New member

Dickie0121 Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited August 2019 in Introductions #1

Hi just joined. Collecting my Benimar Tessoro T494 tomorrow. Looking forward to getting started on our travels. Will be keeping to the UK as there is so much we haven't seen! Any tips for a first timer may well be useful! I have reviewed many Youtube videos so hope to avoid many mistakes learned from previous owners. 


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2019 #2

    Hello and welcome to CT and our great hobby.

    Take notes of the handover, record it if you can - they'll be lots of information coming at you 😯😉.

    Go somewhere local for a try out asap, whilst it's still all fresh in your mind. Also means you can pop home for anything vital you've forgotten!

    Weight can be an issue so know your payload limits and ensure you stay within them. I'm no expert but it can be easy to overload, I'm sure someone will be along to explain in greater depth. 

    Don't go buying anything from the caravan/camping shop until you know you need it, and then check prices for similar elsewhere before parting with hard earned cash. Most of us will have 'must haves' that live in cupboards, sheds and garages cos they're that useful 😂😂.

    Theres lots of knowledge on here, as a question arises ask it. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited August 2019 #3

    And loads of very good advice from Bakers2 to begin with !smile

  • Chrystal
    Chrystal Forum Participant Posts: 231
    edited August 2019 #4

    Take a very deep breath, don’t rush, use home stuff to start, eg Plates, cutlery, bedding, try a site near a village or town just in case you need supplies. The most important thing to remember is enjoy your travels, there are amazingly places to visit in this Country.😄

  • thebells
    thebells Forum Participant Posts: 365
    edited August 2019 #5

    Welcome to the club!

    Definitely book a 1 night stay somewhere local and make sure you familiarise yourself with how everything works before setting off on a big trip.

    Our first trip was an hour away from home and hubby had to drive back to collect the toilet fluids, which we'd left in the shed!!

    I then discovered I didn't have a strainer for the pasta I'd cooked for dinner and no corkscrew for my wine ( all the important stuff😁).

    Agree no need to buy lots of stuff from caravan shop: caravan crockery can be expensive but we bought bamboo/melamine picnic sets instead for a fraction of the price. 

    Good luck and enjoy.

  • MalcMc
    MalcMc Forum Participant Posts: 71
    First Comment
    edited August 2019 #6

    All sound advice, we were new this year, after a few outings laid all my kit on ground and what had not been used returned to garage, easy to take too much, this site is great for help, enjoy we have been away so many times already lost count, each site is a new experience, even ventured over to France, though mainly Southern UK so far, just enjoy the freedom.

  • Dickie0121
    Dickie0121 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited August 2019 #7

    Many thanks for the advise given. Just weighting for a few essential items to be delivered before we set off on our first local weekend away. I am still waiting for the correct socket for my locking wheel nuts as they face me the wrong one! Thanks again and I can assure you we will have no trace of where we have been!