Sat Nav mystery

horizons Forum Participant Posts: 22
edited July 2019 in Motorhomes #1

We have just purchased an Avantgard CV20 with a TomTom already inbuilt. We have no instruction manual and no indication of this model. Which of the numerous downloads do you think I should print out, please?

The model type number is concealed by the fitting!



  • Unknown
    edited July 2019 #2
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  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited July 2019 #3

    Does the satnav give you it’s model number on the startup screen?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited July 2019 #4

    It sounds like the one I have in my Bailey with a Peugeot built in TomTom sat nav. It is a fairly basic sat nav and unless you discover a way of adding extra POI's (which I haven't so far!) it seems you are left using post codes, as yet I have not discovered whether it allows input of co-ordinates which it may do. I would have thought that if you are used to using a sat nav the interface is fairly intuitive. The only issue I have had with mine is that it will sometimes try and cut corners off which might mean navigating down a few side roads. You can interrogate the route that has been set and either set to avoid or alternatively set a waypoint to force it to stick to a main route.  I think it would be best to check the planned route against a map.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited July 2019 #5

    I would imagine that it is the same model satnav as my Peugeot based MH and lat/long can be input. I tend to use those most of the time rather than  postcodes. Haven't done waypoints yet. I must investigate that.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2019 #6
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited July 2019 #7


    Always set to fastest route but still inclined to cut corners. I used my Start 60 with Camper Maps on one journey and that planned the route faultlessly. I have attached some screen shots of the one I have, as can be seen it appears as a "UConnect 5 inch radio nav" and I found some instructions here

  • horizons
    horizons Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited July 2019 #8

     F..A.O. David Klyne and other respondents.

    Thankyou all so much. My life is ebbing away whilst I continue to battle to get the coordinates into this sat. Nav. No luck so far.  Once I have entered the lon./lat and pressed OK it keeps saying “please enter a number”

    David - my sat nav numbers for uconnect 5” radio nav are about

     99% the same as yours but it is not cutting it here. Back to the dealers, do you reckon?


  • Unknown
    edited July 2019 #9
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited July 2019 #10


    I have just had a look, again, at the instructions. It is interesting that whilst they tell you how to enter a destination via a postcode they don't have any info on navigating via a co-ordinate! I wonder if your problem of having to enter a number could be overcome by pressing the "done" button. This is the way you can override the need to enter a house number when using a postcode, perhaps its the same for both options? When I have a moment I will try and connect my laptop to the built in sat nav to see if I can add POI's that way.

    If you still have no luck with the co-ordinates why not try a postcode. The device does have a function to view the final destination which is probably where most problems with sat navs occur. It might not be as accurate as a co-ordinate but it might be a work round?

    You could of course return to the dealers but will they know any more than you do! I would check with them first. Afterall they may have a whizz working there who knows all things sat nav!


  • horizons
    horizons Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited July 2019 #11

    Thanks again folks for your input.

    We had no problem with our Snooper satnav which we used for many years with coordinates This one is aggravating us.

    We are touring the wilds of Scotland for a month and I really thought the coordinates would be more helpful on this occasion.  Hey ho  looks like it’s not going to happen. I have spent the last 2 days ringing people, checking our inputs, googling the manuals and trying to get someone at the dealers to resolve this. Isn’t it annoying?


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited July 2019 #12


    After my last post I went out to the motorhome and had a play with adding co-ordinates into the sat nav. I used one from the Club's site directory and got exactly the same issue where it asked me to add a number. Not sure what to suggest. There is a TomTom user forum so you could ask there. From what I have read online it doesn't seem that we have a premium brand sat nav in our vehicles!!!


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited July 2019 #13

    Mine's the Uconnect 5" Radio/Satnav as well. It's always swallowed lat/long input without issues. That's on a 2016 reg MH.