How daft are you?



  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2019 #32

    You obviously know me well Micky laughing

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited April 2019 #33

    I can remember the time, some years ago we had traveled across from Dover to Calais and the drove down to Macon.  As we were setting up, we were approached by an English chap who had just done the same.  He asked, 'I don't suppose you have a key that fits our caravan?  We've left the caravan keys on the table at home back in the UK' !!!  As luck had it, I managed to find an old key that fitted his van, which I gave him.  He was most grateful....  laughing


  • David and Mary
    David and Mary Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited June 2019 #34

    For weird scenarios like that DSB, I can remember being on a site on the Vendee Coast. The Irish chap next unit to us managed to lock his car cars in the car . So there was he with a very Irish accent, myself ( a broad Yorkie) neither fluent in french and the Parisienne gent from his other side who was non English speaking trying to work out how to open the car one way or another. It must have been a great comedy turn for anybody watching.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited June 2019 #35

    The mover point is about the only error I have not made. Possibly as the key is in with the control so you get both out together. I suppose there is still time though.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited June 2019 #36

    On moving on from the National Rally my girlfriend could not find her set of keys for the Land Rover. She knew she had them on arrival at Broadway so we guessed they were in the caravan or the Land Rover.

    And so the nine day search began. Everywhere sensible in both was looked in three times and daft or impossible places at least twice.  To help narrow it down I tried using the feature of the Land Rover ignition system that it would start only if keys were close by. Sent her off to the toilet block (brick walls) 100 yards away with my set of keys and it still started fine, drove away from the pitch, and it stopped and started fine, so I knew key was in/on the vehicle somewhere.

    Search every nook and cranny yet again. What was more strange was we were not looking for a single key, but a tin box in which she keeps keys for Land Rover, keys for caravan, (both on lanyards) and an ID dangler with Club cards. So not something that could slip into the inaccesible spot.

    Back home with a worried girlfriend who had googled cost of replacing locks on a Discovery and I started to unload all the caravan stuff completely. Picked up her yellow safety jacket to hang it in the garage and immediately found the box stuffed down a sleeve, but not falling out due to the elasticated weather cuff.  All was well.

    When I told girlfriend she was greatly relieved but said, "I cheked the pockets three times. Did think the jacket seemed heavy".

    I rest my case.

  • Mitsi Fendt
    Mitsi Fendt Forum Participant Posts: 484
    edited June 2019 #37

    AS amusing as some of the above may be I have refrained fromlaughing as many of the above has happened to me and I am sure there is still time for the rest.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited June 2019 #38

    I had a frantic hour once whilst cleaning the car and refitted the mats in the footwell on top of the keys. embarassed

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited June 2019 #39

    Returned the caravan to storage yesterday and set it up. Before leaving I thought something was wrong and on checking realised the legs were still up. You never give up making mistakes.

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited June 2019 #40

    Does forgetting to stop when wife is handing back barrier card count ? 😀.I did stop after about 100 yards , think she believed me when I said it was an accident .... honest 😙😙.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited June 2019 #41

    More likely to remember the barrier card when I'm twenty miles down the road.

  • Millerman39
    Millerman39 Forum Participant Posts: 45
    edited June 2019 #42

    Just come back from the Cotswolds after the 1st trip in our 'new' Hobby. Going down M1 I suddenly realised that I hadn't put the electrics on.thus no signals on the caravan. Pulling in to a service station I was followed by a young man who had deliberately followed me to point the problem out. On arriving it was rather cold at night so we decided to put the gas fire on. Tried it at home previously without a problem. Ignition was 'clicking' away merrily with me not understand why the fire wasn't lighting. Changed the gas bottle, although the cooking hob was working, still no joy. Then the ignition battery packed up.(didn't expect that having just been serviced)  Fortunately we had a small electric heater which took the chill off. It was only 2 days later, when cooking, that I realised that I  hadn't switched on the gas for the fire that is situated in a drawer just under the gas hob. Still learning after years of touring!!


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited June 2019 #43

    A few weeks back we arrived at a CL to find there were still 5 units on it. So we left the caravan at the end of the field and went into town while one of the unit was packing. I'd lowered just one steady when we left it. 

    Yes ....I forgot about the steady when we got back & started to tow the caravan. As luck would have it, there was a bright orange hook up lead across my path and as soon as I saw the cable move I realised what I'd not done.

  • punto338
    punto338 Forum Participant Posts: 45
    edited June 2019 #44

    Nice to hear that I am not the only one!

    As I put the 4th watering can through the external filler cap into my under bunk on-board water tank in Florence after a long drive and mind in neutral, it suddenly struck me that I normally only needed to put 3 cans in.

    In my defence, I was so concerned about getting out of Camping Nube D'Argento in Sorrento (if you have been there, you will understand), I forgot to screw the top back on the water tank after checking it.  (I always leave just enough water in the tank while travelling to wash our hands after comfort breaks)

    There is a lot of water in a watering can!