Line of Duty is Back

As full of acronyms as usual! Didn't understand what a chis was (Covert Human Intelligence Sources) Even in the first episode you can see a few opportunities opening up to either the truth or red herring territory!!! It must be difficult trying to keep such a high profile series fresh but as they say we await with interest.
It was good that they explained that!
After the last series, when I had the goody and baddy totally the wrong way around at the end of the first episode,but that is what is intended, will keep my guesses to myself.Must admit to wondering if it will be one of the main characters that bites the dust this time.
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I discovered something yesterday which I hadn't appreciated. On YouTube there are quite a few channels where the YouTuber analyses the new series. They have obviously watch all series and they speculate about who might be a baddy. If you have seen the first episode on the new series no need to worry about watching these reviews as nothing is given away but it does make you think a bit differently. I am sure Jed Mercurio will lead us up a few blind alleys during the course of the series! Apparently the character Detective Superintendent Ian Buckells was in series one but I think at a lower rank.
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I fleetingly saw a slightly disparaging comment in one of the papers, the Guardian I think, before I got around to watching it on catch up yesterday. Seemed pretty gripping to me.
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I have seen every series and, for a reason that I cannot put my finger on, something seems different.
Sundays interview scene seemed quite predictable, except that I thought it would be Kate that got stitched up, with Ted in particular seeming clichéd.
Of course this could all be deliberate, or just in my head but something is nagging at me.
I must admit that I do get irritated at dramas etc that are endlessly previewed as they seldom live up to the hype but I have been watching since the start so maybe its something else.
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Obviously there is someway to go in this series and Jed Mercurio is not beyond taking you up a blind alley so what we have seen so far might not be what we eventually see? It seems to suggest at the moment that Davidson is involved as an unwilling/willing partner of the criminal gang but is she also under cover? Only four more episodes to find out.
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FYI DavidKlyne there are 7 episodes on this series
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Hi PD, well, at least I know the answer to one question-it’s not just me!
As David says will likely take many twists and turns, just hope it lives up to what it has been in the past.
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I think one problem with it is that you have to be up to speed as to what happened in previous series. I mentioned up thread various review vlogs on YouTube and these people really watch every detail. Something that was explained, which I missed, was that Kate is suspicious of the young PC called Ryan. She knows him from somewhere and in one shot she is looking at him but what is easy to miss that on her screen she was checking his details. Likewise when Steve Arnott came into their office said Ryan was doing his best to hide his face from Steve because he was in a couple of previous series as a baddy and clearly still is!!! At least I have another 5 episodes to work it out
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Is PC Ryan the guy that murdered DS Corbett in the last series?
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It certainly moved up a level last night!!! However I am beginning to wonder if this might be the last series? Hastings seems to be under constant pressure so stop looking under stones and it seems his career in the police is going to come to an end fairly soon. But then perhaps we are being lead to think that way? The OCG seem to have no shortage of foot soldiers!!!
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If PC Ryan didn’t actually murder DS Corbett he was there.But just who is the blood relative,I wonder how many people kept rewinding and freeze framing to see the photo on that sheet of paper.
David yes it could be red herring that it’s the last series plus what you have said DS Arnott is facing drug charges and Hastings is not getting any assistance from his superiors.
I still do not trust the male police commissioner though.
Spoiler Alert the photo was of Jo Davison
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Another cliffhanger! Who has been shot, how many have been shot, is it the end of a well known character? The actual story line seems to be getting even more complicated and it's difficult to know who to trust, mind you that seems to be the idea of the story.
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Compelling viewing, even though I’m not sure what’s going on half the time! Adrian Dunbar is well cast. He did a superb job of hosting ‘Have I got news for you’ recently - composed and very amusing.
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One more episode to go!!! No cliffhanger this time although one does wonder how long Jo Davidson will last in prison if past storylines are anything to go by? Is next week's episode the last one ever given that Ted seems to be being forced into retirement, the cloud hanging over Steve because of his pain killer addiction? It seems to me, that given the popularity of this series the BBC would be daft not to have another series but on the other hand is it best just to end it on a cliff edge?
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I'm sure many viewers will feel underwelmed after watching the final programme, even though many questions were answered, the action, at times, having us once again on the edge of our seats. I suppose the ending was plausible, if somewhat dull. However, for me it underdelivered, even if doors were left open for another series. I liked the comment from a Times radio presenter who linked the audiences' reaction:
"BREAKING: Thousands of angry fans gather outside the Line of Duty stadium,"
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It was always going to be like that....find a winning formula and flog it to death until all the creative potential is sucked dry, remember Killing Eve? Hopefully they’ll resist the temptation to go for another series and concentrate on fresh drama.
The biggest surprise for me was discovering that Martin Compston (Steve Arnott) naturally speaks with a broad Scottish accent - not a trace of it in the series.
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What we don't know, but suspect, is that it was the last episode in the Line of Duty franchise. If indeed it was the last episode ever I think there is always going to be a degree of disappointment with the ending. Many online commentators have always dismissed Buckles as being no other than an inept cop and I suspect that is where the disappointment comes from because we all wanted it to be someone else?
However if it was not the last ever episode there are many questions and avenues that a new series could go down, could it not?
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Margaret has just watched the last episode again and I watched the last 20 minutes with her and I am changing my mind a bit. Whilst it seems a weak ending having watched it again I think there is much more to it. Clearly there has been an orchestrated effort to close down major investigations into police corruption. The fact that Buckles has immunity. The fact that Carmichael didn't flinch when Ted admitted his shortcomings which resulted in the death of an undercover police officer seems to suggest there is more afoot? Whether Line of Duty returns in quite the same format or AC-12 goes clandestine there does seem to be the opportunity for another series. Given the viewing figures surely the BBC would be mad not to want more?
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You may find that if you re-watch the last episode there is more in it than first thought, I certainly found that. Line of Duty operates on many levels, there is the action and the interviews but there are also many subtle undertones which are easy to miss. I will be delighted if there is another series.