One Man's Journey to Off Grid Independence

Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
edited August 2019 in Your stories #1

If you think Off Grid Caravanning  is somehow low brow, I invite you to read my experiences 

 I have been caravanning since 1985. The journey has been full of joy, some downs, it has to be said, but generally I wouldn’t have changed a thing, Caravanning for me has given me and my family so many new and wonderful experiences. It did have a strange start though-

 Back in 1989, having 4 children, and not having a chance, financially speaking, to get my family on holiday, I was always looking for ways to do it. I had always fancied a caravan and thanks to a small legacy that came my way, I was able now, to look at buying one - not a new one, but certainly a decent one. For instance, with 4 kids, It  had to have hot and cold running water! So I approached the other half about the possibility of getting a caravan. She looked at me as though the last marble had just dropped and rolled down a drain-

“I’m not going in a caravan!” she said, “Oh no, not a caravan! ”- it was said with such disdain, you would have thought I had asked her if it was OK if we joined the local travelling community!  It was obviously no good trying to convince her so I left it alone! Some weeks later, she came sheepishly to me while I worked in the greenhouse and said ”you know your idea of a caravan?  “Yes” I said with hope rising in me “well I’ve been thinking, perhaps we should take a look” To cut a long story short and not being one to hang around, we bought our first caravan that very weekend! I was the proud owner of a Avondale Leda Pennine 5/6 berth and our caravanning life had begun.

 I had been happy up to 2011 with the 'status quo' as  everyone had to be, and that was purely due to the fact that we had no choice in the matter in those days. If you wanted everything working in your caravan, you simply joined the queue, collected your 2 Calor cylinders (after paying your contract money for each one of course) and had a 240v hook up stuck in the side of your van. That was the way it was, and like hundreds of thousands of others, I was happy to do it as I knew no different, I knew that was the only way I was going to give them a holiday and, it has to be said, we had some crackers! Finances were fairly tight back then, so, financial circumstances made me keep an an eye on the price of my caravanning.

 I remember we did do the odd bit of off grid caravanning but only for a weekend now and again- usually, that was at the Caravan Clubs Off Grid Round Spinney site at Milldenhall for the yearly Air Show,  which was for us, without a doubt, one of the highlights of our caravanning year. Even then, I remember the problems I had with Lead Acid batteries. I must have spent a good  time on my knees praying that the battery lasted and the red LED didn't come on, which, it invariably it did! The battery was obviously less than healthy but we always had the car to plug up to if we really needed it. Lights and pumps was about all it did- No LED’s in those days! If only I had realised then, that that form of caravanning was to become the norm for us today and that with the right technology, that was waiting in the wings, it would be as comfortable and as easy to do as if with an EHU. If I’d been told that by someone I would have laughed him off site- how things change!

For me, my journey to 'power independence' started in 2011 or even perhaps a little earlier. It wasn't because I was blessed with an endless knowledge of modern tech and gadgets, - a guy rapidly approaching his 60s is unlikely to be ‘down with the kids’!. No, in the early days it was about money but now in 2011 it was rearing its ugly head yet again. Although still a few years off retirement tax changes started to have an effect on pension funds.  I had to seriously think about my caravanning! If I was to realise my expectations and caravan at the intensity that I had promised myself post retirement, it was obvious I had to find some way of either paying even more contributions into my pension, or, the other side of the equation-finding some way of reducing my costs for our caravanning. The question was simple - How?  The first option of paying more in was not possible - it simply wasn’t an option and I had serious doubts that I could shave even a small amount off my caravanning costs.  Prices for CC 'Certificated Locations' with hook up, which were the type of sites I normally headed for, were fairly standard in pricing. I had never, as I’ve said, ventured onto an off grid site for any length of time as the only way of powering the van would have been getting a a generator or worse still, running the engine on the tow-car and I wasn't going down that road! Oh- the complaints! Then there were Caravan Club site.  - they were definitely out, I’m sorry - It just wasn't my type of caravanning- Lines of regimented caravans,  pegs, lighting bollards and the early morning walk to the washroom just wasn't our bag! So, how was I going to do this? - in 2012, things looked pretty bleak!

