Why has this been locked already?😡 My experience was with a private owner! I think rental companies also need to make it clear to renters of the club etiquette. We pride ourselves in looking after all amenities on site and only expect others to to the same. Is it not OUR club after all?
I quite agree.
However I have no issue with those who drain out their clean water systems onto the pitch, to make a more stable tow home or elsewhere.
Grey water is definitely a no-no!
Education is all, and perhaps the more people who see this, the fewer incidents will be seen.
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Maybe it was closed by a M/H owner as he thought that the post was having a go at M/H owners in general......just saying
In response to MM's post surely those in the hired M/H hadn't just materialize at Bunree, those in it had surely been on other sites and been instructed what was what when they hired the vehicle!