Kampa Air Rally Pro inflation pressure
Just bought a Rally Pro 330 together with the new Kampa Gale electric pump. I set the air pressure on the pump to 9 PSI max and even when the awning was well inflated and the air tubes felt very firm the pump only gave a reading of the pressure when actually running. I understood that the pump would cut out at 9 psi however if I switched if off and back on it showed 12 PSI then no display. I deflated the awing and then used the supplied manual pump and again only got a reading on the downstroke and no pressure indicated when not pumping. The tubes felt really hard and the awning firmly pitched. Again I understood that the hand pump would cut out and it was impossible to over inflate. It seems as if the inlet valve on the tent does not allow any pressure reading. How do you know the actual PSI other than the pump should stop even though in my case the tubes felt incredibly hard.