What's been your favourite holiday so far?
Thanks Brue, found the details
Food for thought, and doable.
We are tied to school holidays which discounts that tour due to it being in June. The BiL has similar holiday times and we want them to join us and explore the NorthWest region over a week or so.
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And I thought you were my friend, TW
After a 'heavy' year of steam rallies, still to be completed ( ah, bliss
!) I'd decided to vary my choice of sites a little. Scotland comes high on my Priority List but you have caused ALL my plans to be expunged, Deleted User and otherwise scrubbed
. Been to both of Those ' Northern Isles ' before but back in the days of my elevating roof Sherpa van and my " Bambi " motor.
Now it'll cost me oodles of reams of printer paper not to mention hours of Midnight Oil For the burning of during the planning Process. [ Rascal, mutter mutter, scamp !!]
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Go for it, Brian. Even the 40+ wind speeds during the overnight Kirkwall-Lerwick crossing wouldn’t stop me doing it all again.
The site at Skeld, Shetland.
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It wasn't Winds that worried me, TW !!
Last time it was Stromness to Lerwick { & vice versa } I was 2nd in the queue at the start but when loading time came I was 3002nd !! Never seen so many sheep in one place in my life
. Then some sailing twerp asked if I could manage to turn the Sherpa round or did I need somebody to do it for me
P.S. That site at Skeld looks a tad damp TW
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Friends tell me the bulk of the livestock gets moved off in the early Autumn for better winter pasture in the south. I must admit on our trip livestock had been on the boat earlier but it was only half full with passenger vehicles in June. We got on late evening in Kirkwall, nice cabin, calm trip both ways. They chained our M/H down just in case. You'll be impressed with all the little sites over there, they are great, things have improved!
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“That site at Skeld looks a tad damp TW”
It’s the sea, Brian. There’s a lot of it around the islands😀
We used all Northlink Ferries this time and find them excellent. The Pentland Ferry out of Gills Bay is the reverse on job and not such a good ship in my opinion.
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Use a wetsuit, whenever in unknown waters I do, I have swam in some sketchy areas around the world & have been safe so far👍🏻
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I’m not keen on jelly fish either. Size no indication of sting power, unless it’s a Portuguese Man O War!😱
Sounds very nice AD. We had to put another layer on here yesterday😁
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Mid 20s sounds very good. We haven’t braved the North Sea! Expecting tail end of that hurricane as well just to keep us amused😂😂
Lovely today though.
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This is our first year with a MH taking delivery on Easter Saturday, however to date we have been away for 29 nights despite still working full time. So our favourite holiday so far was the first one were we could fully relax when all the packing issues, what equipment we needed etc. were resolved and it was a case of arrive, pitch up relax and enjoy. This was at Hunters Moon in July, we left work at 14:00 and the site was only a 20 minute drive from our storage, we arrived about 16:00, we got the awning setup in record time, took the dogs for a walk, the weather was good, cooked on the Cadac and had a nice bottle of red. Saturday was more of the same, reading and chilling just what was needed after a hard week at work. Back home on Sunday lunchtime feeling refreshed and also in time to watch the Grand Prix.
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No doubt one of our many tours round North Scotland. The best was the year of my retirement, no agenda, no time constraint. Put £1000 in my pocket. Toured the Isles and the North Coast ( Way before the Scottish 500). Walked 100@s of miles, fished masses of lochs. Ate well and met wonderful people. One lady baked me a home made loaf in Durness when I complained at the lack of home bakeries in exchange for a few trout. Now given up the Camper but planning a B & B tour similar in 2020 but not the mad 500
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We have been away once in our caravan this year which we traded in after the trip to Ludlow for a motorhome (See earlier posts for the reason) The sites we have visited so far all have been great but by far the best so far was Bridlington we were their last month when the weather was red hot. Where do l begin we played three rounds of golf one round at Bridlington south shore the other at Flamborough Head golf club, what fantastic views, golf was fantastic with the exception of the wife beating me by point which levelled matches one a piece, decider at the Bridlington Links opposite the site which l am afraid she won decisively by 4 points. Besides the golf we took our electric bikes, road to Flamborough to take in those views we saw while playing golf, we also road down the promenade from Sewerby Hall to the South Shore via the harbour. The site was fantastic has usual been their at least six times but in the caravan, people on the forum says its expensive, we are lucky being pensioners, we can go out of season the price then is reasonable All in all this was the best holiday we have had for along time may be it was because we were there in the motorhome for the first time which we found less stressful, can't wait for next year but before that we are off to another of our favourites Hawes. We will not be taking the bikes just do some walking take a few bus trips in an generally relax, who needs airports.