Calor to refillable gas conversion

MirandaExtravaganza Forum Participant Posts: 11
edited June 2019 in Motorhomes #1


So, I've just made the leap and bought my first ever motorhome! It's with the aim of living fulltime, so am considering converting to refillable gas.

I know there are various systems, and eventually I'd like to tour around Europe as well as the UK, so does anyone have a preference to which one they would go for? Do they all take the same gas?

There are many, MAAAANY threads from throughout the years on this subject so I'm asking to get some more up-to-date advice, and just in a really nice and simple way that a newbie like me can understand sealed

And is there anyone who can do it in the London/Middlesex area? Am happy to travel further afield too, but any recommendations would be great!



  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited June 2019 #2

    They all take the same gas you buy at the petrol station.  We have 1 11kg Gas Lowand a Calor Lite as backup  some have under slung tanks and all depends on your van and how much gas you can/want to carry.

  • Johnny57
    Johnny57 Club Member Posts: 370
    250 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic
    edited June 2019 #3

    Hi MirandaExtravaganza. Have a look at Safefil cylinders

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited June 2019 #4

    Not sure but can you fit a filler with Safefill so you can fill from the outside.  Many places abroad and here will not allow you to fill direct it has to be via a fixed filling point hence I would go Gaslow, Alugas or an under slung tank.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited June 2019 #5

    From the tone of your post Miranda, it would appear that you are probably talking about a ‘fixed’ system. Gaslow or Alugas. They all take the same gas- propane-  Main dealers are sometimes qualified to fit the systems but you should certainly be able to find someone to fit it in your area. If you decide that it’s a non fixed system you want, then you’ll do no better than Safefill for weight and ease of filling etc. They do supply various adaptations for various countries but note comment above.  I think that the transfer from rental cylinders to refillables is a no brainier- as long as you are going to use them. In other words, if, like some, it takes you 3 yrs to empty a 6kg cylinder, then you are probably best to stick with rentals. Being permanently offgrid, I use plenty of gas which makes refillables the ONLY choice. They have saved me a small fortune since 2013.!!  A good solar array and inverter  is a good partner for the refillables too-  - you are not dependant on the EHU then. 

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited June 2019 #6

    Autogas 2000 have everything you need. They will even fit them for you if you want. They also have their own webshop. Most of the cylinders come from the same place they just paint them different colours. For filling in Europe you need some adaptors. Don't know how you would get on trying to fill a Safefill Cylinder abroad.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2019 #7
    This content has been removed.
  • MirandaExtravaganza
    MirandaExtravaganza Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited June 2019 #8

    Thanks everyone! Solid advice there :) I'll hopefully be sorting it all next week.