So what did the Club ever do for Motorcaravanners?



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited March 2019 #812

    Crikey, that’s gone up a bit! We used that overnight stop three years ago, 8pm to 8am and it was only £2. Assuming your friend paid for whole day of course. It was just a safe sleep stop for us, we were back on road early, off for breakfast at Evesham Country Park. Glad to hear it’s still there, it’s on our regular route to SW. Easy walk into town from there.

    Edit: found this link for it. Interestingly, it says caravans as well. The reviews are worth reading, give an indication of what the Club could face /have faced with any parking the wrong side of the Site barrier. The last Traveller invasion we go mixed up with was at Exeter Racecourse. Three Traveller vans appeared overnight and pitched up on what was then used as LNA. There were at the time no barriers. The violence and intimidation of members and staff resulted in the site being emptied, with the excellent Club staff finding pitches elsewhere for members. The police were to put it mildly, pathetic. The Site now has barriers, but LNA area is now just a general bit of Racecourse parking.....good luck with that being safe!


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited March 2019 #813

    It’s been discussed in this thread, Ray, and people made the point that anyone booked on a 'proper' pitch who is delayed could turn up after 8pm expecting to use LNA only to find no room at the inn.

    I suggest that one night stayers on sites probably far outnumber the capacity of LNA/nighthalt pitches.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #814
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2019 #815

    Almost every site?undecided

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited March 2019 #816

    does it recognize foreign number plates? (serious question, just interested)

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #817
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  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2019 #818
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  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #819
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited March 2019 #820

    Hmm..... put in ANPR system, which is linked to a booking/reg number (your words). Doesn’t this somewhat negate your wish for spontaneity BB? Surely that is some form of booking? The only plus I can see from that is that you could technically arrive at any time, rather than before 8pm. Up to 8pm you can still get onto a site, you just leave your membership card with reception. We often push the arrival limits, have done a good few 7.55pm arrivals. But we let reception know, happy to go with whatever pitch is vacant, and just turn up bright and cheerful at 9am next morning. Same whether you are a caravan or a MH. If we know our arrival is likely to be after 8pm, we make other arrangements, either in van or MH. Could be a very obliging CL/CS, might be a quiet little hideaway we have clocked on previous journeys. Or a pub, have a meal, can we park, job done. We don’t consider towns safe, too many lowlifes, vandals tend to be hanging around. But a nice quiet lay-by, out in the country, well back off a road, almost disguised......that is tempting.   We know a little peach in Cotswolds, even has its own very nice Greasy Spoon for breakfast. Have used it dozens of times, mainly with caravan. Sadly too full of HGVs nowadays.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited March 2019 #821

    well I thought because they all have different formats and fonts, but impressive. I did read that NCP car parks had trouble with some foreign reg cars. Perhaps they had the same IT people as the club.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited March 2019 #822

    There is a car park in Grasmere that never gets our (personal) registration, but I still pay up. (I like the lakes)

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #823
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  • JayOutdoors
    JayOutdoors Forum Participant Posts: 572
    edited March 2019 #824

    IMHO providing ‘Nightstops’ purely for M’homes would create inequality towards other members of the club with different leisure outfits and therefore not a fair way to use the club’s money/resoiurces.  

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited March 2019 #825

    Yep, I’ve been saying that for 85 pages.👍🏻👍🏻

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,895
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    edited March 2019 #826

    My experience is that it would free up space on Club sites for those who prefer to use them. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2019 #827

    You have "experience" on club sites, et? undecided

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2019 #828

    But your posts normally say how many pitches are already availabl with "under used" club sites so it is another reason they are not neededsurprised

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #829
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  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,908
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    edited March 2019 #830

    Thank you for all the comments, since my post - I think it was Saturday, but pages back.  I had half considered closing the thread, as suggested by some, but my thought was that, sometimes, an odd comment made by an individual can sometimes spark off an idea that could be developed into something really useful, which could ultimately help to enhance the experience of both motorhomers and caravanners.

    My first observation is that, judging by the number of motorhomers I see on Club sites, many seem to be happy using the facilities that are already available, otherwise they wouldn't use the network.  However we should always strive to improve things motorhomers and caravanners.

    The things that stick out in my mind from the posts made since Saturday are...

    The possibility of the Club setting aside a small number of hardstanding pitches (2/3) for single night use with no EHU:  At present the Club does have a small number of 'Economy' pitches on some sites - which are basically non-EHU pitches.  I don't know if these are just grass pitches, at present - I (or someone else) would have to look at this.  If there are HS pitches, it may first of all be worth the Club looking at the viability of these pitches as they stand.  It would depend on current usage as to whether or not to experiment in turning them into single night usage.....but there is a problem: What happens if a member uses a single night pitch and the decides he might like to stay an extra night?1  Imagine the scenario that other pitches on site are all fully booked and site staff may not know if the single night pitch is going to used until later.  Do the site staff turn away the person who has already stayed one night only to find that the pitch is empty after all - resulting in a disappointed member and the loss of income because this pitch is left empty afterall?  I think I've talked myself out of this being viable!

    The idea of having some pitches bookable and others not, in my opinion, would also not work.  I can't think of any site who leave a certain number of pitches available for folk who just turn up.  Pitches available for those who just turn up are the pitches that have not been booked, unless the site 'accepts no prior bookings at all' - off hand I can't think of a site that comes into this category, although I'm sure there may be some.  We have more of a tradition of booking in the UK, but my experience is that is necessary to book many of the popular sites on the continent, especially in high season.

