021 #24

    Like us, it sounds like you've got it all sorted Kjell. 😃  We've got a 10 day summer caravan jaunt booked for Northumberland; around 4 weeks for Cornwall and the West Country (caravan), and a cottage booked for a week in the Outer Hebrides (Lewis & Harris).

    We've had a few days at Grafham Water CAMC site, a week at Conkers C&CC site over the MayDay weekend, and at some stage before Northumberland, we have Bridlington CAMC and Burrs CAMC booked.

    We'll use our own facilities and we have booked all serviced pitches so others won't bother us too much.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,061
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    edited May 2021 #25

    Best thing is not to pitch near a toilet block (which is an open invitation for someone to cut across your pitch)  and watching what goes on will only annoy you. Anyone who has had one or both vaccinations will be relatively safe and those that use their own facilities even more so. In the famous words of Kenneth Wolstenholme, they think its all over but we all know we have not quite gotten to the final whistle yet!!!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,862
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    edited May 2021 #26

    We don't usually get much of a choice, David, as serviced pitches are usually smaller in number.  Should we go out on a Sunday, we never leave home until at least midday....  After saying that, I can't recall having a particular problem with folk cutting through.  Maybe we've been lucky.


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2021 #27

    I've no idea of compass's personal circumstance re shielding etc but there are many people going to work in supermarkets where Joe Public have every reason going as to why they don't wear masks or don't observe any kind of social distancing, or, just going to work as before sharing toilets & rest areas as before. If he/she is that 'outraged' then perhaps home behind a locked door is the best place for him/her.

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,419
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    edited May 2021 #29

    I agree totally with the comments that some people just don't give a fig about being careful regarding covid hygiene but the same can also be said about some CLs.

    I have used five CLs since last September. Of these, two hand hand gel and sprays available at communal touch points, one had a sign only asking visitors to maintain social distances and two had absolutely nothing at all. The general hygiene awareness of one left a lot to be desired, the owner using the long fresh water filler hose for motorhomes  to wash out the chemical toilet disposal point on at least one occasion !!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #30
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  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,851
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    edited May 2021 #31

    I agree with DK. If watching other people on site annoys you, stop watching other people . Close your curtains.