Air con retro fit takes height over 3m

ScreenName24B14DE87F Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited June 2020 in Motorhomes #1

Hi, we bought our 1st Motorhome yesterday and were planning to have air con fitted, I suffer with chronic migraine so it’s the only way our dream adventures, can come true.

BUT we’ve been researching lots and are worried that the roof housing takes our 2.9m van over the 3m toll restrictions in Europe, which ultimately is going to cost a fortune. 

How much of a problem is it please?

Thanks in advance 😊


  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited June 2020 #2

    We are just over 3m and haven't been charged yet. If you are slightly over when you get to the pay station just press the button and talk to the operator and tell them you are a Camping Car. Should be Class 2 unless you are towing a trailer.

    We have found that fans work better and give a nice cool breeze. Put a tray of ice in front is supposed to work really well. If you fit 12v ones you can use them all the time.

    If you are in France the Aires do not have power points. Camp sites can be expensive or run down ( My Opinion ) and we have learnt you don't book in advance until you see what it's like.

  • ScreenName24B14DE87F
    ScreenName24B14DE87F Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited June 2020 #3

    Thank you, that sounds like good advice.  It’s all so new and we don’t want to make any huge mistakes! 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,519
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2020 #4

    I think the height sensors on the autoroutes sense the height at the front of the van. I am told that anything behind that, eg. sat dome,a/c shouldn't  matter. I am over 3m at the front and have tried speaking to the operators, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I just generally try to avoid using them.


  • Dave Nicholson
    Dave Nicholson Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited June 2020 #5

    Other things to consider over and above the overall height issue are:

    Air con units are heavy and may compromise your payload so consider whether you want to have a fixed unit that will be with you 24/7 all year long. 

    We have a free standing unit in our motorhome that’s vented through the floor. We spend over 5 months of the year in Italy ( 2 x 3 month trips from the UK) but on average only use the aircon unit for about one of those months (August). In the spring time we don’t take the aircon unit with us and rely on a fan and open windows to cool the motorhome if needed. Many aircon units need a 10 Amp 230V supply. Many campsites in Europe don’t offer such supplies. Our free standing unit takes only 4 Amps and we can often use it on pay as you go Aires/Stellplatz.

    Hope the above helps.

  • ScreenName24B14DE87F
    ScreenName24B14DE87F Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited June 2020 #6

    Thank you, it makes sense that the sensors only pick up the van height and not any furniture you have on top.

    Unfortunately, air con isn’t just about hot days for us.  I get 8-10 migraines a month and The only way to speed up their exit is a cold room and ice packs!  

  • Heethers
    Heethers Forum Participant Posts: 641
    edited June 2020 #7

    My Autotrail Tribute 625 High line is 3.1 metre (10ft 2") in height, how much more is the toll charge for a MH over 3 metre's 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,519
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2020 #8

     You should pay Class3 on the French Autoroutes including bridge and tunnel tolls where applied. These are roughly twice that of class 2.


  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 379
    100 Comments 100 Likes Name Dropper
    edited June 2020 #9

    Another interesting post as my MH is 2.89 high but the Teleco aerial puts it up to 3.05.....

  • henniek
    henniek Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited June 2020 #10

    On a similar note might some of you recommend portable fans and also has anyone tried the Fiamme fans that go in your skylight?  Thanks in advance as I too am new to much of this!