Al-ko hitch question
We are quite new to caravanning and are currently enjoying our 3rd trip. On our first 2 trips, whilst hitching up, I wound the jockey wheel down over the tow ball and, as shown at the hand over, the hitch handle snapped shut when engaged. I have since changed the car and had a new tow bar fitted (detachable) by the dealer. When coming to hitch up for our 3rd trip, whilst winding down the jockey wheel, I could feel the hitch engaging on the ball but the handle didn't click down. I tried a few times but to no avail. Eventually I manually pushed down the handle and I heard and felt it click. I did the test by lowering the JW and seeing the car and caravan both lifting so assumed it was ok. However it unnerved me that I didnt hear the satisfying 'click' I had heard the first two times so I was wondering if this was a common occurrence or is something wrong?
well you did exactly the right thing in making it click and testing it, you could also make sure you see the green ring around the button.
We have a detectable tow bar and sometimes the click comes very quickly and sometimes it sort of 'eases' itself and then clicks, and sometimes it needs a little help like you have found. I think it is to do with how accurately you get the hitch over the ball, how even or smooth/level the ground is (gravel appears to make it harder to get a quick click) but that is just my guess. Do you use a mover?
But the important thing is to get that click, green ring showing and to test it like you do. I hope this helps?
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funny though
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Cornersteady, we have had a motor mover fitted since the last time we hitched up.
Due to the narrowness of the road we have to hitch up with the car and caravan half on the kerb and half on the road.
When you say check the 'button' I was under the impression the button was the stabilizer indicator and the other indicator was for the hitch. I have taken this photo of the net but it's the same as ours and after manually clicking it shut the far indicator was showing half red and half green.
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If you look at the instructions
WARNING: Coupling ball is correctly engaged when the green edge of
the safety indicator button (Figure 13/3) is visible.
As others will tell you on here I am the worst at mechanical stuff so just going on what I was told when first towing.