Motor mover disengaged whilst using, damaged van

proterra Forum Participant Posts: 46
edited September 2020 in Parts & Accessories #1

I have Powertouch Evolution mover. Yesterday using it to put the van back on the drive it disengaged and the van ran backwards into raised garage door. Had cracked the back panel.

I had move the van from parallel to the kerb, turned it round and backed it up over the pavement. I was then going down the drive, a slight slope and was about 2 feet from where it wanted to be, t

There was a loud bang and the van ran backwards into the raised door. Pushing the door frame backwards a bit as well.

Been in touch with Powertouch but no reply as yet apart from asking for serial nos etc.

Been using a mover for years and never had that happen.



  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited September 2020 #2

    wow that is something i havent heard happen before .Our drive is on a slight slope and we have a power touch mover so i will be aware in the future .Let us know what if any responce you get from powertouch.

    Brian & Jo

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited September 2020 #3

    Could you please tell us what part has snapped so that we can look out for signs on own ones.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited September 2020 #4

    Was this a manually engaged or motorised engagement Powrtouch?

    I have once had the manually applied one "bounce" back off the tyre, but before I had released the hand-brake.

    Maybe in my case operator error, but now I ensure it really has gone as overcentre as it is possible to go.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2020 #5

    Movers are clamped to the edge of the chassis rail ... maybe this is where the problem is ie it's either the bolt has rotted or it's just come loose ... 🤷‍♂️

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited September 2020 #6

    Or there is a big bite out of the chassis member . . . . !


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2020 #7

    Maybe! 😯😯

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 701
    500 Comments 100 Likes Name Dropper
    edited September 2020 #8

    We had the same happen to us with our manual mover but luckily no damage it was just the fact I had not pushed the the lever over enough to lock and the bang was just the mover springing back to the relaxed position 

  • proterra
    proterra Forum Participant Posts: 46
    edited October 2020 #9

    It was a manual one. I’ve not heard back from Powertouch yet. Phoned yesterday but the chap I sent emails to wasn’t in, but said they would come back to me.

    I’m taking the van to the dealers this morning for a quote, so will ask them to look at the mover, if they will.

    Caravanguard have said the repairs are covered just the matter of the mover and do they claim from them.