Bailey Adamo 75-4I

Kmcm Forum Participant Posts: 9
edited April 2021 in Motorhomes #1


We have the above motorhome and need to double check  how we drain the grey water tank.  There is a handle on the end of a metal rod behind the rear drivers side wheel, is that the handle we use? 
As you can probably tell, we are new motorhomers! 




  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2021 #2

    Page 41 of your manual states:

    To drain the waste water tank move your vehicle to a waste water disposal point. Open the waste water drain tap (positioned behind the rear wheel of the vehicle) and allow the water to drain.

    A quick tip, download the manual onto your tablet. You can then carry it easily on your travels and use the search facility to find what you want. I have all my user manuals on my tablet.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited May 2021 #3

    Interesting that Bailey have introduced this on the Adamo range. I appreciate they are trying to copy Continental vans but I wonder if they appreciate that not all dump sites in the UK allow you to align so precisely over the dump point. Also it makes it impossible to empty other than at a dump point.


  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 379
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    edited May 2021 #4

    Hi Katy,

    You'll find that the handle just push & pulls, on drive over waste disposals just get your rear wheels past the drain for a reasonable alignment & pull the handle, it's quite a rapid discharge.....

    You may find you have to move your outfit a little until you get used to it.... but take your time, don't be rushed by any queues, everyone was new to this at some point...

    Mine is quite central, I have used a collapsible bucket to drain some out in situ (yes you have to get on your hands & knees) or if on a service pitch, I have adapted a bowl with a WC overflow waste & attached a washing/dishwasher waste pipe to run to service point & I leave the grey waste valve slightly open to control the flow.....

    Works for me.

  • Kmcm
    Kmcm Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2021 #5


    Thank you for your replies. We’ve just mucked about with the grey water. There is a cap that you have to crawl under the motorhome to remove then the water drains away very quickly when you pull open handle. However I think we may have a leak as there is a permanent drip from the tank whether the handle is open or closed. Also surely they wouldn’t design it so you have to go under your motorhome to remove the cap every time you need to drain the tank? Email to dealer coming up. Sigh. 

  • Kmcm
    Kmcm Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2021 #6

    This is with the handle pushed in. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited May 2021 #7


    Looking at the Bailey Motorhome Owners Facebook Group I don't think you are the only one having an issues with this system!

    Have a look at the thread a couple below yours on the Pilote grey waste and see Apperley's suggestion on using a flexible hose.


  • ScreenName9610B070E7
    ScreenName9610B070E7 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2021 #8

    Hi Katy, we are also new to motorhomes, never had a caravan and never camped, so green as grass here! We have the same model as yours and picked it up on Saturday 1st May 2021! How are you managing when you fill the fresh water tank up? We have had 2 floods so far, as there seems to be no overflow pipe on ours. The owners manual says there is an overflow pipe, the technician where we bought it from says there isn't any overflow on motorhomes, which i find strange and hard to believe! Baileys say there is one and we have read somewhere, but cant find the thread again that there is a design fault and they forgot to put holes for overflows in the tank.  It just runs from the top of the tank into the kitchen and lounge area! We have also managed to blow the fuse to the auxiliary switches as well! I just dont understand why they make 12 volt appliances that you cant plug in anywhere! Where and who has the auxiliary sockets that take a 12 volt, 150 watt hairdryer? Why do they make these appliances that you cant use!?? Plus I cant seem to find a Bailey Adamo 75 4i model to add it to my profile as yet and haven't decided what to do about it yet, hence it seems my screen name is random numbers lol Regards, Janet. P.S. my mind is scrambled with water and electric and this has never been a good combination lol

  • Unknown
    edited May 2021 #9
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    edited May 2021 #10
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    edited May 2021 #11
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  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited May 2021 #12

    Not a motorhome, but my Lunar had a MH type water tank. I flooded my caravan due to a great big split in the inspection lid. CAK Tanks Page 17 item No4

  • Kmcm
    Kmcm Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2021 #13

    Hi Janet

    Well we are now on our first site…we have water and electric! 

    I’m very sorry you had a flood, that’s horrible! Did you use the water fill setting on main control panel? We used it and watched the percentage go up. Bit nervous so stopped it at 70%! 😂 

    It’s a steep learning curve that’s for sure. Still think the grey water tank is leaking under the motorhome. Heading down to the dealership in June for a few ‘snagging’ issues. 

    We haven’t used any 3 pin plug items yet. To be honest we will likely use facilities on site where we can. Although we do have a microwave plugged in. 
    Hope your water issues get sorted soon  


  • Unknown
    edited May 2021 #14
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #15

    Janet when on sites there are two pieces of domestic equipment that cause more earth trips on site ehu bollards than any other,

    1  Electric  toasterssurprised

    2 Hair dryerssurprised

  • Unknown
    edited May 2021 #16
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  • ScreenName7A2268BEA5
    ScreenName7A2268BEA5 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited July 2021 #17

    Hi having same problem with grey waste  is there a fitment available to attach  a grey waste hose for the adamo  would save a lot of problems

  • davejames
    davejames Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2021 #18

    3 comments (based on 4 months in our Adamo 75-4i) 

    1) There is an overflow on my freshwater tank, but despite brimming the tank (with the blue screw cap on!) I couldn’t see an overflow stream under the van. So I traced all the pipe work and found that the overflow was discharging directly onto the metal chassis which diverted it into a series of droplets all over the place - so it was working, just! 

    2) The freshwater tank gauge is worse than useless, despite dealer attention, it fluctuates wildly regardless of the physical water in the tank. I have to check and refill by eye to avoid flooding or drought. Recalibration makes no difference. 

    3) The waste water pipe is large and excellent if over a grid (fast discharge) - but any ideas how to empty it into a container if on a pitch? 
    I am thinking of running some pipe work (same bore or via a reducer) to a tap at the side of the van to drain it off there. 
    Any brainwaves? 



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited July 2021 #19


    Did you know there was a Bailey Motorhome Owners Facebook group?  The issues you are encountering, certainly number 3, I seem to recall someone doing as you suggest. 

    I also seem to recall some fitting a third party tank gauge with its own display which they thought gave more reliable results.


  • davejames
    davejames Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2021 #20

    Thanks for the follow up - I have signed up to the FB group and am waiting to be “let in”!

    I have also emailed Prima/Bailey to see if they do any off the shelf solutions.

    Failing that, my brainwave is to fit a 28mm connector into the existing waste dust cap and run a standard hose off that into a tap and/or container. It may leak a little at the outlet but most waste will be collected.

    Only snag is that my dust cap seems to have fallen off somewhere so I am trying to buy a new one from Prima………I will revert with photos if it works.

  • Wg Cdr
    Wg Cdr Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2021 #21

    This waste water dumping scenario seems to be the proverbial PIA  !!

    All motor homes should have a simple suitable sized pipe (28mm), outlet design running from the lowest point of the tank to an external drain port which has a stainless steel 90 degree ball valve fitted by side of motor home frame work . when on site a suitable sized hose flex type or concertina type  could then be fitted to the (28mm), outlet port and fed to the service drain point on the pitch... Hence the valve is left open and waste water just drains directly and does not fill up the tank.. I have fitted one to my motor home and it serves well simple DIY stuff really... Or if needed you could get your service dealership technician to do it for you.

    Or if you do not use a full service pitch with drain then you would have to use motor home site service drain ... But surely it is not beyond the manufactures to design the above.... Just seems to be a cost driven thing they all seem to have.  OR complete lack of understanding what the end user has to to do when on site... 

    Hope the above helps spark some ideas for members and more importantly wakes up the manufactures accordingly..

    Good luck everyone and be safe out there.....