CL Closed for The Year

I have just had an email from a cl owner saying sorry but he has to cancel our booking for 7 nights on the 23rd Aug because he has decided not to reopen until next year. He was terribly sorry but had made the decision after studying the Covid 19 secure protocols sent to him by the CMHC on 23rd June.
He didn’t go into details but he was worried about the advice given after studying the implications and requirements should someone have to self-isolate on his site are very worrying.
For someone to be worried enough to make that decision begs the question, what does this advice imply on club sites?
Have all people going away from the 4th onwards thought of this. I know I hadn’t
I'm concerned that this may be the attitude of a number of CL owners, thus reducing the number of sites that will be available for a booking throughout the rest of the year. The list of sites on the web site that appear to be open has now fallen to 2165, and I suspect that it will be a fair number less when we get the next update.
Harry, if you don't mind me asking which is the one that you've been in touch with, so that I can note it in my site directory and then not bother to contact it, should it be in an area we wish to visit later in the year.
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Us too. I think it might be down to interpretation of advice in some cases. A lot of the advice given generally around re opening businesses, retail, Leisure seems to be rather vague, and it could be down to very much just how an individual interprets advice, and if it’s considered too much to contend with. Especially if the CL is only a side line and not the main business. Of course, some might actually be shielding themselves, in which case it’s understandable.
I suspect once we do get back on the road, it’s going to be a case of contacting each CL to find out what’s actually happening. A good few don’t update their website page from year to year, so hoping for update from a few on C19 status will be like drawing blood from a stone!😁
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One CL I contacted yesterday said that they would not open before August, so obviously waiting to see what the impact of the latest easing of restrictions will have on infection rates. An understandable, if slightly inconvenient, approach.
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Don't blame the CL owner, it's business is to welcome and say goodbye not to host someone in self isolation who may be showing Covid symptoms. Their decision and should not be damned for it, I'm certain I wouldn't like someone having to self isolate in 'my back garden' neither, even worse if facilities needed regular cleaning and being used by them.
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In view of some of the comments above I've just contacted 2 CLs that we're visiting in September to make sure they will be open. Thankfully both are (I didn't want to have to start looking for alternatives).
The first one in Dorset has said that they won't be opening the toilet / shower / laundry facilities but that doesn't worry us at all. It's probably a wise decision. Prices are to remain the same even without the facilities but, to be honest, it doesn't bother me as they must have lost a lot of income already this year and I'd like to think it might help keep them in business.
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Its all to do with Health and safety as I see it, We open July 4th and all my visitors have been told that if they have concerns re the virus then it up to them to bring their own sanitation requirements , hand gel and wipes etc. to date all seem happy. Time will tell.
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Firstly, no one is blaming the cl owner.
Your other comments are spot on and more or less mirror those of the cl owner.
Quote from his email.
"We feel that we are unable to allow a situation that will put our guests, our neighbours and ourselves at a higher risk of infection.
We run our site on a very personal level, and this will not be possible under the requirements.
The implications and requirements should someone have to self-isolate on our site are very worrying."
It seems he as obviously acted on his feelings after the club's advice
His first sentence struck a chord with us, he had obviously considered his neighbours or the community. Has the club though of that in their risk assessment I wonder
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Thanks anyway, Harry. I can understand why you choose not to say, and I doubt very much that we will be in that area again this year anyway. I can also understand why other CL owners are choosing to wait till they see what the effects will be following the opening up of other sites throughout the country.
Metheven, I don't see that anyone is blaming CL owners for waiting before opening up their sites, where did you get that idea from?
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The implications and requirements should someone have to self-isolate on our site are very worrying."
I did raise this issue in a past post but using a club site as a reference point, and my issues still hold good today.
If somebody should prove positive on a club site the implications of testing 100+ people and maybe either sending everybody home or making 100+ people self isolate for possibly 2 weeks or more are enormous.
And what about the wardens, or somebody, now having to possibly deep clean all the site facilities.