 The year passed with me considering my options from time to time and slowly, but surely, a plan started to take shape. Fortunately, I had always been interested in new ‘gadgets’ and that led to a well informed decision. I had to make my caravanning cheaper- and as the idea grew, I also wanted to be completely independent of anyone else short of supplying me a patch of grass to put my van on. These two desires were the bedrock of where I am today. I wanted to produce a caravan which was not only cheap to run, but was comfortably equipped and usable and had minimal impact on the environment. It was a desire that got stronger as time passed.

 The photovoltaic cell had come of age and the mighty Solar Panel had really started to make its presence felt, but more than that, research had improved them.  Now, we had panels that would work  in decent light instead of needing direct sunlight to generate amps. I asked the question- “What if I could produce my own power with a solar panel and survive on 12v?” It meant sacrifices of course in the fact that I couldn’t use various appliances on the van, the obvious one being the microwave, and,  if I could do this, it would rid me of the Electric Hook Up and allow me more freedom by allowing me to visit sites at a third of the price into the bargain! However, at that time, I knew that the LPG situation could not be altered- I would still need to rent cylinders and they were not cheap having seen them rise year on year but that was how it was. There wasn't anything else on the market so I had to accept the status quo and that was, when swopping a rental cylinder - 'pay up and shut up'. I sat down and did a few calculations- I wouldn't be paying for electric but I would be using more gas but there would be a definite saving. The figures definitely added up so I pressed on with my plan to become hook up free.

 At last, in November 2012, I put my money where my mouth was, took the first step of the journey, and had a 135w panel fitted to the roof of my caravan. A second 110ah battery was fitted and wow, what a revelation. Some advantages started to make themselves obvious immediately. For the first time since I had started caravanning, I found myself no longer running backwards and forwards to the storage site with a newly charged battery every few weeks to keep my alarm and tracker alive and thereby keep my insurance valid -my battery was fully charged all the time - so how much time and diesel was that saving me and indeed, continues to save me?- the first stage of the project was complete. However, as is sometimes the way with these things, someone else obviously thought my caravan was very nice and 3 months later, my caravan was stolen from a CaSSOA, panel and all. I was not to be put off, so I started again.

 In May 2013, having purchased my replacement caravan, a 2011 Bailey Unicorn Valencia, I found myself going to the first 'rally' I had ever been to, -the Caravan Clubs National at Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire. To be honest, it was a test run for me and my new toy - with my solar panel on the roof, and having seen what it could do, I was very confident that flat batteries were not going to be an issue. Of course, I went off grid at the rally and I was right, I had a wonderful weekend for many reasons, not least of all that my batteries stayed fully charged.  It was whilst I was there, my plans to cut my caravanning costs further, received another shot in the arm. On wondering among the various trade stalls, I spotted some very modern looking cylinders - made of a resin type material. For a start, I didn't bother asking about them but I had made a mental note to return to that stall. What were these LPG cylinders? -were they for rental?  I needed to know. On returning to the stall, I soon discovered that they were Safefill cylinders. - these, I discovered you bought and owned and filled them yourself.- and at much reduced cost! They were fitted with the same connection as gas powered cars. They had the 80% cut off requirement for an LPG cylinder and other safety features . I discovered that these cylinders had only just entered the market place in the previous 2 years- This was an answer to a prayer. This new cylinder was in my locker in quick order and I still love it as much today as I did then, not only because it has handed me the chance of much cheaper LPG, but it has given me choice- a choice which I have never had before, it has empowered me. No longer am I subject to the dictates of large LPG concerns and their rental demands. I didn’t need their expensive cylinders anymore!

 Now, with a Safefill on board I saw my overall costs for my hobby drop again- this time on the LPG side of things  - what a marriage- Solar Panels and Safefill cylinders- It goes without saying -They have both been one of the best investments I have ever made - They just keep on saving me money! The miracle for me was that they had both appeared as though by magic and just when I needed them! . So now, I could make my own electric, and,  have my own cylinder which meant no more heavy rental charges- I was now paying for the actual gas- at a quarter of what I had been, and not for what it was stored in - OK, I still couldn't use my microwave or indeed my slow cooker, or my electric blanket but from where I had been a few months earlier, I had made a quantum leap in the art of Off Grid caravanning. I returned home a happy man.

