Be careful what you wish for!

LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
edited March 2020 in General Chat #1

I was brought up as Christian and follow Christian principles, but I am an Agnostic.  My belief is in the power of Nature - not just our planet but the whole Universe.

A year or so ago I got into a discussion with friends about the problem of global warming, and my case for argument took me along the following path, as follows:

The Earth was not formed specifically for the benefit of Mankind - we simply evolved by accident along with all other species.  In fact, Mankind itself has become the greatest threat to life on Earth. My claim was that Nature would one day address the balance by producing some form of catastrophe. Annihilation of Mankind would only remove one species, and probably result in reducing the threat that now exists to many more.

I was speaking quite glibly at the time, and a few of the group were quite amused by my “prophecies”.   Now, with the advent of COVID-19, and its on going progress despite drastic actions by governments and medical science, I cannot help wondering if my comments about the power of Nature were a little nearer to the truth than I imagined. surprised




  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
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    edited March 2020 #2

    I believe you are right in that the earth does naturally balance nature, and not getting political but if we look at global warming, this has been around many times whilst mankind was not even on earth.  I understand what you are saying, and it is likely that COVID-19 will cause many deaths, certainly into 6, maybe even 7 figures, but I do not believe it is the wipe out of mankind anymore than the spanish flu of 1918 was.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited March 2020 #3

    I think that if your theory was to be correct then nature really hasn't chosen a very efficient method?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited March 2020 #4

    I'm sorry to say but the figures do not warrant or back up your thesis.

    This pandemic has to date only accounted for approximately 0.00003% of the earths population, I think. I may have put one too many 0 in the percentage but you get the gist. Even if we were to quadruple the deaths it will not make much of an impact in the march of Homo Sapien.

    Personally, I think mankind can be the architect of his/her own demise. Either that or the universe will take care of us. Watch out for that speeding meteorite!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #5

    I don't know why the earth was formed or why we're here but it's not for long, we're mere specks in time and I hope we get a chance to survive. smile

  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited March 2020 #6

    The expected global death rate from corona virus is well below the birth rate, so the argument does not stand scrutiny 
    Viruses does not want to kill its hosts, viruses want to reproduce 

    Natures shows us that if a virus  is to severe,  and kills to many host,  it is the viruses that are less severe that eventually become dominant, and the most severe die out 



  • LeTouriste
    LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
    edited March 2020 #7

    I hope the most optimistic of you are right,  But I am not going to underestimate the power of Nature.  What has gone before is no guarantee that this will apply in the future. With this current pandemic, the infection rate has still increased exponentially even after measures for control were introduced. It beggars belief that all those infected had been in the habit of intimate contact with others, so just how much risk occurs by just passing others briefly?  A handshake? Brushing past someone?  Picking up objects which have previously been handled by others?  What if this virus mutates and becomes resistant to all known drugs or disinfectants? - in much the same way that the medical profession are concerned that we are running out of options with our antibiotics.

    Relying on the birth rate to resolve matters is not practical.  Infants take a long time to themselves become self sufficient, and the older generations have to be there to nurse  and nurture them.

    What should happen when this is over, is that world leaders and scientists be extra careful before introducing alien strains into society, including animal welfare and hygiene.  As technology progresses, we ourselves have developed an ever increasing range of abilities to wipe ourselves out.  We are far from being invincible.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited March 2020 #8

    I think in recent history wars have been doing a better job. The second world accounted for about 69 million persons and took us decades to recover from. Add on the countless wars since and the total is horrendous.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #9

    Le Touriste, when this outbreak is over and it will be over just as other outbreaks have died out like Sars and Mers we'll find out more. They are part of the same coronavirus group and the whole outbreak will be researched carefully. It might be helpful to understand the coronavirus by looking it up on Wiki or similar. See how far back some of the viruses go and how the planet adapts to these things over time, they're not new, they're continually happening. smile


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2020 #10

    Agree 100% with that.

    I've quoted the songwriter Joni Mitchell many times before now - how about this verse from the song Hejira for one of the cleverest set of song lyrics ever -

    "I know, no one's going to show me everything
    We all come and go unknown
    Each so deep and superficial
    Between the forceps and the stone"

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited March 2020 #11

    I think you need to, as Brue says, do some research on viruses.

