Newbie - In the event of an accident.
I wonder if someone can help? I am in the process of getting insurance and caravan recovery cover etc. However I am still not sure what I am meant to do if my caravan becomes damages and can't be towed.
I say this because I live in Devon and it is not unusual to see caravans seemingly abandoned due to being damaged or suffering mechanical issues.
Are there approved garages or workshops where a recovered caravan could be directed too?
Hi, BnB, and welcome.
Ah, the rollovers at the bottom of the hills on the A30!
Yes, there are many caravan workshops around. Each dealership will have one plus there are many independent service/repair facilities.
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Think carefully. It can take less than 10 seconds to damage a caravan so badly that it is worth less than the cost of recovery.
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So, if there is an accident and the van is damaged, I guess it's worth getting it towed to a repair workshop and get it assessed. I say its worth it, that because we have caravan recovery on our breakdown insurance.
Good points about the cost of recovery and also the approved repair points. I got this link for Approved Workshop Scheme off the CS Team.
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In the event of an accident, the destination for recovery might be in the hands of others - your car insurers, a breakdown company, the police, your van insurer…
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Thanks very much for your help. Much appreciated!
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And once you have notified your caravan insurers, and told them where the damaged van has been taken, they will arrange for an assessor to inspect it and decide whether and where it is to be repaired or written off.
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If you are new to it , dont drive to fast ,as usual start of kids holidays .new caravanners showing of to kids . vans fell over . no holiday .take it easy and enjoy . green flag great .
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My understanding:
Your car insurance covers the car (for damage to it if comprehensive) and the outfit for third party damage claims after an accident whilst travelling. It does not cover damage to your caravan. You need to tell them you are towing and that the car has been "modified" with a tow bar (although most appear not to be bothered - you can't be too careful)
Your caravan insurance covers damage to your caravan following an accident on the roads or other conditions mentioned in the policy and any third party claims caused by the caravan on site when not attached to the car (e.g. if it runs away whilst unattached or if a fire in your van starts one in adjacent vans)
You need to be very careful regarding breakdown cover. A lot of policies only cover breakdowns to the car and will only tow the caravan as part of recovering the car (subject to length and weight restrictions) and perhaps only whilst it is attached to the car.
So if you are away for the day and the car breaks down, they may not go to site to pick up the van and transport the outfit home.
There are many questions to be asked of providers regarding breakdown cover of the caravan itself (probably mainly wheel and tyre replacement) so you need a policy that meets your specific requirements.
Better to get a caravan based breakdown policy which also covers the car (e.g. Safeguard or other)
I don't know if this helps and I'm always ready to see other options?
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and the car....accident Sunday just past on the M25...nose of car dug into tarmac, rear of car up in the air, caravan hard pressed to rear of car on its side, fortunately it looked like the 2 occupants managed to get out and did not look to be seriously injured, 2 hour traffic jam
did not see any other involved vehicles, my guess is it started snaking and the driver just lost it.