Advice/tips on owning & driving 8.7m tag axle van

JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12

Hello everyone

Im thinking of buying a used 8.7m tag axle Autotrail van.  We are planning a year on the road with a big dog so want the extra space.

I've already seen that storage and campsite availability is restricted due to its size but are there any motorhomers out there with similar sized vehicles who can give me some advice or tips on ownership of tag axles/sub-9m vans?

With advance thanks 



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2020 #2

    Just ensure that when booking site, as you have noted, a call to the site as a "reminder?" not many have more than a couple of pitches that will comfortably  accommodate the size you may buy,

    Are you also going to have another  add mode of transport   ,if you want to get out and about  in the areas you are staying

  • JC2001
    JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2020 #3

    Thanks for this JVB66.  We are planning to take bicycles for runs into small towns and villages.  I’ve been told that size issues for sites aside, the length won’t be more of a factor than a 7.5m van. However I am wary so your and others real life experience is hugely appreciated. 

    Thanks again


  • JC2001
    JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2020 #4

    I should have said that our year long tour is in the UK. So we expect some challenges. 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #5
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  • JC2001
    JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2020 #6

    Thanks for this Boleroboy.  

    Yes the AT is a Chieftain and with a huge garage and payload.  However since posting my question I've seen that finding somewhere to store it safely before we go is almost impossible and even finding somewhere local to load up before we go may be difficult.

    We live in London and single deck buses are c.14m so I thought 8.7m would be OK but I'm beginning to doubt this.  I've asked others too and I'm hearing that continental touring is easier (if more expensive) with longer vans.  

    So maybe my van quest continues... and needs to focus on sub-8m motorhomes.

    With thanks and good wishes 


  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #7
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2020 #8

    With your circumstances ,noted via your latest posts  ,   the rise of motor caravans in the uk seem, mostly  ,to be used as a towed caravan    , we have had many caravans, then In 2000 until 2012 had motor caravans (two), and as our caravans,    had to be stored away from home (3 miles),

    We have since,    returned to towing a caravan, and have not regretted doing so   ,,we now again do not have to consider where we can or cannot pitch up in the UK   , to be near ease of access to any  towns/villages  etc, as we have our tow vehicle alongside,    available to go where ever when ever we want,    as there are just the two of us and our collie ,   it is our add payload of things that we "need", and we can be in and out of sites and, storage as quick as if not quicker as the "stuff" that goes home is already loaded at home 

    Just my take on your situation ,  if you are not touring other the uk , going out of this country where motor caravans have the space to park up off sites then ignore my ramblings wink

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited March 2020 #9

    I think you're wise to reconsider, John. Your circumstances are out of the ordinary and I can understand your desire for space. However, I think the disadvantages of a van that size would outweigh the pros.

    Keep searching, you'll get there.


  • JC2001
    JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2020 #10

    Thank you all so much.  Your experience and wisdom is gold dust!

    We prefer a motorhome and the dog doesn't travel well in a car so towing a caravan isn't an option.  I am persuaded and now think we need an 8m limit but in light of Boleroboy's comments we will look again at 7.5m too.

    The UK climate is our challenge as we can't pack for just one season and we will be packing-up and letting-out the house so we can't come back and re-pack!  

    So the search continues...

    Hearty thanks to one and all. It's hugely appreciated.  


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited March 2020 #11

    Accessible self storage could help with storing your off season gear. 👍

    Has your dog travelled in a MH? I don't want to be a scaremonger but ours was far worse in the van than in the car, especially when he got old.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2020 #12
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2020 #13

    If your dog is not a good traveller in a car,   I would suggest you look at motor caravan  hire to give it a try,    the ride you will find is ,a lot different to a car,, ,   before you commit to spending big money , 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #14
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  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited March 2020 #15

    I think that you are making far too much of this taking notice of the weather thing, and not having the right clothing. As you know we travel throughout this country all year round and, although we do go home occasionally, the clothes I take with me are virtually the same for every trip. All one needs to do is to select the right area to be in depending on the time of year. We have a friend in a Bimbo sized M/H who travelled round the British coast for well over half a year with her dog, so surely there should not be any problem for the OP in a much larger van doing similar for 12 months;l 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #16
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited March 2020 #17

    I’m sure he'll choose what's right for him, BB. 👍🏻

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited March 2020 #18

    Bimbo... a small VW M/H. Surely having the additional space in a larger M/H allows one to take sufficient "stuff" to journey where ever one wants, especially if you select your sites carefully with respect to bus services and cycle routes. We've had very little problem this winter, having been on the road since 21st Jan, and had we been in a M/H we'd not even bother about the one day that we didn't move because of the wind. We have had surprisingly few days where the rain has stopped us from getting out and about. It just need a bit of planning and understanding of the places that are likely to be the least likely to be affected by the weather.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #19
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  • JC2001
    JC2001 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2020 #20

    Thank you all so much for being so generous with your time and helpful thoughts.

    We could do this in a much smaller van but as new travellers we want  creature comforts and space. We are looking at Auto-Trail vans and considering the 8.7m Chieftain, the 8m Serrano and the 7.5m Mohawk.  The quality of finish, fixtures & fittings in all these make us feel they'd make a good 'home from home'. The issue of van size is we recognise a balance between accessibility and living with a big dog in a motorhome.  

    The dog is OK on trains and buses (and even cars when she is being cuddled!) so we are as confident as we can be that she will be OK.  We did look to hire a van but couldn't hire the van we wanted to buy and so, aware of how ride and space affect us and the dog, it seemed like a wasted exercise.  So now we are looking at all 3 vehicles.  The chieftain was perfect for size, it felt like a London flat on wheels but your comments about an 8.7m van have somewhat dampened my ardour!

    And yes we will try to pack with care but we have created an emergency budget for a winter cottage rental should we meet the limits of our endurance!  

    And I should say that after this first adventure we are looking to a longer tour of the continent where we would keep in the sunshine throughout the year.  We wanted to get ourselves 'shipshape & seaworthy' whilst in the UK and hope that next year Brexit will be settled.

    Huge thanks to you all! 
