C1 driving licence renewal problems
Read an article in C & CC 's Oct mag. re: driving licences so took a look at link below which may be of interest/help to some.
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Just noticed this one today. I rang my surgery at the end of June and asked about my C1 medical and the reply was, yes, tomorrow at 11am, and don’t forget the £89 payment. I think they needed my money! Then phoned my friendly optician at Vision Express and forms were completed and signed same day at a cost of £25. Sent off to DVLA by recorded delivery and licence was back 10 days later, before my next birthday. I am now 73 so this is my second one without a problem.
Don't believe the articles in C&CC or MMM, none of it were true about delays and extensions. Also, there are several errors and conflicts on the DVLA web site, giving rubbish information.
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J O,
Despite the comments w r t the expiring licence being accepted as valid for the next 11 months ~~ It ain't necessarily so !!
Got a nice, polite letter from D V L A Swansea last week telling me that my driving licence expires in early December*** and I will need to fill in the enclosed forms. Also my photograph will need to be up - dated so fill in the extra enclosed form complete with a new piccy if you please
. Return ASAP & apply the correct postage or it will all be returned Post ( not so ) Haste !! ABM's sooooo pleased he did not go for the C1 after 70 !!
*** - December will see my 79th birthday ( hurrah
) so its the 4th of the 3-yearly licence versions, as well as being very approximately 33 years a Diabetic with about 20 of them using insulin ! All good Grist to D V L A's mill
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Those of us with underlying notifiable issues always view the three year renewal with a degree of trepidation. When I reached 70, I didn't bother with the C1 on the basis it would be less hassle but that hope was short-lived when I was diagnosed with early glaucoma.