    With this current pandemic, the infection rate has still increased exponentially

    yes but as with any virus this doesn't carry on forever, the curves will (and shows sign already) of flattening and falling. In China there are very few new cases.

    What if this virus mutates and becomes resistant to all known drugs or disinfectants?

    A Virus will mutate all the time but so far they get less deadly when they do. And if that isn't the case then simple soap is far far effective than disinfectant, A virus has a fatty layer, simple soap will dissolve that fat layer and the virus becomes inactive. That will always happen.  

    world leaders and scientists be extra careful before introducing alien strains into society...

    I have missed this, sorry which world leaders and scientists have been introducing alien strains into society?

    we ourselves have developed an ever increasing range of abilities to wipe ourselves out.

    Yes we do have abilities to wipe ourselves out but now you are changing your theory and argument, I though you said:

    My claim was that Nature would one day address the balance by producing some form of catastrophe

    So which do you mean? nature or our own inventions?


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #12

    The human race as we know it is a mere stripplings compared to billion year old viruses..wink

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited March 2020 #13

    The words from Queens song ,”is this the world we created” are quite fitting at this time .

  • LeTouriste
    LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
    edited March 2020 #14

    Alien strains?  What about Thalidamide?  Rather than being glib about the situation, let’s see what transpires.  According to one news item, Covid-19 is a descendent of SARS.  True or false - who knows?  This latest virus is so new that scientists have predicted at least 18 months before a vaccine is likely to be available.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #15

    Yes it's true, they are in the coronavirus group. Viruses mutate, a bit like humans have over the last 200,000 years but viruses have been around for much longer and are good at it! Keep safe and stay at home. smile

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited March 2020 #16

    I’m definitely onboard with the redressing the balance thing👍🏻. The weather is a prime example-with all the rain we’ve had over the winter I expected a good amount of dry weather to follow-it’s happening now(personal experience). In my experience LT I’m with you in the balancing thing too. I’m not one for creators etc, I much prefer to think & believe we don’t know nor can rely on anything out there. If our species were to suffer a catastrophic loss of life I’d expect it would’ve been well before the advent of modern medicine. I reckon if we ever face extinction it’ll be from space in the form of neo’s(near earth objects).

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited March 2020 #17

    I'm afraid you have totally lost me here LT, Thalidamide was a drug developed by 'us' and not a virus, you keep changing your viewpoint from your OP from Nature would one day address the balance by producing some form of catastrophe to ourselves doing it, which is it? Also what definition of alien are you using?

    I'm not being glib, nobody is, but this virus just doesn't fit your OP theory at all, there has been worse before this.


  • LeTouriste
    LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
    edited March 2020 #18

    Oh dear - here we go with the argumentive element.    Mankind is itself an evolution of Nature. We have simply developed out ability to invent beyond that of the animal kingdom.  I did not say this particular pandemic would erase the human race, but it isn’t difficult to imagine what is possible in the future.

    The world population has been increasing immensely.  One day we will run out of space, and we are using technology to artificially maintain ourselves.  If Armageddon did happen, it would be the so-called civilised races that would be the first to go.  The simple living folks in what’s left of the jungles would be the most able to survive.

    Human behaviour in this pandemic Systematic clearing of shelves beyond what is needed, and the need for amounts per person to be controlled, clearly indicates how selfishly people would react. If an even more lethal virus engulfed the population, it is people themselves who would finish what a virus had started.

    We are in our mid-80’s and, fortunately, able to be independent, although our families ring us daily to check that we are OK,  But, if we haven’t been seen for a few days, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that not a single neighbour has knocked on our door to check on us.  I would like to think that this attitude is a local one, rather than a general one countrywide.  A bit different to the days when neighbours helped each other in good times or bad.

    Mankind is the single, most destructive species on the planet.  We have been indiscriminately exploiting the resources of the planet, and discarding our unwanted waste on the land, in the rivers and in the oceans.  Some of our rivers have been cleaned up, but this is only a small oasis for wildlife in a desert of detritus.  Ultimately, a price will be paid for this.

    Anyone’s opinions about the future are purely surmise.  I hope that my negative thoughts are wrong, but certain behaviours by society do tend to make you look on the gloomy side.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #19

    That's sad you've had no contact from the locals to ask how you are LeTouriste, it's enough to make you feel downhearted and a bit gloomy. Is there not a local community contact where you can let them know you would like to ask for help if needed? It's good to be managing on your own but no doubt a friendly local contact is also beneficial. Take care. 

