Growing hostas for a hobby

I grow Hosta's for a hobby. They come in all shapes ,sizes and colours. Dearly prized by flower arrangers for their destinctive flowers and leaves which come in shades from creamy white to almost blue, the flowers usually being either white through to purple. My Hosta's are all grown in pots, so when a pot becomes pot-bound I divide into smaller pots usually in late-ish Autumn. These re-potted plants are sold to passers -by the folleing Spring .The revenue from this provides me with either new Hosta's or compost and bedding plants.........Does any one else have and use plants as a Hobby ??
Some Hostas seem to be held back possibly by the cold weather, yet other varieties are doing well. How are your Hostas progressing?
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I've been out to one of my local NT Tintinhull gardens this morning, just a quick visit before the rains came. They had some lovely large Hostas in pots, sorry I can't name them now but they have all the plant lists dotted around the garden in waterproof books. We don't grow them at home due to it being slug paradise and we don't use pesticides. But the outdoor pots I saw today had some very good fully grown specimens.
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Hi, I’m the OH & took your advice [given last year on here I think] when I had a diseased looking Hosta. I washed the roots saved the leaves/roots that looked OK washed the roots again & potted them in a different pot. I threw away the diseased looking bits. I bought it because I liked the look of the crinkley leaves. The Hosta now looks good with its leaves slightly less crinkley but at least it is healthy looking - so far. So just to say thanks, your advice worked & shall bear the root washing in mind when splitting a couple at the end of this year as it was easier to tease apart the roots.
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Hi, Thanks for that N1805 glad I could help, Don't post much now on here ,I use my ipad mini most of the time as I can carry it about with me but it cannot accept the latest foru Only my laptop which is in my office upstairs will accept. It could be as your Hosta progresses and strengthens the crinkley leaves could return to normal .
Brue, Why not try an Hosta in a pot ,I must have 25 different Hostas all in pots. Yes you may ( will ) get snails but just keep your eye on them and pick them off.
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All the cuttings are shooting away now, just started selling some .Sold first one today 40+ still to go.
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all the Hostas are peeping through and starting to look great. Last autumn I took what could be a sport ( new variety ) from Hosta Sagre, which has normally a green centre with light cream outer band. but the sport at the moment is all golden yellow so will have to see how it develops.
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After about two decades the recently huge hosta growing unhindered in my garden has yet failed to appear. Plants around it are doing much better than they do usually.
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Yes just found this year a couple of my Hostas which have been in pots for a number of years have disappeared .
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How about "The Terminator" - Hosta la vista, baby!
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Good idea Cyber, I will have to think about that. It could take years to establish though.
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Yes all light green Hosta , keep out of mid-day sun. Try a double or treble coloured leaf type next. Freddie.
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They all need water, and feed at least twice a year. They should start to flower around June to August depending on variety . How long have you had them ? But really , Hostas are grown for their leaf colours , the flowers are usually liked by flower arrangers . I cut them off as I feel it makes a stronger plant.
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What varieties are they ?
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And never flowered ?...seems odd are you sure they re Hostas.
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Happy Hosta's!
We have grown Hosta's in the ground and in pots but they always seem to get eaten by slugs and snails. After watching Monty Don talking about garlic we have given it a try. After twenty years of trying everything, it has worked! We couldn't use slug pellets due to pets and trying to help wildlife. I filled a watering can, bought supermarket powered garlic and tipped half a teaspoon in. Left it in the watering can overnight. As soon as the tiny tips of the hostas break through the soil start watering and continue using garlic smelley water every time. The roots will take up the garlic and then the leaves as they grow. We have about fifteen pots of different Hosta's and they all have lovely huge leaves - first time this has ever happened! Will try putting Hosta's back in the ground next season but will need to check everyday for new shoots before slugs get them.
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Good , Keep us posted.
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Hosta's look fantastic this year , could be all the rain we had earlier in the year. Having said that I have lost a couple ,possible water logging the pots.
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Unfortunately I lost the Sport Cyber so no named Hosta for me.
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Hello Hosta😁 funnily enough you crossed my mind the other day. I spent ages pondering on which hosta to choose, but bottled out and got something else. But it needs to happen, they are lovely plants.
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Nice to think someone thinks of me ha ha , bright eye catching ones IMO, Patriot , Fire and Ice , and June . Attractive blue ones Halcyon, Blue Moon. Others El Neno, Whirlwind etc etc I have about 35 varieties so there's many I like . Hope you get your choice takethedogalong
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Lovely healthy looking plants HH👍 Well, I did it, bought two beauties early this week. Can’t remember names at the moment, but they are in some new pots now, good compost, and I have put some alpine grit on the top, as our blackbirds are very active rooting around in pots at the moment, the little blighters. Added to my collection yesterday via a neighbour........would I like a hosta? Yes please!
I might be asking for care tips though, especially what to do in Winter.😁
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Winter time I usually leave my pots in position or move to a less conspicuous place . I let them die down naturally ( but this is only a personal thing ) and leave all dead growth on , I feel this helps to keep the plant warmish through winter. In early spring remove all the dead growth, this to let more light onto the plant, give a good watering and feed. Then bobs u uncle they start into growth , Hope this helps.
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Hostahousey could I ask some advice please? We have this Hosta, can’t remember it’s name ‘Fire and Ice’ maybe? It’s huge in the pot, we have divided it once so we have another pot with a similar sized plant. It’s a really lovely Hosta. We wondered about dividing again and planting in the border or would it just be slug and snail food?