 The next year saw me at Arley Hall at the 2014 National but this time as a day visitor. Something had lured me to travel those 125 miles or so, because again, it was while I was wondering around the trade stands between the showers, that I  came across my next part of the jigsaw.  In a casual conversation under canvas, with a company selling all things electrical, - batteries, sat navs, reversing cameras etc, and with the rain beating down so that it sounded as though we were in a snare drum, I explained my goal and what  I had achieved over the past year or so. I explained my regrets in that that I had lost the use of my microwave due to not wanting mains any longer. I could use the microwave as a bread bin! I was then asked what I had on board as regards batteries etc. . I told him. I'll never forget his reply - "With what you have, why haven't you got an inverter?" Although I knew of inverters and what they did, - sort of- I had not, at that time, considered one so naturally I asked if he thought it was something I could use and would it be useful to me. “Well you'll have your microwave back and it'll power other 240v equipment if you want them!"  came the reply - I was sold on the idea and bought a 2000w Pure Sine Wave inverter. What I had wanted was to be able to run the microwave and other things like a toaster and my hand held 240v vacuum, and, with this inverter, I now realised that I could. However, I didn't want it working at its max - It was big enough to handle the large amperages (unfortunately my batteries couldn’t) and leave spare capacity - and it was Pure Sine Wave which meant I didn't have to worry about any sensitive equipment I would have with me, like phones, tablets etc, - if they needed a pure sine wave, it was there. I fitted it before our next trip away- and then the fun really started.

 June of 2014 saw us leave for Devon knowing that if I had this right, this would be the most economical and independent caravanning I had ever had and with no reduction in comforts, and, it would be the first full test of the system I had pinned so many hopes on. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

 The fortnight passed and was, I thought,  a total success, even if damage, unseen and undetected had occurred to my batteries! But more of that later- Everything worked as it should including the microwave, vacuum cleaner and the thing I really didn't want to do without- the electric toaster!  It’s so convenient and the toast it produces is so much better than a what my caravan grill produced! There I was, sitting in a field, away from the world with not an orange cable in sight and enjoying all the comforts of home at £5 a night! There were certain  things however, that I felt I could do without. One was the slow cooker which I have to say I missed, another was the Electric blanket, not that I needed it at that time of year, but it would become an issue when it got colder. . We will return to those later. The two things I had invested in- my Safefill and my Solar Panel, were providing everything I needed- the panel filling the batteries (or so I thought) and the Safefill providing cooking and hot water at much more realistic cost and really importantly at that time of year, supplying the fridge!! What did I care- I was getting my gas at about 25% of what I had been getting it at! The end of the 14 day holiday came and I went to pay The cost? £70 for site fees instead of the normal £196 based on an average of £14 a night had it been an EHU site -  £126 saved and my Safefill was virtually paid for in saved fees from just one fortnight in Devon! I wanted to embrace what I believe is the caravan ideology- to be able to go into the countryside with as little pollution or disturbance as possible and this was and has always been one of the driving forces behind this decision. I didn’t want to be and never have wanted to be ‘Suburbia on holiday’ - arriving with phenomenal amounts kit and equipment, plugging in, switching on and tuning in, but on the other hand I’m not a member of the ‘bucket and chuck it brigade’ either- no, just a simple but comfortable existence is my desire- with modern technologies allowing me to achieve that. However, I don’t think the EHU is under any kind of threat!

 After that holiday, we had more breaks off grid but any joy at my achievement was to be short lived. As early as 2016, the year I finally retired, it was obvious that the batteries  were not performing as they once had. Had I known then what I know now about Lead Acids, the inverter would not have been bought. It would only serve to damage my batteries. It was again, by visiting the shows and asking questions, that I learned Lead Acid batteries are damaged by asking them for large amperages as I had done. Plates warp and distort- I was very disappointed that I had not known that before but at least I knew it now and I would use that knowledge to my advantage. Eventually, the lead acids had got to such a state, that it was no longer possible to even think about putting the inverter on, the microwave and the toaster were once again redundant. The power just wasn’t there, the batteries were dying. The bread was back under the grill! They were OK for 12v LED lights and pumps but little else. This was not what I wanted and I was now looking at another 2 batteries of £140 each......or was I?.  Over the years since starting my off grid adventure, I have been very keen to keep abreast of all the new technologies that have come our way- what I mean by that is the technologies that benefit the caravanner and motor-homer. One of those was the rise and rise of the Lithium Battery. This technology, invented in the 1970/80s but only recently made available in Leisure batteries has interested me from the first moment I found out about it. I have watched about every YouTube video there is to watch, read technical reports, been on webinars and generally bored the other half to death with lithium batteries. Like others,  I knew of this type of battery bursting into flames and suffering from ‘thermal runaway’ but that was Lithium Ion, - enter stage right lithium phosphate  or LiFepo4 batteries - perfectly safe lithium technology - like Lithium Ion The initial price tag is where many people lose interest - too expensive - but wait- hear me out. It was high- very high compared to a Lead Acid and the price was even more inflated due to other vital electronics needed to protect the battery like a Battery to Battery Charger and a decent MPPT solar controller both with Lithium cycles- but even knowing this extra expense, I never dismissed it completely- I wanted to know more. What were the advantages of lithium - they were many! As I struggled with failing batteries over the next year or two, it became apparent that I would have to change them as a matter of course, but if I bought Lead acids, even quality ones, I had to ask myself one question- do I want to be paying out and changing them again in 2 or at best 3 years time and every 2-3 years from then on?

