Leisure battery smelling and hot. Advice please

AnnB Forum Participant Posts: 226
edited July 2019 in Motorhomes #1

Woke up this morning to a sulphur like smell.  Blamed the dog at first but it’s coming from the battery which also feels hot.

We have opened door to battery compartment and will switch of the hook up but what’s the next step?  Disconnect and then hook up again?  I’ve looked at the RCDs and there is one labelled. Barber but it’s also for the fridge so switching that off is a problems.

 We are on a site.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited July 2019 #2

    Disconnect your battery and get it out of the van. This is a potentially dangerous situation. 

    You’ll probably need either a new battery or a new charger.

  • AnnB
    AnnB Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited July 2019 #3

    Thanks.  Disconnected it now.  It’s still in the locker but we will leave the locker door open today and it’s nice enough to sit outside all day.

    Noticed predictive text messed up my last message about RCD.  Meant to say there’s a circuit breaker labelled Charger and Fridge.

    Assuming the battery is knackered anyway now and will get a new one but is there an easy way to check if the problem stems from the charger (bear in mind you are talking to a woman who thinks electricity has the whiff of black magic cool)


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2019 #4
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  • Paolo Imberino
    Paolo Imberino Forum Participant Posts: 86
    edited July 2019 #5

    Wow, what a coincidence. Likewise woke up this morning to an motorhome odour of smelling and hot.

    Wife went and had a shower. 

    All okay now. wink


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2019 #6

    Our van is stored at home and it took us several days to realise that the unpleasant van smell wasn't something we'd left in the fridge/cupboards etc. As TW says remove it and replace it pronto, it's a potential hazard in that condition.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited July 2019 #7

    And also get the charger checked. The battery is overcharging and, if the charger is at fault, the same will happen to a replacement battery.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited July 2019 #8

    Do not touch or attempt to remove the battery or its terminals if it is still even warm, disconnect the power into van and switch off solar panel if you have one. Let it cool right down then take great care when you finally remove it if you are confident to do so. Defo new battery and have that charger checked as other have said! 

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited July 2019 #9

    A battery that has got hot and smelly can no longer be considered a large inert block with a couple of knobs on top.  It can easily have become split and the blood of the black magic leaks out. Not what you want to get on your new floral dress, or the dog (even if it already does smell).

    Pair of Marigolds at the very least before touching it when cold.  It may even have gone a bit out of shape and be stiff to get out of its confined space - and it is jolly heavy.  But you will know that anyway from having got a replacement.  And dig out the Vaseline while you remember.

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited July 2019 #10

    Thats usually a dry battery ,plates have buckled ,very dangerous ,follow previous advice ,good luck

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited July 2019 #11

    As others have said, you are going to need a new battery. Unfortunately it is possible that the charging system is faulty but this is difficult to check without test equipment and technical equipment. I would be inclined simply to replace the battery and hope for the best. Clearly if it happens again you will have to get it investigated.

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited July 2019 #12

    Yes, had that, though luckily not while away touring. Suspect a cell in the Battery has boiled dry and gone short circuit. Halfords usually have a branch in most largish towns, and sell reasonably priced Leisure Batteries.....with good guarantees. Which are easy to use (unlike a lot of cheaper online suppliers). A lot of 'so called'  Maintenance Free leisure batteries are nothing of the kind, and need topping up with distilled water. 


    ps Any dog who smells anything like a boiled dry battery has a serious problem and needs to see a vet.


  • AnnB
    AnnB Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited July 2019 #13

    Thanks for all the replies and your help.  After the battery cooled we disconnected it but haven’t tried to remove it yet.  We go home tomorrow so will call at Halfords on the way.

    Luckily I wasn’t wearing my flowery dress, hard to do when you don’t have one, and our dog smells of dog biscuits, not rotten eggs thank goodness.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited July 2019 #14

    Halfords' staff generally don't know their bum from their elbow. You need a leisure battery & not a car battery, they're not quite the same. You need at the very least a camping shop or preferably a place that just sell batteries & know what they're talking about.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited July 2019 #15

    I bought a new caravan battery for a project earlier this month from a battery company on e-Bay and it was brought to my doorstep the next morning. Good I didn't try Half Ords as the local branch has moved and changed into a major stockist of children's bicycles and air fresheners.

    Seems good quality - call back in three years for the usage report.

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited July 2019 #16

    Its not Halfords staff knowledge, but their guarantees and ease of returning a faulty battery that I am recommending, and they DO sell good 110ah Leisure Batteries at most if not all branches.