Gardening: Hints and Help!



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2020 #242

    Oh well Hosta, order a few catalogues and get ahead of the queue for Autumn orders! 

    B2 hope you can identify the rose, I just did an online photo comparison but the dates might be wrong. It must be out there somewhere! I can see Dora has grown a bit. smile

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #243

    I don't know where you're based but David Austin Gardens  we did them whilst near Ironbridge, are worth a visit, if they're open at the mo, this from a non rose lover. Should be a lot to look at and if they haven't got it you can order potted or bare rooted. I bought a climber which was sent bare rooted at planting time, very easy.

    Everything is very odd this year isn't it??wink

    PS yes brue Dora is growing and developing a lovely personality, with plenty of cheek. Yesterday she charged round the garden with the pond net no damage done but the net has a couple of larger holes but a 4 foot bright blue cane followed 🤣.

    Yes plenty of research on the rose, it's the dates!!

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited June 2020 #244

    Garden is very productive this year, everything is growing and fruiting at a tremendous rate.  A first for us is, we have, for the first time ever a flowering peany.  I guess this is luck rather than judgement.  Now wondering whether this will be the start of a long term relationship

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2020 #245

    I'm picking our soft fruit now, the raspberries didn't get enough rain so they're not so good this year.

    The farmshop has sent us some fresh turmeric in our "random" veggie box. Whilst stopping OH trying to grow it (he's done it before!) I've had to look up how to use it. Will try it in a curry this week. smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #246

    I sat watching a flock of sparrows munching on our early raspberries yesterday, little blighters. Need to net them really.

    Still pondering on Bakers rose. I think I must have found around a dozen possibles now (I might list them with dates and photos) but I am now wondering if it might be a climber, which opens up a whole different avenue. Massive base, and such long strong shoots......🤔Driving me nuts🤪 

    Meanwhile here, currently have most of mine now out, drowning in today’s downpour😢 When it slows I will nip out and cut some for house.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #247

     Takethedogalong it definitely isn't a climber. I think its tall cos mum couldn't bend low to prune and it grew in a very full bed. In fact we were there today and you wouldn't have know it had been removed. No not weeds just healthy perennials.

    Had our block paving blasted today. Got to be resanded and then sealed so not sure when my garden will look as it should again, it needs to be very dry to do it. Weve have lots of rain although beautiful blue sky now. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #248

    Did anyone watch Gardeners World Friday 19 June? 

    The lady gardener from Swansea who was born with shortened arms is a true inspiration to us all. A sports therapist by trade, she uses her feet to massage and garden. She also adapts things and tools to suit her needs. She manages a 1/3 of an acre garden with some help to cut grass and prune. Her big unable to overcome issue - no one makes foot gloves so sometimes jobs are a bit painful.

    She's adapted wardrobe fittings to grow strawberries in the greenhouse this year as picking them from the ground with toes squashes them! Watching her plant out was amazing. 

    Where there's a will there's a way!

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 8,016
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    edited June 2020 #249

    My  daughter has ordered a ' Bathsheba ' from David Austin for Fathers Day , but will  arrive between 29 June to 3 July. So Job done. Thanks everyone for your help. cool

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #250

    It’s a lovely rose, sure you won’t be disappointed😁

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #251

    'Mum and Dad's' rose is blooming beautifully. It was out for his birthday with several blooms. Sadly because of work it had been popped in a corner, finally got all the pots back onto patio but it was hot slow work this week!

    I've posted several photos shows blooms and buds if you're interested. Some blooms have a white streak in a petal not all.

    I'm really pleased with my efforts to keep it going. The same efforts seem to be paying off for 'the great daughters' rose I had more fears for that! As the leaves turned crispy twice but that too looks healthy and has several buds - it's called lovely lady and I'll post a photo once it actually blooms.

    The stool over a pot on the right is to stop the puppy digging in it! More of mums bulbs, when I repositioned the pots I notice these were actually on the top of the soil. I repotted them, I expected to just rebury the bulbs but there were loads so I divided them half each for my brother and I and increased the pot size. All carefully watched by the youngest member of the family and then she found she could reach and dig 😲. I've used Holly prunings to good effect on the ground but have run out!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #252

    It’s doing really well Bakers. Looks nice and healthy. Interesting that it has white stripes down the odd petal. I had a couple of crispy roses early on as well. They threw up new leaves and some buds very early, but we had a couple of sharp frosts overnight, and this crisped those new leaves. Will you put it into ground at some point?

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #253

    Takethedogalong it is unusual with the white stripe on some, seems to be just one petal per bloom so far, on some blooms. Been nice to actually look at it closely. I'm rather chuffed at my success, with help from the original  owner 😉😇. Despite not being keen on rose's I think as it's rather special sentimentally and pretty and unusual it may well be granted a space in a bed. If I don't shorten its height I think it could look nice in the middle or to the back of my perennial border. More decisions 😯

    I'm looking forward to watching the other rose bloom, the great granddaughter(s) one. I also have had success with a potted minature rose given to her by my cousins when they lost their mum, my mum's older sister, a couple of years ago. Not sentimental about that but it's also got a red bud on it so it will be interesting to watch that bloom.

    Might be posting more photos!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #254

    Yes. I have two or three in a perennial border, that looks as though it could give some nice colour towards the rear. One or two of mine are quite tall, around 4’6”, with a couple more towards the front around 3ft. Interestingly, the ones in the border take less looking after than my others, less prone to anything nasty, and all I do is deadhead, then a good cut back in November.