 So it was easy to make my next decision. Lead Acids we’re out of the question- they were not suitable for the use I wanted to put them through so I was damn well going to fit a Lithium Battery to my caravan if it was possible - it really was the only choice I had. From what I knew about them now, I couldn’t see any problems.

 I found myself a 30 minute drive from Roadpro at Daventry , a company with a very good name in the industry. Having spoken to them and having found out that it was perfectly possible to fit a lithium battery to a caravan, and against the advice of those who saiid my caravan would burst into flames, I had more questions to ask. I was again fortunate in that the company who were the manufacturers of the battery I was looking at buying were sending two guys, their chief technician and a rep, from Italy to Britain-Roadpro was on their inventory to have a business meeting - I was invited down to ask all the questions I wanted to ask- I didn’t hesitate and spent a most informative 2-3 hours having my mind put at rest! Thank you Roadpro. After all, I was contemplating spending serious money on a power plant and I needed to know what my options were. Was I, after all my expectations re off grid living, doomed to return to the hook up once more?  Not after that meeting!

 So, in the summer of 2018, very early one beautifully sunny morning I arrived with my caravan at Roadpro having chosen the battery I wanted ( or more honestly, what Roadpro had recommended ) I had the now useless Lead Acid batteries removed and replaced by a single 100ah Lithium. At 60% of the weight of one of my lead acids and with the same amount of useable power of both - I had embraced this new tech with a feeling that this time, it was going to work and keep working. Yes, it wasn’t cheap but I had done my homework and calculations which were not difficult. If I had to change my Lead Acid batteries every 2-3 years so that I could be off grid and able to use what I wanted to use, then I was going to spend something in the region of £260-£280 every time I changed them, and have all the inconvenience that entails but how much would that be over the 20 -25 yr life of a lithium of £1000? Added to that,  I would have the advantage of extra safety- no fumes and the weight saving is amazing - It was a no brainer really. The Lithium, over time, actually worked out cheaper.

 However, the proof of the pudding as they say, so, in September 2018 off we went to Wales and spent 3 glorious weeks living with our new lithium battery.- The battery performed perfectly and performed all tasks with aplomb!

 February 2019, saw me again at the NEC. What had happened in the previous month was one of the deciding factors although I would have been there anyway,- damp ingress in the washroom floor of the old girl had made me think that a new caravan was in the offing! On 8th May 2019 I made my second trip to Roadpro. This time towing my new caravan.The lithium and attendant electronics had been removed from the old van some weeks before. The 135w panel on the roof went with it as I had negotiated a show offer of 100w up to a  new solar array of 300w in 2 panels of polycrystalline at 150w each. I wanted monocrystalline but as these were already far better than I had had, I didn’t argue too much! Coachman fitted one and Broad Lane the other. This was just the ticket for a lithium as they not only have the ability to give a large amperage but they can take it as well. The 135w had certainly been adequate to keep the lithium  charged. I now wanted faster charging which I knew the lithium could take with no problem and as the panels  were ‘free’ - why not?.

