Corona Virus Concerns



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2020 #722

    Our Co op has been well stocked recently with most fresh food including  milk products , but there is still a problem with getting tinned food and some frozen goods

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2020 #723

    It all depends which tripe you eat. Black fat and wezzand are very tasty.

    I well remember coming out of the local with my dad, going to the chippie and ordering specials which were cooked to order and eating tripe while we waited, yummy.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2020 #724

    Soap and handwash is a different story, they haven't had any of any description for weeks. There's a notice limiting sales to two items per customer but absolutely nothing on the shelves.

    Might be worth looking in 'other' shops than supermarkets. We noticed when in town at the bank, that a 'Savers' shop across the road had a massive display of toilet rolls, soap, sanitisers, washing up liquid and washing machine liquid/powder, not a shop that I've been in before but they were well stocked with all toiletries.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2020 #725

    +1, I have no intention of ever looking at them😢

  • Watendlath
    Watendlath Forum Participant Posts: 232
    edited April 2020 #726

    The Pharmacy in Asda's was very quiet today when I went to get my sisters prescription, first time I've seen it like that in weeks. What I can't understand is why were the pharmacies all so busy. The Dr's will only grant a prescription when one is due (usually every 2 mths) so why such an increase of folk.

    On the face of it, it seems odd that pharmacies are so busy and have long queues but many, if not all, pharmacies are now doing many times more home deliveries that before the crisis. I can tell you from experience that it tales much longer to deal with a delivery compared to a straight forward walk-in or pre-ordered script.  Not only has it to be dispensed and checked in the normal way but the delivery then has to be organised, sorted into delivery schedules and routes, documented, packed and passed to the delivery driver (many of whom are now volunteers who are not yet fully familiar with all the procedures).  This all takes time which inevitably slows down the entire operation.  Add to that the new precautions being taken against passing on the virus and more time is lost. Hence the now much slower overall throughput of work from Dr to patient and the queues out the door and down the street.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2020 #727

    We have a savers in our town centre OH buys most of our toiletries from them as they are mostly named products but cheaper than most places, they are an off shoot of Superdrug

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
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    edited April 2020 #728

    Thanks Corners, I can get milk locally, I was just trying not to go out shopping after finally getting a home delivery. Just a shame they didn't have the essentials.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2020 #729

    Thanks for that I guess for those pharmacies that deliver it will take longer to work through the prescriptions.

    However the Asda pharmacy doesn't deliver (hence the reason why I drove into town 7 miles to collect if for my sister who is in isolation)  neither does my local village pharmacy both of them until today had very long queues. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited April 2020 #730

    Walking past the front room yesterday I heard the MiL swear!surprised

    On investigating the cause she told me that she was watching a craft programme on one of the craft channels and saw the instructor saying she was giving a demonstration of how to do this at home with materials found there "As we are all in this together working from home". The instructor was none other than Kirsty Allsop, her of the disappearing to her second home for Easter fame. MiL did feel justified in calling her a Two Faced B****.smile

    Must admit it has been quiet around the streets and lanes here apart from the

  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited April 2020 #731

    Asda email for our first online delivery this afternoon has more 'out of stock' than 'in stock' items. Looks like the driver will deliver a 'Bag for Life' containing a substitute for the type of cheese we ordered and a recycled red pepper.

    Looks like 'Click & Collect' for the next shop; might drop lucky and coincide with a stock delivery!

    Meanwhile, in other news, will shortly be resuming Mrs March's haircut [Phase 2; The Recovery aka 'It looks nicer in a shorter style ..].

    I would claim it as a new skill, but Mrs March may have an alternative, and more accurate, assessment.

    It's only Phase 2 because her hair is so thick that the clipper thingy needed recharged ... Honest!

    It does have a touch of the 'Bay City Rollers' style at present, thoughundecided

    Steve  [Hairdresser to the visually impaired]

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,157
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    edited April 2020 #732

    And to cheer me up because all this is worrying and I don't want to think about it, here's a photo of our cat Queenie.


    Your cat looks really drained!!!


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,157
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    edited April 2020 #733

    It's an interesting read although happy to admit some of it went over my head! It does seem to suggest that good personal hygiene might help stop the spread but given where it started from I suspect the spread was not helped! China, and other countries have really got to stop these markets and there is some evidence that they are planning to do that but realise that culturally it could be difficult but the advent of Covid-19 could be a good persuader? It also seems that Bats are the new rats? 


  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited April 2020 #734

    Same here, Rocky. Can’t see how doing so could achieve anything whatsoever, would just cause more unnecessary distress.


  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited April 2020 #735

    And me too!


  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited April 2020 #736

    Hi TG, saw this post and just had to comment-you’ve got a bank?!!! We have Savers down here too but think they only sell glasses.

