Corona Virus Concerns



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited June 2020 #2792

    It would seem that the death figures up to 24th.May did not include any death from C19 where the positive test was processed by independent private labs rather than NHS ones. In England this has meant a jump in the figures of over 450 "new" deaths.

    Apparently the ones in the other devolved countries don't include any at the moment.

    So the "official" figures are not correct. Now there's a surprise.

    Wonder how many others there were before 24th.May in England and how many in t'others?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2793

    This probably won't apply to many on here, but if you are working from home I've been told in an email from the exam boards that you may be able to claim tax relief or rebate for extra expenses such as heating and lighting. I think it is £6 per week. Seems strange but there you go.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2020 #2794

    Not much when the MPs were given an additional £10,000 for the samefrown

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited June 2020 #2795

     In the first sentance it says, "you have to work at home on a regular basis" That seems to me to rather rule out temporary working because of Covid


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2796

    well maybe but this is week seven or eight (?) and that would suggest regular to me? My daughter works from home for EY and still no prospect of going back to her place of work and when I told her about it she said we're all on it - but it's an tax/accountant firm so no surprises I suppose.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited June 2020 #2797

    Thanks anyway CS, I'll let my sons know, one whose company has decided not to open the office until at least September. All its staff are working from home.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,312
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    edited June 2020 #2798

    Martin Lewis quoted it weeks ago. But he cautioned re claiming, cant remember why as I didnt need to know!

    JVB did you expect all to be treated equally?? Think Animal Farm, it's been demonstrated time after time recently 🤐

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2799

    Well it looks as though we have all been duped. The latest reseach released shows that corona is NOT a radom killer and only targets specific groups, a quote today from Professor Karol Sikora consultant oncologist and professor of medicine

    "Now we know corona is NOT a random killer, one-size-fits-all lockdown must come to an end" 

    so it looks as though the club could maybe open its sites but not to those who fall into the vunerable categories ?

    got my tin hat on undecided

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2800

    Just had this from a fellow (still serving teacher) and union rep:

    Hi      , just looked at Darren's briefing and followed the link and steps online for the claim. You can only claim if you haven't chosen to work from home but the main thing I think we'd be able to claim for is gas and electric costs. When you get to the final step, you need your NI. number.


    As I said it seem strange that you can claim for heating and electric costs (after all computers use up so much power) when working from home but no help with travelling costs when you do go to work? Still HM knows bestsmile

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited June 2020 #2801

    and ibuprofen is a treatment????????????


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2802

    But did it say which groups are targeted? And how can you tell?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2020 #2803
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  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,746
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    edited June 2020 #2804

    Our daughter is working from home, has been since the week before lockdown and will be until at least January, her office is closed.  Her employer is paying £26 per month, which she should get tax free, if not, she will have to claim that back on her self assessment.

    If she was not getting this money paid by her employer, she could claim tax relief on £6 per week as her employer at present requires her to work from home.  It is tax relief on the £6 she can  claim from HMRC, not the actual £6.

    Our son, on the other hand, has requested to work full time from home, he does have a desk in an office somewhere and may go there once a year.  He does/did however still have to make several trips abroad each year.    He  has been doing this for over 15 years now, saves him a lot on commuting, his car is little used!  As it is his  choice, he cannot claim the tax relief, and receives no extra payment from his employer.

    The key seems to be whether or not you have an office you could use, but choose not to.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2805

    Yes the groups are very specific, all the news outlets have them listed. It would appear some extensive research has been carried out since the start of the outbreak and an analysis of the death figures seem stack up with the research.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited June 2020 #2806
  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited June 2020 #2807

    Hi, If the groups are very specific, ansd listed, why not post them here so we can see how we have been duped?

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2808

    Did not want to cause any offence, but some of them are the ones most known about e.g. anybody in the age range 60 - 69, 70 - 80, 81+, in various degrees of percentages. e.g. those over 80 are fully 70 times more likely to die of the disease than those under 40, morbidly obese, diabetic, respiratory problems such as COPD, Black, Asian, and minority ethnic BAME.

