Club site overcharging?

Can anyone explain why one night for two in a motorhome at the rather drab Warwickshire Racecourse Club Site (Sunday 10th April and a week before the school holidays begin in Warwickshire cost us around £10 more than the following night at Cheltenham Racecourse Club Site (and at the start of the Gloucestershire school holidays)? In my book the Cheltenham site is much better anyway. It feels like a case of excessive holiday period charging because of the likely demand.
Sorry, I can’t explain it. Have you asked the club why it is priced as you quoted?
Edit: 10 April was yesterday - Wednesday.
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I think you may find that the Club are treating this week as being in the school holidays. Some schools have two weeks before Easter rather than a week either side especially when its late as it is this year.
Regarding the two sites Cheltenham is more open but it does slope a bit, at least Warwick is fairly level.
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notwithstanding the midweek offers there (kids £1) and the innumerable resulting different charging periods, I lost count of the actual number of different prices really is mind boggling.
Perhaps the CAMC should do the same as the C&CC. Not a member yet but have been looking at a few of their sites. Unless I have missed it they don't seem to have a list of prices, you have to go through the booking procedure to find out. Personally I prefer the more open list on this site, despite its complexity.
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It seems to me that C&CC have variable pricing Steve. If you find out what price band a site is, then see whether you are in high, mid, or low season you can find a price per person which is not a set price per person but a range of price with a variation of as much as £2 per night per adult. Very complex. You won't know actual price until you do a trial booking and then will find: 'Until the booking is confirmed by pressing ‘Book now’ or agreeing to the booking with the Club representative in the Contact Centre or at a Club Site, all Prices are for guidance only.'
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And that’s before you start considering minimum night bookings at some sites and times, although one night seems to be OK if you’re happy with grass and no EHU. It’s far too complicated and restrictive in my opinion.
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You might well think so. For me however it is fine in reality as I have little interest in price until I decide to make a booking and then I am shown the price. Some sites at certain times have a minimum 5 night booking. Again fine for me as that is my usual length of stay (not good for others I agree). 15 years ago we often stayed for 3 nights and moved on but, as we are slower now, 5 suits us well.
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I know the ways around it, WTG, and play that card when it suits but it really gets in the way of touring with nightly stops as I’m not happy to have grass and no EHU.
If it wasn’t for getting half price veteran membership, I’d not be a member.
Still, that’s only my view and yours is a bit different.
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Maybe the club is doing what has so often been suggested by some posters and learning from the independent providers. In March's edition of the magazine I noticed the often praised Woolacombe Bay site advertising "pitches from just £6 per night". Now I suggest you attempt a trial booking and establish what the actual cost is for any particular date.
See what I mean!
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Well good luck with the new C&CC booking system!
I think this year with Easter just about at it's latest trying to work out the holiday prices is more difficult than usual. In the SW the schools finished last week and go back on Tuesday after the Easter bank holiday. Then they'll be off again swiftly for the next May Bank Holiday! One of those years when all seems compacted together.
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All this unnecessary angst! When I make a booking, be it for either club or a CL/CS (or even, occasionally, an independent site
), I enter the dates I want to go, look at the cost and then decide whether to book or not. I suspect I'm far from the only one to do that. One knows the price; if it seems fair, pay it, if not, look elsewhere.
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The Club did warn about above inflation price increases some 2years ago with the changes to the minimum wage. I note this year the minimum wage has gone up by nearly 5 percent. Then there are energy cost increases both in price and consumption, the Club has to claw all this back somehow. We as customers do have choices, the Club probably doesn't have a great deal of room to manoeuvre
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Got to pay for the Club 'Diversifying' into Glamping and Camping Pods. although for who ?
Just Static Vans by another name.
Glad we are not tied to School Holiday dates/Hostage pricing any more.
Yes OP, agree with your statement, feel sorry for young folks with school kids.Trying to take them away for a 'cheap' break.
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I think this "Kids for 50p" is most unfair as all The Club is doing is recouping the discount given to make it 50p by increasing the adult nightly fee for all staying on the site. The Club is not giving anything away and will not be out of pocket.
Does anyone monitor the Club booking system and count up how many "bookings" get as far as the final price and are then abandoned? I don't suppose they do because sites are full!
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Perhaps Corners could offer some tuition.