Not planning to use a club site any time soon so have not read any of the info to see if these sorts of scenarios are covered, but if a CL with just 5 units is concerned then i think the club should be concerned, even on the smaller sites this could be a logistical nightmare
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They wouldn’t need to test all the people on site though. The Test and Trace info says that if someone has symptoms they should arrange a test and self isolate for 7 days. Should the test prove positive the 7 days extends to 14 and they will give details of their ‘close’ contacts.
A close contact is anyone they have been ‘face to face’ with at a distance of less than one metre or who they have spent ‘more than 5 minutes with at less than 2 metres’.
As long as all comply with this they would not be ‘contacts’ and therefore not have to self isolate.
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Forgot to say that I can understand the uncertainty of CL owners. The guidance on the Gov.UK site that covers camp sites is 40+ pages long. That’s because it also covers Hotels etc and therefore has to be pretty broad, and the first dozen pages or so relate to conducting a risk assessment. It looks much worse that it actually is
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I am not a bit surprised.
I can imagine virus outbreaks developing in hotspots in parts of the country and people there who may be infected wanting to go off to a CL to get away from it. I doubt if CL owners would want unknown, untested visitors arriving.
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I did not mention symptoms, i said
If somebody should prove positive on a club site
but you are correct
Should the test prove positive the 7 days extends to 14 and they will give details of their ‘close’ contacts.
so if this person(s) and we have to assume the pural, if they have been living in close proximty with others in an LV, and they have all been using the site facilities, then anybody who has also used the site facilities, which could extend to dog walk, waste disposal area etc could all potentially have been in contact, nothing to do with distance, more to do with surface contact, or air borne in places like hot showers. I know the odds are now something like 2000/1 of coming into contact with somebody who is infected, but
and what about the local area if this scenario pans out, you would have to track and trace many people possibly not associated with the site.
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and what about the local area if this scenario pans out, you would have to track and trace many people possibly not associated with the site.
Not at all. No more that if somebody using local Asda contracts Covid you would have to test all using the store. You fetch water etc and you wash hands thoroughly.
No different than I go to supermarket, come out, pack car, sanitise hands, drive home OH lets me in and the first words out of her lips will be 'don't forget to wash your hands.
I personally would not be using site showers at present but that is just me
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Unfortunately there are many out there who are not as fastidious as you when it comes to personal hygene, and i say that in the nicest possible way, and of course there is a very good chance that there will be many of the younger generation on site, and i know from experience, lets say, how forgetful they can be
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Not if everyone had good hygiene practices and maintained social distancing, Nowhere in the guidance does it say that anyone other than ‘close’ contacts would be asked to self isolate. If you applied your theory on ‘surfaces’ and casual ‘walk byes’ on sites/dog walking area then we would all be self isolating.
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Not if everyone had good hygiene practices and maintained social distancing,
But unfortunately they dont
Nowhere in the guidance does it say that anyone other than ‘close’ contacts would be asked to self isolate.
and my anology would be for those using on-site facilities which would be classed as "close" contact e.g. showering, using the loo in facilities where showers and loo's are combined, i know you would expect everybody to wear some sort of protection e.g. disposable gloves when emptying their rubbish into a bin, or emptying the loo cartridge, but will they ?, open the gate to dog walk area, lift up the waste disposal lid without protection and you run the risk of contaminating the services if you are infected, even if you are not suffering from the effects of corvid-19.
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Rufs, but the Test and Trace aren’t using your analogy. You original post was referring to the whole site having to self isolate but that wouldn’t happen.
I agree with ET, I don’t use gloves, they are just another way to cross contaminate, I use soap and water. I’m booked for a main site next Sunday, will take all the the precautions I take now at home and will restrict travel to local sites that I can get home to in an hour should I start to feel unwell.
I would do exactly the same on a CL, avoid shower blocks (were they open), use my own facilities and keep clear of others - even easier to do on a small 5 van site.1