    Just back from once a week shop and Morrison’s have Andrex toilet rolls on offer-£9 for 18.
    Anyone making an investment could clean up.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,530
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    edited April 2020 #737

    I do understand but the truth is unless we take our heads out of the sand, then open our eyes, reflect on that truth then, and you are quite right, this totally 'unnecessary distress' and cruelty will without doubt continue. What's more the problem we now face will be repeated over and over again as we have already witnessed. As said its not nice but it is happening and wishing it wasn't and then just our hiding from it does nothing. Someone has to stop turning that blind eye and do us all ( and the animals) a great service. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
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    edited April 2020 #738

    I'm with your MIL on that one WN, fleeing  to her mansion while infected, of course we are all in this together! Can't believe tv are still airing her programmes. I have called her much worse recently.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2020 #739

    Micky get a grip, I & others are reflecting on the truth, the truth is some humans have no respect for any other creature other than themselves. If I watch the video it won’t make me empowered enough to stop these abhorrent practices. I don’t support any of those practices at all that is me taking action. You want to watch it-go ahead. I won’t ever.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,530
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    edited April 2020 #740

    Rocky, you misunderstand (I think) I too find it abhorrent, and agree with much of what you say. All I am suggesting is 'we' must explore all possible ways out of this situation. I've not lost my grip, although I'm willing to hang on to all possible solutions that those that know better than us are willing to explore. Like it or not, it's called hope!  Incidentally, I'm forcing no one to look at the truth behind wet markets. Whether they do or not is up to them!  Neither have a grip on others, nor should I!

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2020 #741

    You couldn’t force anyone to do anything remotely anyway. No one would think that🤷🏻‍♂️. I understood fine, I’m not watching it-full stop👍🏻. You repeating it means nothing. If everyone who feels as I do & just stopped consuming what these wet markets supply then the problem would be over. A group talking & tutting won’t help at all.

    PS-hope?, I like it👍🏻

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited April 2020 #742

    Some people myself included cannot hear the very high pitched cycle bells. Wife always tells me when one rings, and yes I have a hearing aid.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,397
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    edited April 2020 #743

    I signed a petition a good while ago linked to the markets in China. It had hundreds of thousands of signees. I would post a link, but no way am I going to even search because it will throw up all sorts of images. I think it was being overseen by one of the major international animal charities. There are others to do with killing Rhinos and Tigers as well. It has to be done via Government channels, put pressure on educating farmers and communities. Every country has its own abhorrent treatment of animals one way or another, vast profits to be made. 

    On a nicer subject, what about the 99 year old ex serviceman who decided to walk around his garden with his zimmer? He was hoping to do 100 laps, as part of his thank you rehab after he broke his hip. His aim was to raise £1000 for the NHS. Last time I looked in to check up, he had raised £1.4 million pounds! Incredible, a true star amidst all the gloom. I will try and find a link....


    He’s raised £3 million pounds now, fantastic.👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2020 #744

    It's just over £3million now! 😲

    I'm not a fan of Piers Morgan but he put in £10k of his own cash 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,397
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    edited April 2020 #745

    There’s a lot of folks donating to all sorts of good causes, in all sorts of ways. Cottage industries springing up making masks and gowns for health workers, folks with 3D printers making face visors, etc.... It’s good to hear about and see, but my dream is that after this, all politicians realise that the NHS, Care System needs sorting out and properly funding again somthat it’s always our number one priority as a country. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2020 #746

    The care system should be under central government not each council  to be responsible and as there is now noted by Boris with the NHS  , proper funding 

    Which is going to be a major problem when the price of Covid19 is counted up,

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,530
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    edited April 2020 #747

    Totally and absolutely agree, that was not my intention in the slightest. This thread is asking for our concerns and thoughts related to this awful Covid situation we find ourselves in. It's not about animal rights per say as some suggest although this is linked. My posts, I'm sure you will see, are related to the OP and my Covid concerns and thoughts are valid I believe.

    Those that wish to view the videos do so not at my order at all, they choose to, in many ways I wish I had not but some myths were brought home to me in doing so. I think in my posting the link to the videos I also hinted at that uncomfortable viewing they may bring and a sort of warning was given. It is reality though.

    Unfortunately life at this moment isn't a bed of roses for any of us. I too support the captain in his 100 laps, after all, he has far more first hand knowledge of this terrible virus than we do and also the selfless efforts of the front liners who looked after him!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,749
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    edited April 2020 #748

    I am surprised that you can so often get beyond the minimum £60 spend needed for delivery!

    OH had to add on several unnecessary items such as wine, to be sure we would be over the £60 in case several items were not available.  In the end there were items to a total of almost £22 that we did not get.

    The wine was good however!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,433
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    edited April 2020 #749

    It’s surely easy enough to spend £60 if you get absolutely everything on that one order rather getting odd things from various other shops. The point of a delivered order is to negate the need to go out which puts you at risk so it pays to make the most of it rather than still take the risk.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2020 #750

    The total is climbing all the time ... £3 360 000 .... 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2020 #751

    Was it his PR office who made the World aware of his generosity?