
The fourth series of this Police Drama started last night. I have watched at least the previous series but was unsure why Nicola Walker (DCI Cassie Stuart) was in the course of a breakdown. We felt the need to return the the final episode of the last series to remind myself why (thanks goodness for catch up TV!) I now fully understand. Looks as if it will be another good series.
Nicola Walker is always a good watch but, for me, the series River was one of my faves if the last few years.
Not long now till Line of Duty returns as well.
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The series seems to be getting into its stride now, despite being delayed for a day because of Harry and Meghan!!! We are getting to know the characters now and a pretty difficult lot they appear to be. Lots set to be an excellent series.
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Enjoying the new series - Nicola Walker excellent as ever and well cast in the role.
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I found the references to “an Asian guy” and the scene with Sunny and the Asian DCI far more noticeable last night with the current fuore.
OK, so can someone who shoots dead another character, Bloodlands and James Nesbitts character, turn out not to be the bad guy?
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We’ll have to wait and see, but in the north of ireland it’s entirely possible....as they say one mans freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.
Interesting to see racism depicted from a different perspective.
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We watched the third episode of Bloodlands today and are intrigued as to how it will turn out or whether there will be a twist next week? Some good television drama on at the moment which is surprising as all the TV bosses seem to think we want wall to wall game shows!
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Final episode of Unforgotten on Monday 29th. Thus far we have had a lot of uncovering of murky pasts but where is the evidence pointing, to the obvious or the not so obvious? Might the answer be "who owned the pen"?
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Like Cassie, I didn’t see that coming, unlike the what seemed predictable early fold of the female character.
Do hope that the ending of last night episode is not leading to an ending full stop.
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I thought the ownership of the pen would be vital to finding the truth but I was perhaps surprised who the owner was! I assume the sad end of Cassie means also the end of the franchise?
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Agree an excellent, if emotional, end and just a shame we won’t be seeing NW in this in future, if it does continue.
Unless there is a character like she played in River?
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I was convinced it would be the DCC!
I based this on a presumption she was the most likely to have a pen so expensive it had a serial number-wrong!I had even figured out that her father gave it to her, as he was fleetingly mentioned.