    I quite like the idea of being able to switch off the EHU facility for those who do not need it.  This would help the Club reduce its electricity bill, but would require investment in infrastructure (i.e. new EHU bollards) and probably would only be possible when the bollards were due to be relaced.  My guess is that this might be achieved without significantly effecting the site income - the member would just be charged the average that the Club would save by not supplying electricity to the pitch?  It's certainly something I could introduce for discussion.

    I know I will have missed many points, it does make it more difficult to read through and follow when posts are punctuated by occasional arguments and personal comments. Please avoid this sort of thing and tends to achieve nothing other than to rub folk up the wrong way.  Please keep discussions friendly, thoughtful and informative.

    Best wishes


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2019 #831

    "I quite like the idea of being able to switch off the EHU facility for those who do not need it.  This would help the Club reduce its electricity bill, but would require investment in infrastructure (i.e. new EHU bollards) and probably would only be possible when the bollards were due to be relaced.  My guess is that this might be achieved without significantly effecting the site income - the member would just be charged the average that the Club would save by not supplying electricity to the pitch?  It's certainly something I could introduce for discussion."


    I've just taken that paragraph from your excellent post, David. I have come round to agreeing that this is a genuinely easy and effective way to satisfy to a large degree what is being asked for.  To those who insist it would have to be policed I would just say that I think we have to take on trust that anyone declining EHU would not be so dishonest as to hook up anyway. Actually, I still believe the numbers would be fairly small and so would the loss of revenue to the club. But if anyone was found transgressing then just cancel their membership with immediate effect. I know that some want more - the ability to decline using on site facilities for a further reduction in price  but I'm afraId this would just overcomplicate things. If one doesn't want those facilities why stay on a site that offers them?  It's been pointed out often enough above how many alternatives there are. So yes, this idea would surely be easily implemented and a compromise in favour of the "ad hoc tourers". smile

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited March 2019 #832

    David, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with your description of the difficulties in setting pitches aside for any reason. It will be fraught with problems.

    Letting pitches with the option of having no EHU is a different matter and eminently feasible. However, I fear it really would need policing. I’ve witnessed units plugging into more than one socket so I’m afraid not everyone is as honest as we would hope. 


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited March 2019 #833

    Many moons ago, we spent years using a lovely private site that offered a few hook ups in a specific area, but most pitches at the time were none hook up. How did they manage it? In the most simple way possible. As you arrived, you were asked hook up or not. Depending on your answer, you got a small flyer to place in your caravan or MH window. It gave the arrival and expected departure date (stay could be extended). If you asked for a hook up, it was on red coloured paper, if no hook up it was on white paper. It was a lovely well run site, where one of the family ambled around two or three times a day to make sure all was well, to chat with anyone who wanted to chat, but of course they were also making sure that all was as it should be and no one was doing anything they shouldn’t have been doing. Such as thieving electric. Sometimes simple methods work. Walk around need to be random timed of course! 


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,165
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    edited March 2019 #834

    If you take a couple of pitches out of general use for overnighters doesn’t that then potentially put working folk who want to go away at weekends at a further disadvantage 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019 #835
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  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,073
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    edited March 2019 #836

    As an extension to those ideas why not replace the "old" bollards with metered ones. Electricity used would be charged at the same price as the club buys it in. Then members could choose whether or not to pitch on a "metered" pitch, use the EHU or not, and this would be registered in the wardens office. Members choosing these pitches would then just pay the adults(+Child) fee on arrival and settle up for electric used, if any, on leaving. 

    I admit this will give additional work for the site wardens, but could be tied in with the return of the safety barrier key on leaving.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2019 #837

    On numerous sites now with the added security being added to deter the other form of touring ,the exit barrier is also controlled by the safety barrier card/disc/key/code number so the member would be expected to call at the office thus enabling the site staff to read meter at the bollard and raise a bill for electric used, 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited March 2019 #838

    Ok, I give in! I know I said I would not post on this thread anymore but in the light of David’s encouraging post, I have changed my mind, just for one more post.

    The choice of using EHU would certainly go a long way to satisfying myself. I have always seen the fitting of electricity meters as being the way forward, even if it is only on a few pitches. It still means members wanting electricity could still use them paying as they do now for it to be included in the pitch fee or paying by the Kwh

    On the question of using economy pitches, as far as I am aware they are mostly grass, why not turn them into hard standings.

    I think BB’s idea of doing away with the LNA areas by equipping sites with ANPR is a good one. Just how much are the LNA areas actually used?

    Two other points worth making which would in my view go a long way to making the Club more motorhome friendly would be the introduction of:.

    1. The ability to book hard standings

    2. Allow members to call in a site for a fee to use the MSVPs. I see this complimenting CL usage and make them more attractive to Motorhomers. It isn't always easy to use facilities on a CL. (there are nearly a 1000 CLs offering hard standing which motorhomers could use)


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,396
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    edited March 2019 #839

    Just had a glance at a few Club Sites, mainly ones we have used, and Devon and Cornwall. I didn’t look at AS sites. Somewhat to my surprise, not many have a LNA area! On the plus side, some have none electric pitches. But the price is still high on some without electric, one instance was over £18 for a couple, no hook up. On grass as well. That makes a lot of CLs much better value for money, provided of course you are happy using own facilities.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2019 #840

    over £18 for a couple, no hook up. On grass as well. That makes a lot of CLs much better value for money

    If you compare costs of facility and none facility sites a couple are probably paying £10 for the facilities. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2019 #841

    The choice of using EHU would certainly go a long way to satisfying myself. I have always seen the fitting of electricity meters as being the way forward, even if it is only on a few pitches. It still means members wanting electricity could still use them paying as they do now for it to be included in the pitch fee or paying by the Kwh

    Great idea. Metered in summer when usage is low and all you can eat in winter.