British Summer Time

...and go to bed an hour earlier.
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Confuses our dog no end.......his stomach refuses to accept all this faffing around with clocks. If his tum says it’s 5pm, that’s what it is😂
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It will be interesting to see which European countries adopt this change as their last and leave the clocks as they are set from tomorrow.
We could very well end up with a 2 hour time differential come November time. It probably won't affect the vast majority of us but those that travel abroad or have to deal with EU countries may be inconvenienced.
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Well Kevin Bridges said that if Scotland were to be an independent country they would have their own times zones.
At 9am on Friday the clocks would go forward 8 hours and at 8pm Sunday night they would go back 8 hours.
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so which would you keep GMT or BST?
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Or even Double summer time!
If it was up to me I would probably have GMT in Winter and DST in summer. It does seem crazy that in the height of summer we don't have many weeks when it is light after 9.00pm. The problem with this country is the weather is rarely hot enough to sit outside when it is dark. Extending the sunlight hours would probably generate extra income for pubs and restaurants.
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Well yes it would and it depends what you want, it would get dark 1 hour earlier in the evenings so in summer without BST and it would be dark by 8-ish pm or earlier so not so good for sitting outside your outfit having a BBQ and drink in July/August. In winter if you kept BST it would not get light till 9am so kids going to school in the dark.
Personally if we had have one or the other I would prefer BST, or as Mikey says even DST, to make the most of the evenings.
Lighter morning don't bother me now as I never notice what time the sun comes up in winter as I'm asleep.
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Mikey as I said it won't inconvenience everyone but we sometimes travel to sites that are 2-3 hours from the ferry. We normally like to arrive before the 3 hour lunchtime closure so an hour less travelling time may inconvenience us. End of.
I'm delighted for you if it doesn't bother you. Honestly.
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Never said you had to go in did I HD?
I have no idea of kids being scared or not but there could be safety concerns if they have walk or cycle to school in the dark.
I remember when the clock didn't change in 1968 till 1971.
Either way you were the one who want the time change scrapped, all I did was ask which you preferred?
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I don't think it's anything to do with kids being "scared" of walking, HD. It's more to do with their safety - you must, I think, realise the extra traffic/dangers out there now than when you and I went to school, surely?
I think the argument is to have extra daylight at the end of the day when children are less alert than in the morning.
But, to be honest, it doesn't bother me personally one way or the other these days!
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I’ll set my alarm ED😁 Wouldn’t want to miss it😩
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Not around here, must be a "south east" thing!
And to be serious, it's not the "going to" school which is the problem, driven or not, it's the "going home" in the late afternoon when parents are more likely to be at work and the children are more likely to be walking.
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But in those days,we walked or cycled to school, either alone or with our pals. These days by far the vast majority of young children either are taken to school in cars or walk there with their parents/grandparents.
Just read your response to HD's post and if it's not the parents picking them up from school it is definitely the grandparents. We see very few actually walking home without an adult in attendance.
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We have quite a few primary schools on our dog walking route and that's probable true - and it takes us twice as long sometimes because they all want to stop and make a fuss of the dogs!
But we also have 2 secondary schools, loads of children walking to and from school, larking around as children of that age will do and definitely no adult chaperones with them. They are just as much subject to the dangers as younger children.
Still, as I said to HD, it makes precious little difference to us and I know there are other arguments for and against the twice yearly clock changes.
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not round here either, and again even if they do more car accidents happen in the dark, and more chance of danger near the dropping off points? Walking is very common at secondary schools, and bikes too are increasing.
But again if as you wish the clock changed in stopped it's either GMT or BST, which do you prefer?