 As usual, Roadpro did an expert job on reinstalling my lithium ‘power pack’ and attaching it to the Solar array. There was one addition to the electronics in that I had a ‘priority switch’ fitted. This device simply searches for 240 volts and if it can’t find it- and in my case never can,  and now, never will- switches its attention to the inverter.  Since then, we have enjoyed 73 days away and although it’s early days still, I haven’t noticed any deterioration of the power available and the electronic display that came with the battery backs that up. The toaster has been used on virtually every one of those days and sometimes twice, the microwave has heated meals and drinks, the hoover has been on when needed and generally, we haven’t worried at all about the state of charge of the battery- we haven’t needed to. The power used has been quickly replaced by the solar array and on sunny days- really quickly! Had that been the Lead Acid batteries, damage would have occurred and been noticed I’m sure. Even in storage, I no longer have to take a flask or a gas cylinder with me. I get a mug of water, add coffee, milk and sugar, pop the inverter on and microwave it for 2 mins at full power- one very hot cup of coffee- and the battery? - still at 97%!

 For me now, after travelling the off grid road, I believe I have arrived at where I wanted to be when I started this project back in 2011/12. It has been an interesting journey. I have learned so much and , made my mistakes (lead acids) but you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. So now I am confident- thanks to modern technology and a good company at the back of me, that I won’t have to cut down my caravanning in my autumn years and indeed, as a barometer of my efforts, the OH loves it too so no complaints from that quarter. She switches the ‘transponder’ on as she calls it (bless her) - she’s been watching too much Star Trek!- and uses the facilities that  the Lithium offers her.

 I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey. What an amazing time the last few years have been for the caravanner and his ability not only to be able to create his own power but save power too!  - Solar panels,  LED lighting, highly efficient power saving devices, new materials for batteries making it possible for them to hold more charge at much less weight, and last, but certainly not least, - the brilliant, money saving refillable cylinders like Safefill - never again do I have to worry about how much is in the cylinder- I can top it up and know It’s full every time I get away.

 I often wonder what would our forbears would have thought of being able to go into the wild completely independent in power? As knowledge  and research improve the future can only get better for the off grid caravanner as batteries improve and solar panels become even more efficient. The technology  in every field moves on to improve what was there before. Composite cylinders which have extra safety features the old heavy steel ones never had- such as open the valve and no gas escapes unless a tail is fitted- how good is that with inquisitive children about?- I honestly believe that the refillable will become the default cylinder. The new cylinder and valve  technology has been so liberating for me.

 As far as my 'losses' were concerned, The slow cooker was replaced with a Mr Ds Thermal Cooker, which, again, saves power by cooking the contents in their own heat - the modern equivalent of the haybox which allows us to return after a strenuous walk and have a hot meal waiting for us. As far as the electric blanket is concerned, I’m sure the battery could and will handle it, but, what's the problem with a hot water bottle at night if things are a little nippy in Autumn or winter? - not that it should be with the brilliant Alde heating now using my much cheaper gas and using only 1 amp to power the pump! - There has never been a time in the history of caravanning where things have been made so convenient for us power wise! I often ask , ”Why would I want to have an orange cable anymore?” - and why oh why would I want to rent cylinders of gas where 70-75% is the cost of hiring the cylinder. However, some things we all want- I believe that if we all want to change the system that has had us straight jacketed for so many years, we need to buy things like Solar Panels and refillable cylinders. The LPG giants have had their time with making us pay for a cylinder that has probably been paid for with  rental charges 20, 40, 60 times? We can make things better and cheaper. Thinking outside the box has certainly paid dividends for me and I’ve enjoyed every moment of improvement. I am no longer using electricity that someone else provides through a cable, created by burning the dinosaurs or even worse, by splitting the atom- and the freedom of that is truly uplifting.  I hope I have given you food for thought

Happy caravanning.

Moderator Comment - Unfortunately political comments have had to be edited out of this story. 


  • BlodwynPig
    BlodwynPig Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited August 2019 #2

    An really great post with excellent reasoning for every step you took towards reaching you ultimate goal of off grid touring. Brilliant! Well done!

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #3

    Thanks BP. I think, or at least I like to think, that my reasoning was well founded and that each layer of learning helped me through to the next stage. Being off grid is such a liberating thing- I love it! I just wish the club would look at off grid with some sort of understanding that it is a real alternative now to the ubiquitous EHU! It’s no longer something that you do for a few day- I was on site for 6 weeks and absolutely no problem- so far this year £600+ saved against EHU sites and that is in the first year with my lithium ! - was the price worth it? Oh my goodness YES!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2019 #4
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #5

    Thanks DD. It’s gone to Practical Caravan! -I May well have to shorten it but We’ll see., Photos are waiting ! 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,061
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited August 2019 #6


    I think what would be useful is a breakdown of the extra costs you have spent buying all the equipment you have purchased and also how many nights away you spend each year. I would say this is needed to accurately work out whether it is a realistic proposition beyond those hobbyists like yourself that clearly enjoy pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. There are people on this forum who spend in excess of 150 nights a year in their caravans but who prefer to make use of mainstream sites using EHU. It is perhaps those motorhomers who spend a lot of time abroad either using Aires or wild camping that would benefit more from what you describe.


