Looking for advice

TR6 Forum Participant Posts: 3

Hello all,

Not sure if this is the right section, also posted in "introductions" but here goes....


I am an ex pat, left the UK in 1989 for Canada and was a CC member until then. We are thinking about coming to the UK and Europe for up to 6 months and touring with a car and caravan. I understand things have changed in the last 30 odd years so am a bit out of the loop. We were thinking pf purchasing a used car and caravan (not a motorhome) for the duration of the trip than selling them afterwards. Renting for that amount of time would be pretty expensive

I no longer have a valid UK licence but understand my Canadian one will be ok, even though I haven't done my B & E. I've towed for many years and my current rig is a 35 foot 5th wheel pulled by a 1 ton pick up truck. I guess I could renew my UK licence but not sure what that would entail or what can of worms it might open ;-)

Looking for comments and thought on the practicality, pitfalls, (insurance etc as we would have no fixed address) although we do have friends and family over there whose addresses we could use. 


Thanks in anticipation



  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2020 #2

    Hi TR6, sorry no-one has been able to answer your questions. What you are suggesting is possible as I have come across a few people from Australia and elsewhere who were doing exactly what you are proposing.

    Have you had a look at the UK DVLA website or the Gov.uk on advice for overseas visitors driving here?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited September 2020 #3

    I think the post has only just appeared. It'll probably be due to the new member approval thing.

    I can't add to Apperley's advice, TR6, but I believe you will need a residential address in order to obtain insurance so it's good you've got friends and family who will oblige.

    It's likely you'll have many hoops to jump through but good luck.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited October 2020 #4

    You can drive in UK for 12 montns with a Canadian driving licence.

    Ask your Canadian motor insurance company if they have relationships with any UK insurance companies to allow an easy transfer of your insurance. But also get from them a written statement of your entitlement to years of No Claims Discount as some (not all ) UK insurance companies will accept that - Aviva is one large insurance company which says they can do that. 

    Search the internet for blogs from others who have carried out plans like yours.

    Welcome back.



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #5

    There seems to be a thriving market in England with Australian/New Zealand citizens doing what you envisage without problems using motor caravans/campers bought and sold  in london

    Have you tried contacting the Canadian Embassy in London, as they will have , i am sure , staff doing the same as you want to do

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited October 2020 #6

    I use to do what you are suggesting when I came home on leave but only for a car and I had a UK driving licence. I used to visit the dealers and talk to them about buy back after 4 to 6 months use. I used my parents address for insurance etc. I think with a bit of research you should not have a problem if you accept the risks. You could try contacting a few dealers to guage reaction, you might also get some idea of a buy back price if they are interested?


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited October 2020 #7

    I forgot to add to the above that I think you will find you can drive up to a year on your Canadian licence as a visitor.


  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,593
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2020 #8

    Try this link:

    Driving in the UK on a Non GB Licence

    I'm sure it will be okay as GB licence holders can drive in Canada and these sort of arrangements are normally reciprocal. 

    Enjoy your trip. 

  • TR6
    TR6 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited October 2020 #9

    Thanks for the responses. I will be chatting to a friend in the UK in the next couple of days and asking him to talk to his insurance broker about the ins and outs. Our auto insurance is run by the Provincial Government and they haven't a clue. I can get a drivers' abstract on line though which will show my driving record. 

    The Canadian Embassy is a good shout, hadn't thought of that!. I'll also email DVLA and get their input.