Plug in hybrid car charging

stephen p
stephen p Forum Participant Posts: 194
edited November 2019 in General Chat #1

This could have gone in the Towcar section but I think that would be optimistic at the moment!

I was out for a ride on my motorcycle this week (dodging the rain) and I had stopped for a coffee at a filling station. I was parked next to the electric car charging bay and I noticed that the displayed price was 30p per unit (there was an additional  £1 set up cost for DC charging) Given that my electricity at home costs around half that amount I thought it seemed expensive.

I had recently looked into the benefits of buying a Volvo XC60 T8 PHEV (there weren't any! unless you want an XC60 as a 30 mile town car) and knew that it had a battery capable of holding around twenty units and that on battery alone it would do 35 miles (one assumes driven very very carefully). So I did a quick calculation.

To fill a flat battery (for the sake of argument, assuming no losses in the system) would take 20 units from the charger and therefore cost £6 and this will take you 35 miles.

A gallon of petrol today in my local supermarket was £5.90. Using the petrol engine in the Volvo this gallon would (if driven very very carefully) take you about 35 miles.

Food for thought! and profits for somebody?


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2019 #2

    I think it is very nieve of EV and hybrid  vehicle owner if in the not very distant future that it is going to be at the "price"as now with "free"or reasonable charging for the vehicles ,the loss of fuel duty will not much longer go "unnoticed "by those who hold the purse stringssurprised

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2019 #3
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2019 #4

    Oh dearundecided

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited November 2019 #5

    You might this discussion thread about hybrids useful, not all hybrids are "plug in" and the batteries are regenerated by other means.

    Hybrid LINK

    I would add, as an EV owner, that your sums on cost aren't right but I think there is plenty of varied input to read on the other thread and on another which CAMC introduced at the head of the tow car section. 

  • stephen p
    stephen p Forum Participant Posts: 194
    edited November 2019 #6

    Not intending to discuss the merits of hybrids or EVs.

    Just noticed over my cup of coffee that if you owned one you would definitely want to avoid public charging points.