European sites ampage

simonwilsonjersey Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited September 2019 in Motorhomes #1

We've dived head first into our first big adventure. Been in France 5 weeks and soon to be in Italy. I have noticed, when searching for sites, that the electricity offerings differ from 16 down to 2.

Trying to avoid less than 10 but if all we can get where we want to be is 6 or even 2 will that do any harm to our motorhome or should we only use one socket or lights at a time to be safe?

Thanks for any advice


  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited September 2019 #2

    Your motorhome will come to no harm at all, but if you exceed the available amperage you will trip the supply breaker and be without mains electricity until it is reset.

    2 amps is next to nothing, so if you end up on a site and this is the maximum supply you'l just about be able to use the mains lighting and nothing else.



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    edited September 2019 #3
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  • chasncath
    chasncath Forum Participant Posts: 1,666
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited September 2019 #6

    Never, in all our years travelling around europe, have we come across a 2 ampere supply limit! Circuit breakers come in fixed ratings ( they are what limit the current you can take) and start at 6 then next to 10. Six amps will allow you to run fridge and lighting in the background, and to use a travel kettle, 1 kW  fan heater,  1 kW hotplate, or toaster but only one at a time.

    Some sites will give you one free reset, but will charge you the 10 amp rate if you offend twice. The EHU will probably be locked with no access to the reset buttons, and on small municipal sites, no one will be available to reconnect you after dark.

    If you have a high wattage kettle, heater or hotplate, setting them to 'low' won't help: the current consuption is high but for shorter periods which may still trip the breaker,

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2019 #7
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  • Dave Nicholson
    Dave Nicholson Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited September 2019 #8

    Whatever the supply rating it’s very unlikely to damage your motorhome. As others have said, just be aware of the current and power rating of the devices you use. For the record, off the shelf MCB’s come in a variety of current ratings (normally starting at 2 Amps then  4 Amps etc) and types (type B, type C etc) that determine their time to trip. Depending on its type, a 2 Amp MCB will not trip instantaneously when 2 Amps is passed through it and that goes for the other ratings too.

  • simonwilsonjersey
    simonwilsonjersey Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited September 2019 #9

    Thanks to all for great feedback. Very valuable