Cassette toilet slide has jammed
The slide on the toilet has jammed so that the blade only opens a very small amount. Have tried to see what the problem is but cannot find any clear reason why. Can anyone help?
Buy a new one.
No way would I fiddle about with that.
£100 well spent, thank you very much.
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I came across it once, I bought a £2 can of release fluid, it worked👍🏻. Then I did what W&M suggested-replaced it.
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When we first bought our Coachman, despite the handle in the bathroom being fully to the open position, to blade only opened about 2/3rds. The fault wasn't in the cassette but a geared quadrant in the toilet itself was misaligned. It took me about 5mins to remove the quadrant & reposition it. A new cassette would've been a wasted £100 🙄
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🚽💩 = 🤮
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🚽= 🤢🤮
£ 📦 = 😀
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Where there's muck there's brass.
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I’m with you-1) remote spraying, if it don’t work then trash it. I don’t have no truck with faecal matter in any way shape or form. I am however willing to help the economy with purchases👍🏻. Don’t thank me, spending?, it’s my job😊
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Throwaway plastic gloves don't cost a fortune. Alternately, you could ask around the site if anybody has knowledge of the problem, ask them to show you how to solve it. Be generous and let them wear a pair of the gloves. Not difficult is it? Probably never happen again but you will have learnt lots.
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Don't even think of a repair. Buy a new caravan. That is the modern way.
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Interesting comments! To try to help the OP. I assume you can remove the cassette from the caravan and that you can operate the slide on it. Handle inside still not moving properly? Then the problem is on the 'seat' side. Handle moving ok then try the following.
Remove the cassette. Using a small mirror, on the top side of the fitting you will be able to see a white plastic ratchet connecting to a notched spindle that connects to the internal lever, there will be one screw holing this together. It is possible that the ratchet part has slipped out of alignment. If so, remove the little screw in the centre of the ratchet and refit so that the spindle is about centre on the ratchet. If that does not do the trick can't help further. It worked for me when the bits got out of alignment when in Germany a few years ago - not nice getting your bits out of alignment
. BTW no need to wear gloves for this repair!
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We had a slide/sealing mechanism come apart, so purchased a replacement. To remove the old one what you do is reverse the slide and use it to turn the mechanism. There are marks on the cassette and slide mechanism when aligned up show when it can be extracted. Ditched the old and reversed the procedure to insert the new one, successfully. There were clear instruction too with the replacement part as how to go about the procedure. The specific cassette type number should be in your caravan handbook.
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We had a problem with our cassette last year when the slide mechanism broke. I could have purchased a new one but I wasn't sure I could get into the cassette as the larger hatch can be difficult to get off. In the end I bit the bullet and ordered a Fresh Up kit which was delivered to site. I did keep the old cassette until we got home, where I had what I needed to open the hatch but in the end decided against it.
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Assuming that your toilet is a Thetford, we had the same problem in our last van. Above the slider is a thin plastic cover which, over time had worn and split. This jammed the slider and prevented it moving fully across. I couldn’t see the point of this cover so I simply cut it off - with no detrimental affect and it worked perfectly thereafter.
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Hi Merve. We have the same and the boss complained about that slider. I bought silicon grease, opened the flap and greased all round the seal. Also used Thetford silicone spray under the flap where there are two rods. I use this spray in the cassette hole as well. Solved the problem. She still doesn’t like the loo, why didn’t they fit a Thetford?
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I had exactly the same problem with the so-called ‘top of the range’ Dometic fitted to our new Knaus Starclass. Plus, it leaked, the telescopic handle jammed in the open position, the wheels are too small to be of any use whatsoever and then the flush mechanism packed up altogether. In a nutshell, it was rubbish! Lasted all of 5 months.
Spoke to the dealer who was sympathetic since they had swapped a lot of Dometic toilets for Thetford across a number of makes of caravan for those reasons. However, they couldn’t do it as a warranty claim since it wasn’t a like-for-like replacement. It cost me £600 to have a Thetford fitted - but at least I now have a loo I can rely on. Plus it went in very easily without any evidence that it’s been changed.
I know I could have gone down the ‘not fit for purpose ‘ route but the chances of winning that argument against a company like Dometic was going to be time consuming if nothing else - and life’s too short! At least it’s now sorted.
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£600? Wow! I never now pull my cassette on it’s wheels whether it was a Thetford or a Dometic. I went into a charity shop and bought one of those shopping trolleys you see ‘older people’ using- took the bag off it and the cassette fits perfectly. Dual purpose- when the loo business is done it easily reverts to a shopping cart again.
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Silicon spray after repair ,took mine apart ,if you rinse it properly after use ,therbshouldnt be any of last nights tea there ??