Should the Club put it's foot down?
"the more something changes the more it remains the same " OW,
joined the club in 1998 so a newbie compared to some, has much changed since then?, not really so we can blather on and on on CT but i see very little hope for change. Yes some sites have been upgraded but the operational model remains pretty much the same
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Wonder why folk like me prefer the CC site just down the road. Oh I know the reply 'You are set in your ways Alan'.
For some of us simple folk less is more. ....... yes even when it costs more for less in that instance . I said yesterday that I was a strange cove BB. More strange is that I am not entirely alone
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yes but you still have to heat indoors and somewhere warm, which i assume is where you are right now must be quite boring if you are spending so much time on CT, my excuse is right now we cannot even see the IOW glad i did not book week away there as planned.
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It won’t work on Club Sites😂
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At a CL we used this year, the owner apologised for the fact that the CAMC website showed his 2019 price as £12 when he was now charging £15, which was the price shown on his own website.
Apparently prices have to be submitted 6 months ahead, and when he after winter checked the electricity use he realised he would have no choice but to make a big price increase due to the amount used.
Having used sites abroad where there is metering, I can confirm that paying for what you actually use, just like you have to in your own home, does make you think about what you are turning on. On such sites we often use gas for heating as it works out less expensive.
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Disagree. They have got more crowded, less spacious, more reliant upon very prescriptive rules and do’s and donts, a lot more expensive, harder to book specific dates, less attractive to those who tour spontaneously, much more commercially orientated and the underpinning age demographic is older. Big loss of small, no facility sites in favour of swisher toilet blocks, hardstandings and hook ups on almost every pitch. Not to mention service pitches. And of course HQ now provides a great deal more services.
On the plus side, it’s ageing core membership finds touring a lot easier than it used to be, which is good, but the Club’s dilemma is still how to attract younger members? On the super plus side, the CL network is still going and giving members like us a lot of options to still tour as we used to do, without all the modern attractions and easy pitch options, at prices we like!
Club is trying options of pods, super pods and more tent friendly advertising. It was rarer to see a tent on a Club Site twenty years ago.
I have no doubt there are less staff trying to manage and administer more on Club Sites. Technology has helped of course.
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bow to your superior knowledge of the club, and obviously you use it much more than i, must be 3 years or more since i used a club site but it looked and felt pretty much the same as the ones i used when we first joined, HQ providing services, tick in the box, but i normally only use the overseas services, but i still maintain the operational model is still pretty much in tune with 1998 particularly when it comes down to the nitty gritty of managing sites.
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ah yes you have said this before, but I may have forget, did you name the name? was it an AS by any chance?
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Good point I had forgotten that was the main point and question in the OP with it being taken way off course.
From what I can remember most were against the OP?
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I think I've come up with a cunning plan to solve the dilemma - simply hire a couple of the, shall we say, more locquacious, members of the forum (no names, no pack drill! ) and invite them to sit in your awning. Enough hot air to to turn even the coldest awnings snug!
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a minor flaw in this is these loquacious members do not stay on club sites that much, if at all (the inverse square law of CT) and expecting them all to be on one club site at any one time is a bit like asking for all the planets to align?
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Oh is it bare bones? most club sites have more than one set of wardens, three sets is common.
But as we know from previous threads, when there are two couples on a site for much of the week there will only be one couple working. Even when both couples are then for some time during the day only one pair will be working. Similarly with three couple sites, very rarely will all three couples be working at the same time.
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I wouldn’t think many members actually use awning heaters on CMC sites in the first place.
As far as fitting pitches with a meter, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut springs to mind.
Maybe the club is happy making money from charging us all for an estimated amount of energy that only a few of us are using?
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not from what I have observed, they are full time and the working pattern is one full day off and two half days (or was) so even with that into account and they are usually a 'couple' I doubt it is much of the week?
Certainly I've seen all two or three sets working most of the week.
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They have lost most of the ones we prefer! We use mainly CL and small private sites. Grit our teeth at some of the things we don’t like on today’s Club Sites, but it’s mainly Winter usage for us providing the Club doesn’t shut them early!😡
Off topic......Nevers, lovely to have you back occasionally. Hope you are keeping well😁
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I agree with that and have often said that it probably makes a hidden profit from the blanket charge. At £4 per day that is 16p per hour and that is about 1.5 Kw (based on 12p per Kwhour.
I doubt that even in winter anyone uses that all the time over 24 hours. Our heating is perfectly good at the 0.9 Kw setting.