Stonehaven site flooding
I presume the thread was locked due to a minorities’ personal, and unnecessary views.
We live 7 miles from the site, and can shed some light on the area. Stonehaven has suffered from serious flooding for many years. This is usually a result of extraordinary rainfall coinciding with a high tide, thus creating a situation where the rainfall run-off being unable to drain to the sea. The water backs-up in the town centre, which it did on this particular morning.
If you walk into Stonehaven from the site, you can see the ongoing work on flood prevention. As that morning was relatively calm, and the thunderstorms slow moving, the cause was not associated with the onshore wind, but maybe the high- tide time.
One poster mentioned the fact that the installed pumps on the site didn’t have some sort of level switch to tackle the water level earlier, maybe the CMC would like to comment on this?
Well done to the wardens, our experience of over 20 years is that they do a tremendous job.
Moderator Edit:
Thank you for your post. I'll make this read only for the benefit of members but to avoid a repetition of previous comments.