Pixsys controller

I have a 2016 Pilote P746C with Alde 3020 heating, only had it for nearly 2 weeks and heating system works okay, but there is a Pixsys ATR111 controller under the seat near the mains breaker/battery charger and I haven't got a clue what it is for but think it might have something to do with the heating.
Anybody any ideas please?
Why not ask the dealer or whoever sold you the M/H. Surely they will know.
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Does this help? https://www.silge.com.ar/Documentos/ATR111.pdf
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I know that it is a temperature controller just that I don't know what it controls, it is set at 30deg C, bit too cold for pizzas and I can't find the pizza oven either but then my previous NH (Swift) didn't have one either)
Will need to call the dealer, can't go back to him as I am in Southampton and he is in Perth