    I have majored on carnations and dianthus in pots this year, like you say, with not going away, I have had the time to spend on them. I love carnations, that gorgeous scent. They remind me of my lovely Grandad, he always grew them.

    Grandma and Grandad in their beautiful garden, with Rex, ratter extraordinaire!😁

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2020 #255

    B2, just had another rootle through the roses and it could be a floribunda called "Sentimental." The white flashes will be irregular, similar to yours.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2020 #256

    TDA, what a nice photo of your grandparents and their immaculate garden! smile

    When I was young our garden had been planted up by a granny I never met, she died a year before I was born, so I could meet her in the garden if not reality and I've always grown a few things that she grew. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #257

    I don’t think it will be Sentimental Brue, I have one, and almost every petal on every flower is heavily striped. This is a photo of mine. It dates from 1996 as well.

    Grandad was brilliant gardener. He won lots of prizes. His early life was spent as a gardener on a big house estate, but sadly in later life he had to move into a less pleasant job. But he kept up his gardening, allotment, and finally got back working as a gardener. I spent part of my lovely childhood pottering around with him and Nan in their garden, sitting by the stove in his big greenhouse, helping to dig up veg and feeding his chickens. 


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #258

    Brue thanks for searching rose variety. I'm sure it's a floribunda but I dont think it's Sentimental. Too much white you have to look really closely to see the white streaks/stripes. At first I thought it might be bird poo! It's also spelt Scentimental, and suggests a scent. This has none or it's very faint 😉. 

    If we all keep at it we'll get it sussed! Or as near as we can.

    Takethedogalong what a lovely photo of your grandparents. Beautiful garden, open space and tea on the lawn, milk jug, teapot, cups, how standards have slipped! Your rose is beautiful too.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2020 #259

    I looked at an image comparison site which named the rose but the picture only showed a few flecks of white similar to yours. I'm sure it's out there somewhere although some unnamed roses probably get through, I've got some my Aunt ordered from a newspaper offer! Just kept them because of her. smile

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 8,016
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    edited June 2020 #260

    Still waiting delivery. Problem is , you cant track David Austin Roses so will have  to wait .

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited June 2020 #261

    Oh excitement and anticipation 😆. 

    I presume it's a pot grown so you may well have buds or blooms already.

    If you can add a photo so we can share that will be very nice.

  • Impy
    Impy Forum Participant Posts: 257
    edited June 2020 #262

    The photo of the white & red/pink striped rose that TDA posted reminds me of a rose that we had at a previous home called Handel.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited June 2020 #263

    I have heard of Handel, but never seen one impy. It looks very nice though.

    I always wanted a stripy rose. I used to look after Rose Garden at an EH property, and there was a very old Rose there, called Rosa Mundi, an old fashioned Gallica. It’s origins were unknown, perhaps back to  time of Henry II, as there’s a myth linking it with his mistress, Rosamund Clifford. It’s a nice Rose, but prone to more disease than a modern Rose, so I opted for Scentimental after seeing it in a Cornish Rose Garden. It’s very healthy, flowers again and again, rather than just the once, and it smells lovely. There are some very interesting stripey roses, but you don’t see a lot for sale.

  • Impy
    Impy Forum Participant Posts: 257
    edited June 2020 #264

    Now that is what I would want in a rose TDA , a repeat flowerer with a lovely scent/fragrance and disease free (as far as possible), I too have a liking for striped roses also those which are two toned. 

  • hostahousey
    hostahousey Forum Participant Posts: 8,016
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    edited June 2020 #265

    Just arrived, I’m really pleased with condition and size.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited July 2020 #266

    It's beautiful 😀. Place it somewhere that you can see it and get full pleasure from it.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited July 2020 #267

    We have been given a rose for our recent Golden Wedding Anniversary,  called (wait for it!) Golden Wedding.  We hope it flowers this year as it would be lovely to see it.  It looks very healthy and there was one bud which, rightly or wrongly, I removed as I remember Monty saying always let new plants get strong roots before asking them to use energy to flower.  Fingers crossed we shall see another bud soon. We have another rose called Brother Cadfael which is a beautiful pink, the rose flowers resemble peonies, and has it has a good fragrance.  It was transplanted from our previous house and has always done well. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2020 #268

    Let it flower next time Heddlo, roses are tough plants. Nice to hear about them on here! They are such lovely plants for memories.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited July 2020 #269

    I have another multi coloured, however it’s not doing too well so far this year for some reason. It’s called Baron Girod de L’ain. Unusual petals, and the colour contrast is all around the edge of each petal. Good scent.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited July 2020 #270

    Looks a lovely healthy rose. May it flourish with love😁

    Brother Cadfael caught my eye when I was leafing through a Rose book the other day. I like the Cadfael books as well👍

  • Impy
    Impy Forum Participant Posts: 257
    edited July 2020 #271

    That is nice TDA, love the colour and the "frilly" edged petals laughing  You obviously love your roses and they perform well for you too.

    Heddlo, we were given Golden Wedding Anniversary rose for our 50th anniversary a couple of years ago, this year is its best flowering year yet, the first year we got just one or two blooms, last year looked very promising until the fox jumped the fence and broke a complete branch along with buds off frown so again we only had a few blooms.