Climate Change-The Truth

This TV program views tonight and is presented by David Attenborough. A very serious subject by all accounts and possibly one we should all watch. I guess much of that discussed will impact seriously on the future of the pastime we currently and collectively enjoy.
As much as the threat to life is paramount there will be a cost to everyone, fossil fuel use will be attacked. The bigger users will be the bigger payers. It’s a standard Govt ‘goto’.
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Wow, what an incredibly powerful documentary. By far the most honest and factual wake up call for us all in my opinion. What an inspirational young lady Greta Thunberg is, every school child of her age on our planet should be made to watch this program. Now, what technologies will result and how should our pastime evolve to reduce the impacts depicted?
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Turkeys will never vote for an early christmas😕
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Probably not but we may find that ultimately Christmas gets cancelled.
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It’s not up to politicians, Santa will never let us down👍🏻😊. Mr Cromwell tried.
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There’s only one surefire way of our world not suffering catastrophic gradual meltdown, and that is population reduction. It will take something on the scale of The Black Death that occurred in the 14th century to alter the eco system, and that’s only if science fails to find a way of combating natural risks to humanity. The simple fact is that globally humans are reproducing at a far greater rate, living longer lives, and experiencing levels of lifestyle that impact far more in terms of food requirements, ease of living, wanting to travel more. At some point, the unsustainability will tumble over into another World War, whole communities wiped out.
Eating less of certain food types, keeping warm in more natural ways, travelling less, reusing and recycling goods for longer, all good stuff, but mere tinkering at the edges sadly. I like Emma Thompson, but jetting in from LA to take part in a Climate Change protest has left me a touch puzzled.🤔
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Whilst the Attenborough programme was cause for serious concern, I found the message of the film that followed, "The Age of Stupid" with the late Pete Postlethwaite had far more impact.
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I'll tell you why! 'Cos many millions upon millions of folk around the world think the same. As far as Greta is concerned, out of the mouths of babes and all that, it's her generation who has most to loose! What an inspirational young girl she is!
There are others who bury their heads of course but the writing is on the 'wall' plain and simple even if they refuse to see it!
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Dame Emma Thompson: 'If I could fly cleanly, I would'
there is that elastic sense of being green again, maybe don't fly if you really believe?
rather than (she says) ...planted a lot of trees.
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So , are we all going to stop towing our caravans or driving our motorhomes to far flung places ,or jump on an airplane to a far off land ??, of course not ! We were all quite happy to use all these plastic things for years ,and now it seems not PC to be seen using them !
only we can change it ,but it seems we don't want to give up the good life
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Well I had to do a bit of background reading on Greta Thunberg. She seems a very strong minded and principled individual from what I have gleaned. If a few million more of her generation globally get on board in the same way, there might indeed just be a glimmer of hope.
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good point
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So who do you hold responsible for the never-ending, natural process of global warming and cooling (climate change), that occurred in the millions of years preceding the industrial revolution and the invention of the internal combustion engine etc.
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Do I assume from your comment that you are sceptical about mankind contributing to Global Warming? Even if you are correct the difference is that we have a far greater understanding of the science behind climate change and it follows that we also have a better understanding of the awaiting catastrophe. It would seem to me that we should at least try and minimise the effect of climate change if we can. It's not something we will get a second chance at? Whether the population at large is prepared for those changes, who knows.
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Absolutely correct, the natural rhythms we can do little if anything about but our contribution to polluting our planet's systems with toxic material, discarded plastics and gasses which do effect us and other life we most definitely should. This timely program has, from what I read, woken many from theirs slumbers and is providing that important wake up call and impetus to act.
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The thing is much of what we can do about it is now being done to and for us whether some like it or not. Take for example the auto motive industry. This now changes and continues to evolve as a result of the issues discussed at an incredible rate. There were those who for possibly selfish reasons and financial gain said there was no need for change arguing that our continued pollution ways were unimportant but it is happening and that 'happening' is accelerating fast thankfully.
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Population is one aspect. Consumption is another. How much do we hear about economic growth. If we all stop to think for a moment it becomes abundantly clear that, on a planet with finite resources, continued economic growth is unsustainable. The churn created by constant marketing pressure creates the consumer society that eats up the planet's resources.
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Of course you are right. There are many interrelated issues and to tackle all at once is daunting and possibly impossible for us as individuals or collectively. But some bits we can. Identify these, act and then progress on to the next. That is what is happening thankfully.
As far as population growth is concerned I can do nothing but I hope for the best but I'm afraid nature may just sort that one out itself. It is not an excuse to just allow 'destruction' and accelerate those other problems we face. We live in hope.
Happy Easter from me to. 🙂
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And here by lies a contradiction. The richer a society the lower the birth rate, the poorer the society the greater the birth rate. This is simply because in poorer societies they regard larger families as a means of protecting the family unit as there is a likelihood that not all will survive because of limited access to medical facilities. The problem is that in order for societies to become richer it places even more demands of world resources and probably increases the prospect of climate change rather than reducing it.
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We human beings are still 99 and a good bit animal. A type of animal that is rather good at breeding and making comfortable surroundings. For many 100s of years our recent ancestors have been finding cures for disease and damage that are natural deprecators of the numbers. So lifespan increases. Expected age at death in the western world is now about twice what it was at the start of the revolution - Industrial, that is.
What has also grown as well as population numbers is the perceived right of "Self before Society". However, I have every confidence that Nature will right the current imbalance. It could be that we suffocate due to a volcanic explosion, or drown in ever increasing sea levels, or starve from lack of any potential food source (apart from ourselves). My curiosity is about whether sufficent numbers of homo sapiens will survive to resume breeding, or will another species of homo evolve to take our place at the top of the food tree?
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but of course another set of scientists on another programme could present another view?
true scientists also have one common feature, they never think their theory is right, they will say it fits in with observations or at best they will say it is just not wrong or so far not proven to be wrong - a totally different thing altogether. Newton found that out.
Watch the famous Feynman video