Corona Virus Concerns
don't think its the government in charge that is to take all the blame
surely the full parliament should be working together to try and solve these isues
the NHS is run by local gov the care homes are mostly privately run
I think it was political motives that caused that problem if the Tories said let's help the private homes the other political parties would likely went ballistic saying help your kind ect with taxpayers money
but if they all got down to being neutral than things might have run out different
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We're in the same position,and a similar thought crossed my mind, M.
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Spot on WN. It’s been a calamity waiting to happen worldwide for years, and the state of our politics has a lot to blame for the underlying issues that this crowd have had to deal with. I don’t hold them entirely to blame, but as the incumbents left to deal with it, woefully inadequate, like rabbits caught in headlights, springs to mind. Not a single one of them, Johnson, Raab, Hancock, Shapps, Patel have impressed or given an impression of being in control at any point. Boris at times can barely put a coherent sentence together.
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I wonder how good a vote spinner we are going to spend xxx billion setting up a world leading defence / reaction force against a possible pandemic, would have been. The reaction force would include 25,000 people on standby to start track and trace at a moments notice. Manufacture all our own reagents and insure sufficient in date stock at all times. We will have labs set up and waiting to handle 200,000 tests a day, from day one. We will manufacture all our PPE for pandemic response in this country to ensure supply and quality and maintain sufficient in date stock piles to cover a 6 month campaign. Have the logistics to cope with the above ready to go at a moments notice, international rescue style. All this to cover a country of over 60 million.
In hindsight of course it would have saved lives and lots of billions that we will be repaying for a long time. However, putting up taxes as part of your manifesto, for something that may never happen, is unlikely to go down well. Therefore although scenarios are run, recommendations made, little is ever done.
I think it a little unfair to just blame those we put in power. We are all to blame.
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I accept no blame. I will happily pay more tax, I will never put a few £’s saved before lives saved-that is obscene. SL-this is not an attack on your post just my personal choice. I’ve seen the whole money thing doing the rounds☹️. 38,000 deaths, all ages & all creeds colours & genders, a lot could have been saved. It is heartbreaking.
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Whether we had anticipated and paid "up front" or, as we are now, catching up, the cost of this will be eye-watering.
BTW, if you have four children, you still won't be able to meet up with granny.
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there was a world forum held in 2015 one of the key players was Bill Gates head of microsoft. One of the key action points to come out of the meeting was a committment to spend a lot of money developing vaccines that would combat the likes of corona, and although you can never develop something that is going to be 100 pct until you see just how the virus presents itself, you could be perhaps 95 pct of the way there, leaving the 5 pct which would have taken far less time to crack.
However, as with all good suggestions after all these wise men had made their way home, guess what, nothing was done, Bill Gates predicted something like this would happen after the SARS attack and was prepared to back a vaccine programme, but his was a lone voice
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We can't do much about it at the moment. We've got this government for the next few years. Let's wait and see what things are like then and make our decision in the usual democratic way. I know it may be too late then but it is certainly too early now.
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That goes for any type of "I could do better?"with any organisation ,as is very obvious ,with a lot of posts on here, but those who are most loudly critical ,will never put their heads above the parapet to put themselve forward to "change things"
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BB regarding your second from last paragraph you may have forgotten that several of us where shocked to see the DGs video still urging people to visit caravan sites as the pandemic reached us. Indeed there followed many dramas about getting vanning folks out of Spain, yourself included. You did this on your own initiative and like many of us you were becoming aware long before lock down occurred. There are questions to be asked in the future.
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re: CV funding...i have no idea where (or at what level) 'pandemic management' appeared in the last umpteen budgets, from whatever party, nor do others i suspect.
How to treat a Pandemic of the Covid variety, finance and all things associated with, have been talked about and prepared by 'Public Health England' as recently as its 2014 document, including the financing.
All things happening now are written into this document. It's the usual thing, let's get together and draw up a plan but not prepare or act upon it.
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I see democracy now seems to include muting the press, at a press conference.
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It's sad that a nation that had largely come together again after the vitriol of the last 3 years is once more divided and at each other's throats largely due to the actions of one individual. Having been continuously praised for "doing the right thing" many are now left feeling that they have been taken for fools and confidence in, and acceptance of, government edicts are replaced by questioning and suspicion. I have asked before about the rationale for the "baby step" from "stay at home" to "travel as far as you like" - maybe that rationale is a little bit clearer now.
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More than 200 schools were forced to return to online teaching just days after they reopened in South Korea after the country experienced a spike in coronavirus cases.
South Korea reported 79 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday, the highest rise in nearly eight weeks
Oh well looks like this post could be raging on for some time yet
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I have absolutely no issue with the scientists refusing to answer questions they don’t want to, but I do take issue with any politician who seeks to manipulate free speech. It’s a dangerous precedent.
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It’s the first sign of an autocracy☹️
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There is free speech and then just going on and on and on about the same thing, because the answer you got two days ago didn't suit you. I would much rather the questions had some relevance to the matter of the day rather than a week old incident that has been done to death. Although it was stated afterwards, I must of missed the bit that dentists could open from the 8th June. As I have a tooth that broke off and is occasionally painful I have a vested interest.😀A few questions about that would have been nice. Is it can open if they want. Or will. Ours is NHS. What sort of controls / precautions are going to be put in place etc.
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Just to put the record straight there is a connection between these different advisers and I believe one, much spoken about, particular adviser sat in on discussions to further advise the PM. There is a connection and it warrants closer observations if we want to see the best outcomes rather than interference from within. If advisers want to change politics they need to be first voted in by the public.
Anyway, onwards with the easing of our liberties, so many have held to the rules, they have done the right thing.