Alphabetical Jobs and Vocations
I Instrument calibrator .
0 -
K Knights of Old .(Transport Company)
0 -
M Mule breeder .
0 -
O Orthodontist - Fangs for the memory - Bob Hope
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Q Quango President .
0 -
R - Rasher of bacon fryer (me)
0 -
S Staff Sargent .
0 -
U Undertaker .
0 -
W Whisky taster .. (Invertriky Malt blend)
0 -
Y Yo Yo manufacturer.
0 -
A - Anthropologist; studies the human species and its function in societies and asks 'How did we end up with this model?' ...
0 -
C Chemical analyst .. (to sought out the previous mess !! )
0 -
E Examining body.
0 -
G Gold Digger. ( could be Female or prospector USA )
0 -
I Investigator (private) to seek out those unfaithful gold diggers !!
0 -
K Kindergarden Teacher.