  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #7

    Hi david,

    You mention 150 nights a year - that is a no brainer but only if you want to 'wild camp'.  The savings would be amazing which I hope to prove. It has to be said that the working guy, which I was up to a couple of years ago, having only say 4 weeks holiday a year may see things differently but I would argue that it is still a good investment for the future. 

    OK. This is not as simple to do as you may think but I will try my best to give an honest approximation of the costs involved. I say an approximation because some of the costs are not vital and it also includes the removal of the kit from the old van and reinstallation into the new one.

    I won't bother with the original Panel and the 2 lead acid Batteries I had installed , short of saying that they definitely more than paid for themselves over the 2 or 3 years I had them - for instance- an example-when you can have a comfortable 15 day holiday for 4 adults and 2 children at £60 it doesnt take long to recoup costs! 

    So, very simply lets start on the 10th May 2018 when the new lithium and attendant electronics were fitted. The invoice for that was just under £1,500. That included the battery, a sterling Wildside battery to battery charger, cabling, and Labour. RoadPro gave me a deal on the labour charge as they saw it as a promotional exercise for the company. However,due to a clerical error, the new Votronic controller was omitted from the invoice so we must add  £135.30 to that. Don't forget, I already had the inverter and the single 135w panel.

    So, almost a year to the day on 8th of May 2019 I returned to RoadPro to have the new system installed in the new caravan. again, dont forget that I had my panels on the roof supplied and fitted 'free' -  the kit had been removed from the old van some weeks earlier. That cost an extra £360 give or take a few p[ence but included extras like the Priority Switch £73.15 (which is not essential) and a Temperature sensor at £19.98. Again, some cabling had to be done as it was a different set up. Again, don't forget that this extra work would not have had to have been done had I not swopped my van! so, all in all, we are talking about £2,000. Now I wont pretend  that is back pocket change. But its an investment that I thought worth making. I hope to show you why.

    Now, Since the first fit to the old Bailey and up to the present day, we have had now about 75 days away- I can't put an exact figure on it because I cant remember exactly what we did last year but the figure of 75 nights is definitely in the ball park. We would be spending another 28 days in September but for the wedding of our youngest son in Florida! 

    Now, their are differing opinions on what I save when I wild camp. But this is not really wild camping is it? - we now have everything that the EHU can supply so we are on a like for like basis here. We sometimes go to a £5 a night site and sometimes an £8 a night site and anything in between. we have to work on an average here because otherwise it would be far too complicated to arrive at a figure. I will wiork on an average of £15 a night for a CL with hook up and an average of £20 for a Club site- some are cheaper- some are more expensive but lets look a £20 which I think is fair. 

    150 nights you say - well, we can all work out the savings. If a Club Site caravanner wanted to try this he would, on 150 nights, save between £1,800 and £2,250 a year. He would of course be using more gas but at refillable prices I think he would put up with that don't you? Now, a regular punter going to a CL eith EHU would save between £1050 and £1500 depending on the cost of the off grid site in both cases. 

    Those savings have to be weighed against supply and install but please dont forget a lithim battery's life - anything between 20 and 25 years is not unreasonable and the electronics will still be there when you change vans because you'll be changing your vehicle before you change your battery etc! How much are you going to save over that length of time? (assuming you have that length of time) but joking apart,  A most important thing to consider as part of this debate is this. No worries about kit like a Microwave and toaster not working or the tele picture going off and leaving only the sound, of flat batteries or now having enough power to run the Alde etc. As long as you have a decent solar panel of at least I would say 150w then it should be fine.In the end,  Its up to every individual to work out what his requrements are and see if off grid is for him. I din't regret a moment of itand as you probably know by now Dave, Ill never go back to the EHU. I carry my power with me! 


  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #8

    And I've never had any problems booking sites! Another massive plus for me. 

