Damp readings

Baymare Forum Participant Posts: 69
edited May 2019 in Caravans #1


     One for the more experienced caravan fixer uppers.

I bought a ABI jubilee last year it required work due to rot.

I removed wallboard in the shower are which was goosed and replaced with 3.6 ply treated and papered, normal readings of around 10 15 now. All sealed up outside.

However there are one or two other very small areas that had readings which were over 40% but are now receding slowly to mid 20 and only if I ram the meter right into its shoulders.

There are no soft bits anywhere as I removed and replaced them.

As the readings are dropping by a few % every week should they continue to fall and should I install a small vent.

I have also noticed that if you can get the vinyl off the board dry's out almost overnight. This leaves me to believe that this vinyl is stopping the board from breathing is that the case or would it dry any once the outside s properly sealed.

I might add I am not looking to get years out of this caravan and will probably scrap it when I have enough penny's to buy a more modern one.







  • CJDM
    CJDM Forum Participant Posts: 129
    edited May 2019 #2

    I'm no expert but it sounds like the actions you have taken are working as your damp readings are getting lower.  To me it's logical that the higher (40%) readings will be nearer to the surface as it dries out.  Similarly, the vinyl might be stopping the drying process.  Re the vent.  There should be vents in place.  They are necessary.  Give it a week or so.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited May 2019 #3

    damp reading will always be higher in winter than summer, It's natural. You could go to a garden shed and the timbers would be very damp in winter even if it didn't rain but in summer would be quite dry. Just make sure the vents in the floor around the van are not blocked and also the ones in the gas locker, if it has one. The van doesn't have to have a leak to get damp.

  • Baymare
    Baymare Forum Participant Posts: 69
    edited May 2019 #4

    Thanks will check out the vents.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,531
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2019 #5

    Give it a little time and every chance possible to remove any naturally trapped moisture. I'd try to provide additional ventilation on good dry days by opening windows and vents. That breeze through the van will help.