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited March 2020 #20

    So, we're all doomed?! That's made day six of my isolation all the more excitingyell


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited March 2020 #21

    There is in fact only one thing that could save our planet, and it’s an unpalatable one. Simply, the whole of mankind gets wiped out, with our overbreeding, our capacity to pillage Earth’s natural resources, our lack of empathy for other living species, our too too clever adaptability and intelligence to fend off pandemics. 

    Then it can all be done again. Slime, one cell creatures, insects, diversification into birds, mammals, fish. 

    Mother Nature is giving us a very harsh warning at the moment. It’s the most overcrowded places that are going down first. (India is just going to be so bad...😥)

    Personally, I would leave out religion of all kinds next time round. And I might just let a matriarchal society dominate more...........


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited March 2020 #22

    Thing is TDA, there are some slimey one cell creatures already among us!!!wink

    JK (more than bored!)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2020 #23
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  • marchie1053
    marchie1053 Forum Participant Posts: 584
    edited March 2020 #24

    On a technical note, JK, you forgot to add 'Captain Mainwaring, doomed I tell ye ...' at the end of your first sentence sealed

    And to LeTouriste, if you're worried about Alien Strains, when ET next phones home, tell him to take some Dulcalax [other brands are probably available, albeit not on supermarket shelves, but available for home delivery in 2023 if you book this morning.

    In other news, an Australian Astrophysicist, bored by self isolation, has been experimenting with a magnetic device to sound an alarm when you touch your face, was taken to the hospital where his partner is a nurse ['so se and her colleagues could have a good laugh at me] after the magnets became stuck up his nose and had to be removed under anaesthetic ... undecided

    Bet Alexander Fleming never had these problems!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2020 #25

    Agreed. Looks like some communities have got their act together and others haven't or maybe some could focus on local news and find out what's going on. We don't need much help but I know the local numbers to phone if we did.

    Le Touriste I know you are asking the bigger questions on here but maybe look at some smaller questions locally and get a few telephone numbers lined up, we're in for a long haul and as humans go we do know how to help each other in a crisis. I'm trying to be positive just now and not worry about the future of the world too much. Hope your family can help too if needed. smile

    End of sermon....wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2020 #26

    Many of our more  elderly than us  neighbours.  who,  if in normal times manage to get out ,and do a bit of shopping  ,or a stroll   ,know that when several of us who take our dogs out,  as it is still considered essential exercise,   look out for them ,and will knock if notice any thing "unusual" ie curtains not drawn,,milk out late, post in letter boxes ,most still seem to get  family member visits   ,as we recognise the cars (it pays to be curtain twitchers),

    As we have found out , Dog Walkers  as the police acknowledge,seem are more aware   

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2020 #27
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited March 2020 #28

    That’s the spirit JK....... made me laugh out loud!😂

    Use all means at your disposal LeT to contact family and friends, get a bit of conversation going. CT serves it’s purpose, and there are a lot of very caring folks on here, but the banter can’t flow like it should do because of rules and regs. But get chatting down in the social room, tell folks about your day, good and bad. 

    Sometimes you have to be the one to open up the communication channels, nine times out of ten, others will be more than grateful for the hello. 

    Well, just had a knock on door, step back, homemade cake! We have replied with a jar of homemade marmalade! Neighbours. 💕 All precautions taken, source reliable. 

    I am donning my cybersuit. Milk required..........

    Edit, yep, our neighbours were walking their dogs, it is something you do notice on a walk, who is up and doing, why are those curtains (normally open) still closed, etc.....

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2020 #29

    Mother Nature is giving us a very harsh warning at the moment. It’s the most overcrowded places that are going down first. (India is just going to be so bad...😥)

    In many of the slums of many countries the population will likely be decimated

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited March 2020 #30

    India is just so frightening. The country got four hours notice before shut down. Poor rural migrants have fled the cities in droves, walking back to their villages, it’s a bit of a lottery what will get them first, C19 or starvation. Dreadful.☹️

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited March 2020 #31

    I’ve said that for decades-cut out the testosterone put females in charge & the world would rub along nicely. Trust me-if we(males) where the child carriers overpopulation would so not be a problem👍🏻