  • DaveandVicki
    DaveandVicki Forum Participant Posts: 192
    edited August 2019 #9

    Merve, loved the story but you are so,so, so wrong..............













    .....toast tastes so much better from a gas grill. laughinglaughing

    Keep the info coming, despite the forum detractors.

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #10

    Lovely story well written ,, brilliant idea .But i cannot see how you are saving money ? Changing van .loose money . Kit fitted to new van .money ? . cls  pay for hook up .most companies now say they are carbon neutral for electric . No i dont believe it either .. Not knocking you because i would love to do it .. But i cant see the advantage ..Used to van with car battery in van ,spare in car while we were out all day charging ..telly on at night . Never bought leisure battery ,friends did left them in van all winter couldnt understand why in spring they were flat !! Sorry i am keyboard rambling ! I will go for solar panel though been pricing them up ,, all led lights in van and house ( save a fortune } cheers Merve Derek

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #11

    🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏 Will do D&V!! 🤣🤣🤣- hilarious!! 

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited August 2019 #12

    Hi Derek, thanks for you comments- much appreciated. Caravanning is not cheap and buying a new van is something that hundreds do every year so that is just the cost of what I love to do. The Lithium thing is about independence as much as saving EHU fees. With £650 saved on EHU fees in the first Year with my new lithium, I will get to the stage where I am saving serious money. Not yet, that’s what investments are all about- speculate to accumulate- I’ll definitely come out of this one better off. 

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #13

    Wild camping with a van in this country ?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,335
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2019 #14

    Camping off grid is not the same as wild camping, DC.

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #15

    Gentlemen ,, thank you for youre replies ,,i can see the logic in it , worked it out , Dont think i will go that route ,, because gaffer said no !!! Cheers Derek

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,298
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited August 2019 #16

    Very good article Merve, full of practical tips. You have obviously done a lot of research, generous enough to pass it on.

    An even older tip we were once given. Find a clean brick, heat it up in oven, with your meal is best for economy, then wrap a towel round it.....use as a bed warmer! Never tried it though....😁

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited September 2019 #17

    Hi D,

    Changing caravans is something we all do. It is the cost of our hobby- like any hobby- It costs money whether it be fishing, kayaking, RC models- and Caravanning is no different. Yes, it may be a little more expensive than most but it still requires one to spend money before you can enjoy it. So let’s dispense with that.

    Now, Every time I go out, I no longer have to go to an EHU site and pay twice or even three times the money. I explain this in a new video on Youtube where Roadpro Andy caught up with me just over a year later after fitting my first lithium battery. In the 13 weeks I have been off grid in the year I have saved about £650 on site fees and that is in one year with the lithium life expectancy of 20yrs or even more. You can work out the sort of savings to be made. I have had to invest but I fully expect that investment to come back to me fairly quickly and then continue to save me money. The Solar Panels were free of course supplied by Coachman as part of the Show offer. 300w of Solar to produce my electric for the next 20+ yrs! Then there is the sheer fun element of it and the unbelievable freedom it gives you.  I am very happy with the amazing cost savings I am achieving, but equally I love the new places it offer me.  I want to share that with others and so together with Johnny57 I have started a Facebook group- CAMOGG- Caravan And Motorhome Off Grid Group! Check it out and gain your freedom! 

    our group

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited September 2019 #18

    Thank you Tinny- this sometimes needs pointing out. Wild camping is basically finding a bit of land to park on , and its normally done by Motorhome owners as Caravans are a little more difficult to park with. Every bit of land in these isles is owned by someone so the question of trespass comes into the mix, but that is for another time.  They don’t use sites and therefore don’t support the CL owners who, I have to say, we are slowly losing and that could be a case of ‘use it or lose it’. 20 - 30 years ago, all those Mohos would have been caravans and they would have been on CLs helping to support the CL network. Caravanning Off Grid is, as Tinwheeler very correctly points out is totally different. We use beautiful off grid sites and pay for the privilege of doing so, therefore helping the CL owner and encouraging him to keep the site open!  We have water and waste and that is normally it!  

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    edited November 2019 #19

    Although I still visit Club Together, I am more involved now on Facebook - a group called CAMOGG - Caravan And Motorhome Off Grid Group. Look us up. Loads of info on how to enjoy the great outdoors at great prices- and by great, I don't mean big!! Off grid is becoming more and more popular as people start to realise the savings that can be made and at no reduction in comfort. Join us