Leaking shurflo pump - which spares ?

TheWanderer2 Forum Participant Posts: 10
edited December 2020 in Motorhomes #1

shurflo Trail King 7 pump. Leaking from join between the pump head and pump body. My thinking was: "replacement gasket". However I have failed to find such a thing. To be fair I've not as yet taken it apart to understand the component make up, but have looked at a diagrammatic on website. Wondering what part I would need to sort this: the Diaphragm Drive kit, the pump valve kit, or complete new pump head (or worse case....pump). Some comments on one website from someone having purchased the Diaphragm Drive kit to fix similar leak.

Anyone experience/knowledge on this ? Many thanks


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,519
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    edited December 2020 #2

    There is no gasket between the motor and pump head. When I took a similar pump out there was also signs of leaking like you describe but very very minor. Have you tried tightening up the bolts holding the pump head to the motor alternatively take it apart, coat the joining surfaces with "gasket seal" and put it back together. A replacement pump costs about £50 plus postage and is probably a better buy than obtaining a replacement head. 


  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,589
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2020 #3

    I think it is the edge of the diaphragm that serves as the gasket, but it is some years since I had on apart and memories fade.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,519
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    edited December 2020 #4

    The area where I observed there had been leaking was at the junction of parts 3 and 4. The only other area it could leak from is between parts 1 and 3. Part 2 is installed internally. My problem which caused me to remove the pump was air getting into the system  manifesting itself as poor pump performance. I chose to fit a new pump and recondition the old pump by replacing part 2, the valve kit. and retaining the old pump as a spare. See >this thread<



  • TheWanderer2
    TheWanderer2 Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited December 2020 #5

    Hi peedee, thanks for the info. I have previously tried tightening up the bolts, but on the basis that there was some form of gasket/washer there did it gently - a compressed washer just goes rigid and stops doing what its meant to do. It improved, but only for a period. If there isn't a gasket and its just the diaphragm edge then I may try tightening it more.

    "Gasket Seal" is a good idea. I might however do as you did, and replace and save as spare. I think I saw the TK 7 20psi (which is what it is) at around £65.

    Thanks for the assistance.