    The percentages given are quite alarming and depressingly the BAME group has been borne out by the number of deaths from this group within the NHS.

    The figures do not mean these groups are more susceptible to catching the virus, it is the effects of the virus after they have caught it that are more than likely to be more serious.



  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited June 2020 #2809

    Hi, so, it appears, that you feel we have been duped when the article from the professor makes no such claim but states his hope that the coronavirus may be less impactful than it appeared at one time?

    I dearly hope that his take on things turns out to be correct, but don't think we are in a situation of having been duped more of learning more about this terrible disease, its cause and effects as we go along.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2810


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2811

    sorry but that is the most un-specific set of specific groups ever. Totally of no use what so ever. 

    You cannot a apply a probability of how a person will react to the virus to stop lock down as you suggest?

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2812

    Not my figures, the figures were reported in the national press today and some of the percentages were given by the ONS and other reporting authorities, and a leading professor of medicine , and as of this moment i have not seen any professional body challenge them 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2813

    sorry, slight misunderstandinvg, i didnt mean to infer that we had been duped by the professionals, as i have said many times, this is an unprecedented situation and has been a very steep learning curve for us all, what i was trying to say was, we have been duped by the virus in leading us to believe it was a serious threat to everybody, when clearly now this is probably not true as we have seen with the number of people thought to have had the virus but have suffered no symptoms. 

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited June 2020 #2815

    So the Club sites could be open, but only to the fit and healthy, white skinned under 60s 🤔

    Expect there would be plenty of empty pitches!


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited June 2020 #2816

    For anyone taking half an interest in the subject they would know that certain groups were more vulnerable and this information was widely known at the start of the virus. What was less well known was the tragic impact it would have on those in the BAME communities. Surely the whole point of the lock down was to restrict the passing of the virus from people in groups less impacted by the effects of the virus to those who were more vulnerable? Until we get more reliable figures we don't know how many people have had the virus and got over it relatively easily. Had we not locked down the death rate almost certainly would be much higher than the already dreadful figures we have here in the UK which looks set to be one of if not the highest rate per percentage of population, so how did that happen? Professor Karol Sikora is a cancer specialist and will no doubt be very concerned that the impact on the NHS of COVID 19 has made his job much more difficult because of the concern that people with early stage cancer are not getting into the system which understandable. 


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited June 2020 #2817

    You forgot the information around gender.....white, fit, under 60, and female😇

    Edit, on a more serious note, the scientists say it’s still unclear at this stage what other factors may have contributed to the BAME percentages. There are lots of other aspects to be investigated further. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,312
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    edited June 2020 #2818

    Listening to the son of the first ?Indian? doctor to die of it from Hackney, he says it's not a report it's a collection of graphs and not what they'd hoped for at all. I can't comment I've not seen it or read reports about it,

    I'm with takethedogalong we learnt from other countries, well some of us did!, that it's pretty serious and we need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Especially if they are not fighting fit etc. Commonsense and self reliance but expect some additional guidance from our leaders 🤣🤣🤣

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2020 #2819

    and it looks like we  need to be concerned

    The UK's coronavirus hospital death toll has increased to 31,336 after 215 more fatalities were reported in 24 hours - the biggest increase in two weeks.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited June 2020 #2820

    Surely the whole point of the lock down was to restrict the passing of the virus from people in groups less impacted by the effects of the virus to those who were more vulnerable? 

    I agree with your post David. 

    I have highlighted this part of your post as I am angry that so many elderly hospital patients in all parts of the UK were transferred into Care Homes without any test being carried out as to whether they carried the virus or not. It was an act of gross negligence as the elderly were highlighted as being one of the most vulnerable categories right from the start. It was almost a form of Euthanasia for some.

    And if I hear one of those responsible say that "Lessons have been learned" then I think I will scream.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited June 2020 #2821

    i didnt mean to infer that we had been duped by the professionals,

    what? so what exactly did you mean by writing (your own words):

    Well it looks as though we have all been duped. The latest reseach released shows that corona is NOT a radom killer and only targets specific groups,

    and then:

    so it looks as though the club could maybe open its sites but not to those who fall into the vunerable categories ?