Wishful Thinking

These are difficult times and I'm sure we all want to 'emerge' relatively unscathed but we can still dream. Surely that's a healthy and positive mindset to hold on to.
So, with this in mind, where would you love to be today. Just to make this dream a little more interesting let's post our virtual holiday locations as as a clue for others to guess and a 'what3words' to provide the answer.
Here goes mine
Clue (smash together)
A film about Billy and his bird and the town with the World's shortest street.
Answer- wasps.revolting.tipping
Remember, stay at home and stay safe all!
In true House of Games style you need to smash the first part of the clue with the second, (town with world's shortest street). Google may help! Then check your solution on the what3words app. This location has probably my most favourite view of all time!
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Sorry M, I thought everybody had this app these days, very useful in many ways!
This will provide the exact location I was dreaming of.
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Strewth, Micky, and I thought University Challenge was mind bending.🤣
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Can I suggest visiting the link provided, M. This app is used by the emergency services, mountain rescue teams and those in danger world wide. If one does CT then W3W is a cinch! It is a useful and helpful application, for many in need of assistance or help or even those just trying to keep sane in difficult times. I only mean to provide some social interaction and a bit of fun at this difficult time! Keep smiling!
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It's a great app. Move around the house and the words change 😃.
We first learnt about it when our DIL had to call the fire brigade last harvest, she could see a building on fire, it is adjacent to the old great North Road and smoke would affect the A1M very quickly. Fire brigade were there very swiftly. A great comfort to know that whichever field she or her workers are in, in an emergency they have an instant location, providing there's a phone signal.
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Just had a look at the app, but it appears to be strictly apple based, not compatible with android devices. Is that right?
(I did chuckle at the suitable for 4+ years statement - I'll get my grand niece to fill me in!
Edit ... great minds, brue!
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Here you go, M.
Incidentally Micky, I used my Apple iPad to fish this out of the Android Google Play Store - simples. 👍🏻
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every day of the week twice on sundays👏🏻👏🏻
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B2- doff.yours.rocker is in Senegal Africa, desert area not a holidaying district mind😂
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I like this game!😁
Smash together.......
endless seeming distance and seriously noisy music!
Answer: pasta.recount.inefficient
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Separate words, insignificant, bedroom rumblings
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I am ok at thinking them up, just not very good at solving them! I will try and get OH involved, he’s great at crosswords etc.....