Damp meter readings

huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
edited March 2019 in Motorhomes #1

what is an  acceptable damp reading ? I have a meter and on one inside wall at the back it reads 26%, but everwhere else is only 10-15%, it has stood since January so could it be just condensation  


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2019 #2

    I stole this from another forum. I have found the same info in the past but cannot remember where.

    Here are the industry reference points relating to moisture levels in caravans.

    These measurements are ONLY for use with the Protimeter tester, not any of the cheap and cheerful, and very misleading, other makes.


    Readings between 0-15% no cause for concern

    Readings between 15-20% engineer to make note of readings and recheck at next service.

    Readings between 20-24% possible early sign of water ingress, look for tangible evidence or ask for


    Readings between 25-30% moisture evident, remedial work necessary, may not require stripdown unless surface damage (staining, pimpling and softness) is apparent. There is a risk of wallboard deterioration due to retained moisture in the structure if re sealed only.

    Reading of 31% and above structural damage is occurring, deterioration inevitable, full stripdown of affected area is required


    Whilst it seems very simple to get a reading and think you have a problem, it is not and other considerations have to be borne in mind when taking readings, such as ambient temperature, humidity etc.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #3

    Husky, our back wall is the coldest spot in the van. In fact if we don't leave a cupboard open in that area it gets condensation and if this isn't checked the damp from the condensation could easily build up. Maybe this points to the different readings?


  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited March 2019 #4

    If I could give a little further info as well. Any readings over 20% if left the timber will rot. When taking the damp readings with the Protometer you must make sure that the two metal prongs penetrate the outer surface of the area that you are testing. That will ensure you are reading the timber below the surface where it is possible you could read moisture as a result of condensation. The only downside us that you will have two very small puncture holes

  • ClubMember250538036E
    ClubMember250538036E Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited March 2019 #5

    Here's my take on this: unless you are using a professional (hundreds of pounds) meter, the actual reading is less important than the relative readings.

    In this case if one area is significantly higher than everywhere else then it is worth investigating. It may be that the actual levels are say, 10% everywhere except one place that is 18 or 20%. So no problem. Equally it may be that the general reading is actually 15 or 20% and that one area is 30%. - needs looking at.

    Probably best to wait for a dry, mild day and recheck. If there is still one area significantly above the rest then investigate.

    If you want a free damp check drive to your local dealer, show interest in something much more expensive than you have and ask for a part exchange price. Don't be fobbed off with a "subject to survey" price insist on a fixed figure. The salesman will whip out a pro meter - just make sure you are looking over his shoulder.

    Downside to that it the figure you are given will depress you.


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2019 #6

    i have found the problem , the cover where the sat cable goes through the roof had lifted and water is seeping through , just needs taking off and cleaning up and resealing , and let it dry and recheck in a few months 


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #7

    Good to hear you've solved it Husky! smile