Heki rooflights blowing open

I am sure many folk have noted that certain types of Dometic Heki rooflights have an inherent design fault, which can have show-stopping results !
As I recently experienced in Shetlands - where the wind blows non-stop - when the rooflight is opened for ventilation, a gust of wind can lift the catch out of it's slot and potentially at worst,blow the window right off breaking at the hinge putting an end to the trip till replaced, or damage the hinge beyond fixing. After one scary moment, luckily no real damage done, I just had to keep roof light closed although would have been good to have it open for cooking etc.
The manufacturers design has missed out a secure catch to prevent the wind lifting the rooflight up out of it's slot which could result in a very expensive replacement in addition to the inconvenience of ' no rooflight ' especially in showery weather !! Not a nice thought.
However, help is at hand as I discovered. See https://moho-bits.wixsite.com/manchester
Ian makes and supplies retro-fit catches at a reasonable price, preventing a potential disaster. There are other interesting devices to on the website. I can highly recommend these catches and also the helpful advice Ian provides. Worth a look.
Moderator Edit:
As you've opened two threads on the same topic and your discussion appears to be about a motorhome roof light, I've locked the other thread.
OK, no problems. To clarify , this was not a mistake - I posted also under Caravans, as Heki rooflights are found in many caravans too with the exact same issues.
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To be perfectly honest, that looks very flimsy and amateurish to me - Sorry, Angus.
As I suggested in the other thread, it’s a very brave soul who opens the roof vent in Shetland. 😄
Nice pic on the website of St Michael's Mount taken from Long Rock - the MH-ers delight👍🏻
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I clearly have a different design of Heki on my motorhome ( to the one illustrated in the link you provided) as it has a locking device that drops down to prevent the bar moving out of place. Quite how it would stand up to exceptionally strong winds I don't know but I suspect I wouldn't put it to the test in such conditions!
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It’s the wise tourer who knows which way the prevailing winds blow! Having said that, the severe restrictions on parking to the peg on Club Sites render such information useless.
Hey ho........🙄
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I feel a bit uneasy here visiting the dark side (motor home section)
It's a shame we have to be considering this problem the manufacturers must be aware of the situation. This device may mean I can get rid of the bungee cord I am using now.
I think they look quite good, a very simple design, I wish I had thought of it myself, and from the picture they look to be made well enough. There is very little load on the plastic it just has to stop the opening bar from moving in it's slide. The only element that could be improved on is the use of a self tapping screw.
I will certainly look into buying one.
Back to the caravan section before I am recognised!
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Welcome to the bright side🙂.
"Dark side", tut-tut. There’s really no need to wear a Balaclava😕
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You mean don't look back in Angora.
I wondered why my balaclava had a big hole in the back.
I have just popped back in because I have found the price for the Hatch Latch, £10 including p&p, A bit more than I was hoping but I'm having one!
I will report on my findings.
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More like wind in the windows I think.
Good luck with the purchase but why not make your own?
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My thoughts as well. It's a simple enough gizmo that seems overpriced for what it is.
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I have been making this sort of thing all my working life so I could make my own but I would feel like I was copying someones design.
And to be honest, now I have retired, for £10 it is time to let someone else do the work.
Having said that I have not heard back from them as to how to purchase one yet.
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I’d really not worry about copying something that’s more common sense than design.
Not heard from them? Tbh, the website didn't inspire me with confidence in their business acumen or professionalism😕. Still, there’s time…
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Hardly an innovative creation. I had previously considered fabricating a similar thing to achieve some hatch security when open but, like many things, it is currently awaiting a 'round tuit'.
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After some initial communication problems the Hatch Latch was delivered promptly.
The latch was made well enough and cut accurately (laser!).
When I came to fitting I discovered that the bottom corner near the screw partly obstructed the channel in the hatch frame, I am using this in a caravan so it could be there is a slight difference, cutting off the corner and smoothing it with fine abrasive sorted that problem.
The unit is supplied with a pilot sized hole which is ideal for marking through for the hole in the frame but I found that it gripped the screw and caused it to rotate in the frame when fitted, so I drilled this hole to 4mm clearance so the screw can rotate freely and all is well.
I think it will do the job well, is easy to use and unobtrusive.
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Good luck🙂