Cadac good or bad???

wendy wilkinson
wendy wilkinson Forum Participant Posts: 12
edited May 2019 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Hi to everyone, we have just had our first weekend away for this year, we stayed at harbour lights campsite at Millom in Cumbria & the weather was fantastic, the dogs also loved the beach right on our doorstep of the site.

Last year a friend of our lent us their cadac, so this year we purchased a brand new grillogas cadac, we also purchased new rubber pipe, a new gas bottle from Calor gas and a new gas regulator.

So checked cadac & fittings then started to cook then the cadac collapsed i had to jump out of the way in doing so my ankle made an horrific crack, so A&E for me, ankle not broken but i have to wear a moon boot & ive got 2 crutches as well for a few weeks, but it could have been a lot worse.  The cadac had just melted I enclose pics of what's left, so i'm unsure good or bad??? Could it just be ours that's gone wrong or not???

Moderator Comment - Posts with questions in should be posted in the discussion are not the Story Section, thanks


  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited May 2019 #2

    could ask whether you assembled it correctly as never heard anything like this before.   

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2019 #3

    Can’t see any pics? 

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited May 2019 #4

    Known of one a friend had that burnt the gas at the jet  into the venturi tube, rather than burnt the gas air mixture at the "burner", this destroyed the burner assembly.

    Why it lit there and not at the burner, or if mistreated, I never knew.

    My own direct experiences with about two decades with a Safari, and now several months with a "2 cook 2 Pro deluxe" have been all positive.

    The UK distributors are reportedly a very helpful bunch and in your position I would be contacting them and this being a safety issue I am sure they will be "interested" in understanding etc.

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited May 2019 #5

    Further to my observation about having known of burning in the venturi tube.
    A scenario where I can see the potential for this to occur is where the igniter is used prematurely, ie before a sufficient gas air mix is at the burner to sustain proper combustion. For example in a recently connected up system where its air was still being “flushed” out from the supplying hose from the regulator, or van side outlet, and the igniter was sparking away.
    Here, there could be enough gas to flash, but not yet enough to sustain proper combustion at the burner, and so the flame flashes back towards the source, ie here the jet and so burn there in the venturi.
    Obviously the likelihood of this increases where a long hose is employed between the gas supply and the burner, as the delay to get a correct gas air mixture will take longer; possibly longer than one would wait before firing the igniter?

    Probably it is prudent, on that initial lighting to give the gas mixture a second or two to develop before using the igniter, though that will cause a bit of a "woosh" then as it lights?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2019 #6
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  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2019 #7

    I have had a CADAC for 14 years, use them a lot, but never encountered anything like this.    I agree with above comment about correct assembly, but also the length of the pipe.    I see many people on sites using very long pipes, usually when using the van outlet.   People who do this should take note that it is illegal to sell these gas pipes in this country more than 2 metres long.     There is a good safety reason for this, also described above.

    I am on my third Carri Chef 2, but a couple of years ago bought a Grillo Chef because it was more compact for carrying and lighter.    When looking for a compact model we looked at the Safari model because my brother has one, but this model never looked very steady to me.   I love the Grillo Chef because it is so quick to get it ready when touring.   It also has a much better connector with a large winged nut to attach the pipe to the bbq, no tools required.


  • wendy wilkinson
    wendy wilkinson Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited May 2019 #8

    Hi, regarding our cadac story, the gas pipe was a metre in length, it was all put together correctly & regarding the gas mix etc it was all correct.  The cadac melted where the legs are, i have been a plumber & heating engineer for 22 years so i know all about the dangers of gas etc & i know when its faulty equipment. I have tried to upload the pics but up to now the dont want to upload.

  • Kontikiboy
    Kontikiboy Forum Participant Posts: 304
    edited May 2019 #9

    A few years ago one of my igniters stopped working so I rang the UK CADAC office, which had recently moved from Sheffield to Bristol, and next day a courier delivered a new replacement burner unit.    No quibbles and accepted my word of purchase date.   Good service.   Give them a call.
